When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 402 The Future of Physicians

Chapter 402 The Future of Physicians

Half an hour later, Concubine Yan obviously didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but her voice became inexplicably hoarse.

Looking at the crumpled skirt, Concubine Yan felt two wars. If it wasn't for Ying Zheng who was supporting her, this peerless woman would have already squatted on the ground in a very shapeless manner.

Concubine Yan said in a hoarse voice, "Did the king ask me to wear Dong Jun's dress today, did he plan it long ago?"

"So you have already discovered it?" Facing Concubine Yan's suspicion, Ying Zheng said without changing his expression.

"It's not fair." Concubine Yan protested, grabbing Ying Zheng's arm.

"Then tell me, what fairness do you want?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Next time, Your Majesty will also come wearing his own King Qin clothes." Concubine Yan said.

"This won't work." Although Concubine Yan's so-called fairness seemed to be taking advantage of Yingzheng, Yingzheng still refused.

"Why?" Concubine Yan was puzzled.

What she said to ask Ying Zheng for fairness was only literal. In fact, it was Ying Zheng who got the benefits. In her opinion, Ying Zheng had no reason to refuse, but the facts in front of her?

"King Qin's clothes are a symbol of King Qin's royal power. Although we can be unscrupulous, we still need to have some awe." Ying Zheng explained.

Such things as royal power are not only the power held by Yingzheng, but also many things, such as seals, rituals and music, etc.

Although Yingzheng has some unrestricted power in theory, in practice, Yingzheng needs to restrain himself. After all, such a system is to maintain his own authority, and he is the system The biggest beneficiary in the world, how can he take the lead in talking about what belongs to him.

Of course, if Ying Zheng is a person like King Zhou You in the historical story, then everything will be different.

"It turns out that the king can't do whatever he wants." Concubine Yan said inexplicably.

"No one can do whatever they want, even if they are lonely, they must be in awe." Ying Zheng said.

"Awe, what does the king need to be in awe of? Could it be the sky above my tender head? It should be, after all, the world will soon belong to the king." Concubine Yan asked curiously.

"People in the Shang Dynasty, from the king to the common people, were obsessed with gods and feared ghosts. As for the people of the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of Zhou changed the theory of ghosts and gods in the Shang Dynasty and advocated respecting the sky to protect the people. Is Gu even worse than Emperor Zhou?" Ying Zheng asked rhetorically.

"So, it's the people that His Majesty fears?" Concubine Yan suddenly asked.

Concubine Yan, who just got the answer, fell into another doubt.

The gap between the king of Qin and the people is too huge. The king of Qin can decide the rise and fall of the world with one word, but what about the people?I only run around for my livelihood all my life, and I can only take care of myself. If I can take care of my family, it will be considered a great success.

The person with the strongest power fears the weakest person, such a thing?Concubine Yan was thinking, looking at Ying Zheng with burning eyes.

Naturally, Concubine Yan would not interpret Ying Zheng as weak because of Ying Zheng's words. There is no man stronger than Ying Zheng in the world. Concubine Yan firmly believes in this, but it is precisely because of this that she will What Zheng Fang said was even more curious, because she was able to read the secrets between Ying Zheng's words.

"Yes." Ying Zheng said.

"So, Your Majesty, don't think about letting me enter the palace. I don't want to be the concubine who is afraid of the King. I want to be the man whom the King fears." Concubine Yan suddenly laughed, but this whisper But it was very short, because Yan Fei smiled and found that she had no strength.

Concubine Yan, who discovered this fact, couldn't help but glared at Ying Zheng angrily. She was standing just now. Although Ying Zheng supported her body, it was still very laborious after all, especially at that time when she couldn't lift her body. strength.

"Pretentious woman, do you think Xianyang Palace is only as big as you see?" Ying Zheng pinched Yan Yan, who looked a bit like Yan Yan, and said.

"Xianyang Palace is huge, I know that." Concubine Yan said.

"It is the whole world, but it is the invisible world, and now I just want to be a stupid woman, so I can only see this Xianyang Palace in front of me, I can't see anything else." Concubine Yan showed a rascal look when she spoke.

Playing tricks is a human privilege. In this regard, there is no distinction between men and women, as long as they are human beings.

"Let's go for a while?" Ying Zheng put Concubine Yan's long hair scattered on her forehead back to her place.

"No, no." Ying Zheng's ordinary words fell into Concubine Yan's ears, but it shocked the Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family, and she took it as an invitation.

"My legs are still a little weak now, I really can't go on." Concubine Yan explained in a flustered way to cover up the misunderstanding between her words just now.

After all, the last part of the road was completed in a reverse way.

After Concubine Yan stubbornly left, another person appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

"Do you want to say goodbye alone?" Ying Zheng looked at the head of the doctor with a tangled expression in front of him and asked.

"Hmm." Duanmu Rong, who had been entangled in her heart for a long time, only felt relieved when Ying Zheng took the initiative to expose her thoughts. It was really difficult, very difficult for her to say those words.

"Have you figured it out?" Ying Zheng asked.

Of course Ying Zheng knew the purpose of Duan Murong's farewell, and it was precisely because of knowing that he asked this question, because Duan Murong's reasons made Ying Zheng unable to refuse, and only Duan Murong himself could refuse himself.

"I've thought about it. Now there are more than a thousand medical centers across the country. Are these medical centers playing their due role? Are there any problems in the process of their operation? The information collected by the people in the medical center is still not enough, after all, although words are a means of expressing information, they are only a means." Duanmu Rong's delicate face was full of solemnity at this time.

Duanmu Rong obviously took matters concerning the doctor's family very seriously.

"So, you want to see it yourself?" Ying Zheng said.

This is undoubtedly an innocent woman, because of her innocence, she is persistent, and because of her persistence, she is Duanmu Rong.

"Well, you can only believe what you see with your own eyes. I have calculated that there are now [-] medical centers across the country. According to the commonality and special circumstances, I have selected [-] medical centers among them. If it takes one month to inspect a medical center, plus the time spent on the road, it will take about five years to thoroughly understand the specific operation of the medical center, and then provide enough experience for the next step of the development of doctors." Duanmu Rong said, if that serious look was combined with counting fingers, it might be more convincing.

However, will Ying Zheng be persuaded by Duanmu Rong?
(End of this chapter)

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