Chapter 234 Anger Is Suppressing

"The plan has been completed, and now we can proceed to the final step." In the left army formation of the Qin Army, Wang Jian saw the wolf army in chaos on the battlefield and didn't know that his side had been surrounded. A smile.

"It really made his plan succeed, but it's just that the plan succeeded. The next step is the real dangerous moment." At this time, as the forward of the right army formation, he had already completed the rendezvous with the left army formation, completely Bai Yifei, who surrounded the army of wolves, looked at the soldiers of the Qin army in the left army formation beside him, and murmured.

It is not difficult to formulate such a plan, but it is extremely difficult to implement it.

Because that is not pretending to be defeated, but really being suppressed by the enemy to retreat step by step. In this process, we must let the enemy really fall into our own rhythm, and at the same time keep ourselves on the verge of defeat. Among them, the grasp of the subtleties is not something that everyone can do.

"What will happen next?" Zi Nu asked on the wall of Yanmen City.

"The next will be a real fierce battle. The wolves who want to survive will unleash the strongest combat power, and he will do everything possible to maintain this encirclement and expand the damage to the wolves at once." Wei Zhuang said .

"Is the fierce battle before just the beginning?" Zi Nu was shocked.

After all, Zi Nu is just a woman, and she still has too little understanding of war.

"Yes, if what he wants is to defeat the wolves, then the battle just now is over, but what he wants is not just to defeat the wolves, so the battle just now can only be the beginning." Wei Zhuang road.

"War, intuitive war is indeed a very terrible thing." Zi Nu sighed.

"Next you will see even more terrifying things." Ge Nie took the initiative to say.

"What could that be?" Zi Nu asked suspiciously.

Soon Zi Nu knew the answer.

Explosions sounded like thunderbolts in the distant battlefield.

"Is this the more terrifying thing?" Zi Nu couldn't help but stare at the battlefield with her eyes wide open, and she looked at the battlefield where there was constant thunder and thunder.

"Unfortunately, there are not many arrows from the Hundred Battle God Machine Crossbow. If there are enough arrows, there is no possibility for the [-] wolf army to escape." Gai Nie said with some regret.

At this time, what Zi Nu saw was only shock, but what the wolf clan felt was real terror.

Everything they encountered at this time has exceeded their cognition, and that is no longer the power of human beings.

However, when the fear of the unknown and the fear of death are intertwined, some people collapse, while others burst out with a stronger will for their own lives.

When the battlefield between the Qin army and the wolves turned into a real hell, behind Yanmen City, something happened that seemed unimaginable to the people of Yanmen, but it seemed to be a matter of course.

In the city gate tower, the drums of the soldiers gathered suddenly sounded.

"Governor, what are you going to do?" The sheriff of Yanmen County, who was watching the battle in person at the city gate, suddenly ordered his soldiers to beat the drums for gathering troops. Such a move naturally aroused people's doubts and doubts.

"The wolf clan is about to be defeated. If we don't make a move at this time, our Yanmen County will be in danger when the Qin army really defeats the wolf clan." The county guard said to the deputy general beside him.

"The county guard wants to gather troops to support the wolf clan?" The deputy general was shocked, and felt that the three views were about to be subverted.

When is Zhao Jun Bianqi going to rescue the wolves?

When the wolf clan ravaged the countryside of Yanmen County before, they turned a blind eye and guarded the isolated city. Now that the wolf clan is about to be defeated, they want to help their enemies?
How can there be such a reason in the world?
"The wolves are our allies now. Once the wolves are completely defeated by the Qin army, do you know what that means?" The county guard didn't think there was any problem with his choice.

All he did was for the country of Zhao, for the king of the country of Zhao.

There is such a fucking reason for this? The lieutenant general doesn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

"As a general, what you need to do at this time is not to question, but to gather soldiers and horses." The sheriff scolded.

"Junshou, people's hearts." The deputy general questioned.

"What is the human heart? I only know Zhao Guo." The sheriff said indifferently.

He has not been in Yanmen County for a long time. It was during the incident of Zhao Jun's Bianqi going south, because Li Mu left [-] Bianqi privately, which made Zhao Wangyan suspicious of the officials in Yanmen County headed by Li Mu. thoughts.

Therefore, but the war did not end, a new county guard was selected for Yanmen County to divide Li Mu's authority in Yanmen County.

But some things are wrong from the beginning, and the more you do it, the more wrong it becomes, such as the current situation.

"Where is Zhao Guo?" the deputy general said in a concentrated voice.

"Zhao Guo is on top of us." The sheriff said impatiently.

"There is only the sky above our heads, Zhao Guo has never been above our heads, and among us, the county guard, I don't know what you are thinking at this time, I only know that the wolf clan is our enemy, even if it is temporarily We have made a sexual alliance, but they are still enemies, and since this day, we still remember the bloody crimes committed by our 'allies' in Yanmen County." The lieutenant general said.

"Are you going to disobey my order?" the Sheriff asked.

"Don't dare." The lieutenant general said, but his spine was straight.

"Since you don't dare, why don't you hurry up and gather troops," the sheriff said.

"I also don't dare to do this, the only thing I dare to do is these." The deputy general said and walked towards Jubinggu.

"What are you going to do?" The sheriff noticed something unusual.

"Governor, I don't know where Zhao Guo is, I only know what the land under my feet is." The lieutenant general said that he had drawn the battle sword from his waist.

"Stop." The sheriff had already realized what the deputy general was going to do.

But will the lieutenant really stop?
A gleam of blue light flashed across, and the drum of gathering soldiers shattered.

"You are so brave, you dare to destroy a public weapon in front of the battle, this is a capital offense." The sheriff roared.

Since coming to Yanmen County, the sheriff who bears the king's order has long been impatient with the indistinct ostracism inside and out, and the behavior of the deputy general now ignites the depression in his heart. A long time of anger.

"Come here, take down this treacherous person." An angry shout exploded in the tower.

However, there was only this shout of anger.

Because the soldiers on the left and right didn't move at all, as if the angry shout from the county guard didn't exist.

"Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear my order?" At this time, the sheriff calmed down instead.

"You do it, the law is still there, there is no mercy." The lieutenant ordered the soldiers on the left and right.

But the soldiers on the left and right still didn't move.

"Are you going to disobey orders?" the lieutenant asked in a deep voice.

Under the gaze of the lieutenant general, the soldiers on the left and right took action, but the county guard's face became even more gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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