Chapter 164
As the battle in Mincheng subsided, the dark clouds over Xianyang dissipated a lot, but, amidst this calm, Lord Chang'an's mansion was suddenly sealed off, and the entire mansion, everyone was grounded.

Such a change caused a small wave in Xianyang, but it was just that, because at this time at Hangu Pass, there were still nearly [-] troops fighting against each other.

"So, the Zhao army who broke into Guanzhong has been wiped out?" Meng Ao looked at the military newspaper in his hand in a daze, and subconsciously touched his already gray hair.

If it weren't for the fact that the person who sent the military newspaper in front of him was his eldest grandson, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ao would even suspect that the military newspaper in his hand came from the enemy to disturb his mind and make him make a wrong judgment .

"Yes, the Zhao army has been wiped out. Your Majesty and the last reinforcements will come to Hangu Pass soon, trying to inflict heavy damage on the Five-Nation Allied Forces without knowing that the Zhao Army has been completely annihilated." As Ying Zheng The messenger sent, Meng Tian replied.

"How did the [-] Zhao army's elite cavalry be wiped out overnight? Xianyang doesn't have many soldiers and horses, and the defense is still weak. It is impossible to have the power to destroy the Zhao army. Could it be that the king has borrowed the power of the sky? "Meng Ao said solemnly.

"Your Majesty used a kind of equipment." Meng Tian replied.

Even with Meng Tian's disposition, when he thinks of the scene at that time, he can't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Although it was just a kind of equipment, the power it erupted was never inferior to natural disasters. Hundreds of thousands of elite Zhao troops and hundreds of thousands of war horses were wiped out in an instant, which is no longer something that human power can do.

"What equipment?" Meng Ao asked.

"Hundred Battle God Machine Crossbow." Meng Tian said.

God of War Machine Crossbow?Could it be those people?Meng Ao thought of the public losers and Mohists who appeared in Qin several years ago.

Soon, Meng Ao knew what the Hundred Wars God's Machine Crossbow was, because Ying Zheng had already appeared behind Hangu Pass with Gong Shuchou and the Hundred Wars God's Machine Crossbow army.

In the camp of the Qin Army behind Hangu Pass, Meng Ao still had a dreamy feeling when he looked at the Hundred Wars Divine Machine Crossbow in front of him.

Is it these things?
"My lord, is this the magical weapon that destroyed a hundred thousand Zhao troops?" Meng Ao caressed the cold metal fittings of the Hundred Wars Godly Crossbow. When he saw these magical weapons, Meng Ao still felt a sense of trembling from the bottom of his heart.

The emergence of these things is a crisis for military strategists, and in this crisis, is it possible for military strategists to overcome the crisis and reach a higher level?
"It's a magical weapon, but it's a pity that some of them can't be mass-produced after all. Right now, there are not many arrows left. Except for the arrows left for Zhao's battlefield, they can be used in Hangu. Less than [-] sticks have been closed." Ying Zheng said.

Although the Hundred Wars God Machine Crossbow can be mass-produced, the arrows cannot. The materials needed for the gunpowder can only be collected in a primitive way at this time. If they want to be synthesized chemically like in later generations, It will take a long time.

"Three thousand, enough to change the outcome of a war." Meng Ao said.

"Yes, although [-] arrows cannot achieve the record of annihilating [-] Zhao troops, they are enough to destroy the enemy's morale. General, now that the Allied Forces of the Five Nations are in front of us, I don't know which country's army can serve as our army. The next main target?" Ying Zheng asked.

The [-] arrows on the front of Hangu Pass, which stretched for hundreds of miles, seemed extremely thin, but if they were used intensively, they would be enough to create a no-man's land on this front.

"The Zhao army is the courage of the coalition army, and the Chu army is the confidence of the coalition army. Now that the Zhao army has been wiped out, the next target should be the Chu army. As long as the Chu army is defeated, the coalition army will collapse." Meng Ao replied road.

With the strength of the Qin army, it is very difficult to defeat the [-] coalition army, but if you only want to defeat the army of one country, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

Meng Ao and we are already thinking about how to defeat the Chu army, but there are too many Chu troops, and Meng Ao can't think of a specific and feasible strategy for a while, and the introduction of Ying Zheng has already solved this problem.

"The Chu army is indeed the best choice, but this time, Gu's goal is not just to defeat the Chu army." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Meng Ao looked at Ying Zheng in shock.

If defeating the Chu army and then repelling the coalition forces is a simple goal, what is the real goal?

It seems that only the country is destroyed.

Which country is it?
"There are less than two counties left in South Korea. Instead of letting it linger and make King Han worry about gains and losses, it is better to give South Korea and King Han a good time." Ying Zheng said.

"As for the State of Zhao, it's hard enough up and down. Of course, I, Qin State, have to help him share some difficulties. The Yanmen County and Dai County in the north can be taken down to shield them from the pressure from the wolf clan." Ying Zheng continued. road.

"If we can severely damage the Allied Forces of the Five Nations this time, it will be a matter of course to win South Korea. As for Zhao's northern border, Your Majesty, there is no output there. If we win these two places, for Zhao Guo, It may be considered as a burden to get rid of, for Qin, not only can't get anything from these two places, but it seems that it is not a good choice to garrison heavy troops there." Meng Ao hesitated.

"It seems that taking advantage of the complete annihilation of Zhao's army this time, it is the best choice to take down the rich land in the hinterland of Zhao's capital." Meng Ao continued.

"Although Yanmen County and Dai County in Zhao State are not rich, they are the main sources of Zhao State's elite cavalry. Taking these two counties will not be enough to severely damage Zhao State's national strength, but it can severely damage Zhao State's military strength. , As for the so-called rich land of Zhao State, no matter how rich it is, it can still compete with Qin State in terms of national power." Ying Zheng said.

From the perspective of short-term interests, this time it is indeed necessary to take advantage of the good opportunity of the annihilation of the entire elite Zhao army to capture the plains north of the river with Zhao Capital as the core. It is most in line with Qin's interests.

Because there is the essence of the Zhao army, there are not only hundreds of thousands of common people who are good at fighting, but also Li Mu, a generation of famous generals who can cover half of the Zhao country with one person, a famous general who has brought cavalry tactics to the limit in this era .

"Yanmen, Daijun?" Meng Ao asked.

Meng Ao also understood Ying Zheng's concern at this time.

If the Zhao State does not have strong soldiers, then the confidence of the Zhao State will be completely lost. The Zhao State has never been known for its wealth. Moreover, the State of Zhao, which has lost Yanmen County and Daijun, can certainly accumulate more money and food. , but in the end it may not necessarily be anyone who is cheaper.

(End of this chapter)

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