Chapter 14
It was not until late at night that the Empress Dowager Huayang left Xingle Palace with Mi Chan.

Zhao Ji, who was in a good mood, had no intention of resting for a while, but stared at Ying Zheng with piercing eyes, and asked, "What does Zheng Er think of the princess of Chu?"

"Didn't the queen mother already have the answer?" Ying Zheng, who was studying the scroll of swordsmanship that he had just obtained from Zhao Ji, replied.

"I don't want my answer, but Zheng'er's answer." Zhao Ji stared at Ying Zhengdao, she wanted to see what Ying Zheng really thought.

"Not bad, she's pretty." Ying Zheng said.

"Only these?" Zhao Ji was obviously not satisfied with Ying Zheng's answer, which was too simple.

"Only these, are the others important?" Ying Zheng asked rhetorically.

"The others are not important?" Zhao Ji would not just let it go.

"The other things are really not important. Although she is good, she is not the only one. I really don't care much about other things except the color." Ying Zheng said.

Mi Chan is really not that important to Ying Zheng. There will not be only one woman in the Qin Palace in the future. Whether Mi Chan is good or bad is just an insignificant matter to Ying Zheng. There are too many people who can Replaces Michan's role.

"Qingxi, what did you see from that Princess of Chu?" Zhao Ji, who had no more information from Yingzheng, asked Qingxi who was serving beside Yingzheng.

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, I haven't seen much, I only know that Princess Chu's martial arts should be pretty good." Qing Xi replied after thinking for a while.

"Martial arts? Or dancing?" Zhao Ji asked.

"Martial arts, her internal strength is very good, and her spiritual sense is very strong, no less than a second-rate master." Qing Xi considered it carefully.

"Compared to you?" Zhao Ji asked in surprise.

In Mi Chan's body, she saw the color and tranquility, but she never thought that such a little girl would have good martial arts, especially her status as a princess should not have too much connection with such things as martial arts is.

"When I was her age, I should be about the same. As for now, she is not as good as me." Qing Xi said.

"That's really amazing, but I never thought that she is still a martial arts prodigy."

Zhao Ji, who knew Qingxi's details clearly, couldn't help but take a breath, she was really hiding something deep.

"Zheng'er, do you still treat her as an ordinary girl now?" Zhao Ji asked Ying Zheng.

"An ordinary girl with good martial arts." Ying Zheng said solemnly.

"You?" Zhao Ji couldn't help covering her forehead with a headache. How could this annoying child only remember Mi Chan's beauty.

Is it really grown up?Thinking of this moment, Zhao Ji looked at Ying Zheng with other expressions.

"Michan can be selected by the king of Chu, and the grandmother's eyes can also be seen by the queen mother. Of course, she will not be an ordinary girl. She will naturally have her own special features. But, are these important?" Ying Zheng said.

"It's not very important." Zhao Ji said after thinking for a while.

Does it matter whether Mi Chan knows martial arts?It doesn't matter, is it possible that there is still domestic violence, not to mention, such a girl with both beauty and intelligence is really rare.

While Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng were talking about Mi Chan, the Empress Dowager Huayang was also asking Mi Chan about Ying Zheng's impression.

"Chan'er, are you relieved now?" In the bath surrounded by water vapor, the Empress Dowager Huayang, who had almost submerged her whole body in the pool, asked Mi Chan who was climbing into the bath cautiously.

After returning to Huayang Palace, the Empress Dowager Huayang took Michan into the bathroom. In the cold winter, soaking in a hot bath was obviously not just Yingzheng's hobby.

"Auntie, I've never been worried." Michan, whose thin arms and legs were all submerged in the hot water, couldn't help but tense up. The water was a little hot.

"Really not?" The Empress Dowager Huayang asked in disbelief.

"Well, I admit, there is, from the beginning to the end, even now." Mi Chan adjusted to the water temperature, and sank her whole body, submerging her slender neck and delicate jaw.

"You are luckier than me." The Empress Dowager Huayang comforted her.

A teenage girl who traveled thousands of miles away from her hometown and came to such a strange country just to win the favor of a man, a man who was a complete stranger. The Empress Dowager Huayang had experienced such a thing before, and she knew what was going on. taste.

Therefore, she can empathize with the grandniece in front of her who has never met before, and has great pity for her.

"Lucky? Maybe. But, it's not worse, isn't it?" Mi Chan smiled, and looked down, seeing the rippling water surface, her body sank slightly, and exhaled mischievously. Flip up to create a stream of air bubbles.

"Yeah, it won't be too bad after all. Your Majesty is still very good. For a woman, he is a very good marriage partner." Empress Dowager Huayang said.

"Well, I can see that the king is quite interesting." Mi Chan said after surfacing out of the water.

"Interesting?" The Empress Dowager Huayang said in surprise, it was the first time she heard about Ying Zheng having such an evaluation.

"The way the king and the queen mother get along is very interesting." Michan recalled.

Before she came to Qin State, she had already sketched the image of Ying Zheng in her mind, but after meeting for real, she realized that what she thought was still too simple. What he sketched was a young King Qin , in Xingle Palace, what she saw was still the same, but she saw another thing from Ying Zheng, that was not a person who was materialized by the throne.

Ying Zheng is still a teenager.

"For a person like Queen Mother Zhao, it's thanks to the king to accompany her to talk nonsense." The Queen Mother Huayang shook her head and laughed, but, while speaking, there was a hint of envy in the Queen Mother's eyes.

Although she is already a grandmother, she has never really experienced the feeling of family happiness.

"I think it's pretty good." Mi Chan recalled.

"However, the maid next to the king is a bit special." Mi Chan said suddenly.

"Is that maid? That's right, she seems to be a little older, but this is a good thing for you." The Queen Mother Huayang said.

"It's not because of this, that court lady knows martial arts, and she's very strong." Mi Chan said.

"Martial arts? Maybe it will be a trap." The Empress Dowager Huayang thought about it.

"Your martial arts are pretty good. You can actually tell that the Yin Yang family's kung fu has just started." The Empress Dowager Huayang suddenly realized that her grandniece was not what she imagined, she just worshiped her. Under the Yin Yang family, I learned some basic kung fu, which is simple.

"It's not just about getting started, Auntie. In the Yin Yang family, my talent can be ranked among the top five." Mi Chan said with some pride.

"Even if you can be number one, so what? Don't tell me you're still thinking about domestic violence." The Empress Dowager Huayang smiled when she saw Mi Chan's slightly shy expression. After all, she was still a child.

"Maybe there is a real chance." Mi Chan laughed.

"Okay, hurry up and go to bed, it's getting late." The Empress Dowager Huayang said.

"En." Mi Chan responded.

Then there was the sound of splashing water.

(End of this chapter)

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