When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 304 Lord Changping and the farm family

Chapter 304 Lord Changping and the farm family
When Lu Buwei and Xiong Qi left Xianyang Palace, twilight had already appeared in the sky.

Mr. Changping, who returned to the mansion, went straight to the compartment next to the study without taking a break. Here, there was already a person waiting for him.

This person should be in his thirties, about the same age as Xiong Qi, with a thin beard between his lips, dressed in coarse linen clothes, with wide fingers and palms, he looks very different in front of a prince like Xiong Qi.

He is Tian Guang, the farmer Kui Kui who claims to be the most influential farmer with the largest number of people, and he has already come to Xianyang. As for his purpose, he is to rescue Brother Tian Meng and Tian Hu who fell into Qin Guoting's prison.

For Tian Guang, brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu are not just subordinates, but brothers of his same clan, occupying an important position in his future power building over the farming family.

It can be said that if Brother Tian Meng and Tian Hu died in the prison of Tingwei in the Qin State, then, among the future farm families, Tian Guang's control over the six halls of the farm family would be reduced by one level, which would threaten the Tian family's future in the country. status of the farm.

In the farming family, although there are many factions, fundamentally speaking, there are only two factions, that is, the Tian clan and people with foreign surnames.

Without brothers Tian Meng and Tian Hu, in the next ten years, the Tian clan will lose control of two of the six farm halls, which means that it will fall into the hands of people with foreign surnames. If he grows up, it will seriously affect the dominant position of the Tian clan in the farming family.

Tian Guang absolutely didn't want to see such a situation, so even if he knew that it was almost impossible to save someone from Qin Guoting's prison, even if he knew that Xianyang was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den for him, Tian Guang had to come.

Fortunately, in Xianyang, he found Changping Lord Xiong Qi, a man with high status in Qin State and who had other thoughts about Qin State.

This is not the first time that Tian Guang and Xiong Qi are in contact, and of course it will never be the last.

"It seems that it is impossible for Qin to slow down the pace of attacking the five countries." Xiong Qi said helplessly.

"Mr. Changping, did something happen in Xianyang Palace today?" Tian Guang asked. Of course, he asked this question not because of curiosity, but purely to cooperate with Xiong Qi.

Sure enough, after Tian Guang asked this sentence, Xiong Qi began to talk about his experience in Xianyang Palace.

"It turns out that Qin State still has such a weakness, isn't that it?" Following Xiong Qi's narration, a door to a new world opened for Tian Guang.

For Qin, people in the world generally feel despair, but in Xiong Qi's narration, Tian Guang has seen Qin's fatal weakness, which is not a big gain for Tian Guang.

"No, I've calculated for Qin. Before Qin can't support it, it's the five countries that can't support it. When Qin's military merit system comes to an end, the five countries no longer exist." Xiong Qi Said pessimistically.

"Is there really no hope for the Five Kingdoms?" Tian Guang said in shock.

"There is no hope. The biggest problem now is not how powerful Qin is, but that the five countries themselves are too weak. Compared with Qin, the five countries are more fragile. Opportunities can only exist in the future." Xiong Qidao.

In Xiong Qi's heart, there is already a vague plan, and the light of inspiration has appeared in his consciousness. With the accumulation of time, this ray of inspiration will become a plan.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, Ying Zheng gave him enough opportunities.

"Brother Tian, ​​I asked you to come here this time because I have heard some news about your farm disciple." Xiong Qi collected his thoughts and said to Tian Guang.

"But is it good news?" Tian Guang said with a happy face.

"It's good news. The farmer's female disciple named Tian Mi fell into the hands of a woman in Xianyang Palace. This woman has a lot of influence in Xianyang Palace. It may not be a disaster for your disciple to fall into her hands. Maybe the farmer's Unexpected gains can be obtained from this." Xiong Qidao.

"So, is that girl Tian Mi in Xianyang Palace now?" Tian Guang asked in surprise.

In Tian Guang's plan, Tian Mi was never considered. Although she fell into the trap of Qin State together with Tian Meng and Tian Hu brothers, Tian Guang, who knew how difficult it was to save people from Qin State, naturally didn't want to Increased difficulty of rescue missions on a woman.

"Well, saving people from Xianyang Palace is more difficult than saving people from Tingwei's prison." Xiong Qi reminded.

After hearing the sweet news, Xiong Qi's first thought was not to save people, but something else.

"Indeed, Tian Mi's stay in Xianyang Palace will do more good for us than harm," Tian Guang said.

"As for the news about the Tianmeng brothers, it is also good news. Recently, some prisoners in Tingwei's prison will be incorporated into the Xingtu, and they should be released to carry out some kind of project construction. As long as the two of them are allowed to leave the court We can find a chance to rescue the two of them if we enter Wei prison," Xiong Qi said.

"This is indeed good news, but, in this way, it all depends on the king. In this plan, where the farmer's contribution is needed, the king can directly order it." Tian Guang said.

"It's not convenient for my people to go out to save people in the Qin country. If we want to implement the plan, we can only rely on the strength of the farmer's family." Xiong Qi half explained, half stated.

"As long as Tian Meng and Tian Hu can be rescued, the power of the peasant family can be mobilized by the king." Tian Guang said.

"I'm not refusing anything here. After all, saving people is the real important thing. However, there are some things I want to say first." Xiong Qi said, looking at Tian Guang.

"Your Majesty, please make it clear." Tian Guang said with a solemn expression.

"After this matter is over, the peasant family will withdraw all of its power in Qin State. In the next ten years, it is absolutely impossible to do even one thing that is an enemy of Qin State." Xiong Qidao.

"Your Majesty, why is this?" Tian Guang asked puzzled.

The power operated by the peasant family in Qin State was formed after hundreds of years. If they just withdraw like this, wouldn't that be self-destructive power?

"Now, any kind of power standing in front of the Qin State will be destroyed by it, and the peasant family is the same. Don't give Qin State a chance to attack the peasant family. Our chance is in the future, not now." Xiong Qidao.

"Although there is a high degree of confidence in rescuing Brother Tian Meng this time, it will undoubtedly leave an impression on Ying Zheng, and once he thinks about it, you should know the horror of it." Xiong Qidao .

"Yes." Tian Guang heard what Xiong Qi said, and didn't say any more, as he agreed with Xiong Qi's words.

However, Tian Guang's attitude in Xiong Qi's eyes made him see another meaning: Tian Guang's fear of Ying Zheng was very deep.

Such a discovery cast a shadow over Xiong Qi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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