Chapter 448
On a not so sweltering morning, the Zhu family moved his fat body out of the door frame of the bedroom, and his face, which had been washed off the oil paint mask, was covered with white fat, which made him look even richer.

Facing the thick cloud in the sky, feeling the sultry atmosphere from the air, the Zhu family showed a smile.

What other people feel in such sweltering weather is unbearable, but he is different, because such sultry weather let him know that in the near future, rain will fall on this land.

Rainwater is the greatest gift from heaven to every farmer who relies on farming for a living.

So such sweltering weather may make others feel uncomfortable, but the Zhu family is very happy about it, because he was a former farmer's disciple, and now he is the head of the agricultural department among the six tribes of Emperor Yan, and the chief minister of Qin.

In the past, he was the core disciple of the new generation in the farm family. If nothing changed, he would become one of the six hall masters of the farm family, and it is not impossible for him to even be a hero.

But that's just what should be, not what's bound to happen.

All the trajectories changed with their trip to Xinzheng that year. During that operation, they were inexplicably suppressed by a stronger force. Since then, on him, except for the peasant disciples In addition to identity, there is another layer of identity.

Until the Qin State plotted to split Chu, until the Qin State attacked Daze Mountain, they completely completed the transformation of their identities. From then on, there were no more peasant families in the world, and they were no longer peasant disciples. The Yandi Six Departments of the country.

In the past few years since entering the Qin State, the Zhu family has also relied on their accomplishments in farming to gain a firm foothold in the Qin State.

In these years, he presided over the improvement of grain seeds in agriculture, the use of manure, and cooperated with the Mohists to complete the improvement of plow tools, and even participated in the project of repairing the calendar hosted by Taoism and Yinyang.

Relying on these achievements, the Zhu family gradually gained their own place in the court of the Qin State, and last year became the chief minister of the Qin State, the rank of the Jiuqing, and the master of agricultural affairs.

However, although Zhu's family is ranked as a major farmer, their living habits are the same as before, and they don't live in a mansion. In Xianyang City, they only have a self-made small courtyard as a place to stay. He still lives in Xianyang more of the time The vast fields outside the city, the fields and the food crops in the fields are the most attractive things in the world to the Zhu family.

Walking out of the yard, walking gradually on the street, meeting the passers-by on the street, and receiving sincere greetings, in the greetings, it was not out of awe of power, but purely because of the Zhu family.

This man who has made great contributions to farming deserves everyone's respect.

And this kind of respect is extremely precious to the Zhu family, because they are naturally dwarfs, so every respect from them is a great affirmation to the Zhu family.

"Your Majesty only summoned me today, why?" Zhu's family pondered and walked towards Xianyang Palace.

He is very good at martial arts, this distance is nothing to him, if it is not for the prohibition of using light kung fu in Xianyang City, his speed can even exceed the speed of a carriage.

When the Zhu family came to Xianyang Palace, they found that not only he was summoned by Yingzheng, but also Cai Ze, the right prime minister and Mo Ban, the master of Mohism.

"Sinong, what do you think of these things?" Amidst the doubts of the Zhu family, Ying Zheng asked the servant to bring a box.

The Zhu family opened the box suspiciously, and found that there was a mass of white silk in the box, which looked like silk, but it was not wrapped silk.

The Zhu family stretched out their palms suspiciously and grabbed the ball of silk, feeling soft but with an inexplicable temperature. What is it?
The Zhu family looked at Ying Zheng suspiciously, and said, "Your Majesty, what is this and why have I never seen it before?"

"This is cotton. It was sent from the Western Regions to Xianyang not long ago by General Li." Ying Zheng said.

"Cotton? These things?" The Zhu family looked at the 'cotton' in their hands, and it was difficult to guess Ying Zheng's intentions for a while.

It must have its own significance for it to be so valued by the subordinates, but where is its significance?
The Zhu family was holding cotton in their hands, but within a short time, a trace of warmth had already leaked out of the palm. Feeling the heat from the palm, the Zhu family suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Your Majesty, could this be used as something to keep out the cold in winter?" the Zhu family asked.

"It's not just that, take a closer look at the contents of the box," Ying Zheng said.

The Zhu family heard the words and looked into the box, only then did they notice that there was a lining at the bottom of the box, could this be the same?
The Zhu family took the lining in the box in their hands, and only then realized that this piece of cloth was completely different from the linen or silk he knew, and it was another brand new thing.

The Zhu family looked at the things in the palms of the two hands, and his eyes gradually became serious. With his knowledge, he quickly determined that although the two things in his palms were completely different in appearance, they were completely different in essence. is a thing.

"Your Majesty, can these cottons be made into silk thread and then cloth?" Zhu Jia asked.

"Not bad." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, is it possible to plant these cottons on a large scale?" The Zhu family asked, unable to hide their excitement while speaking.

"It depends on your ability, Da Si Nong." Ying Zheng said.

Ying Zheng is very clear about the significance of cotton to a society.

In his memory, the existence of cotton and wool set off a great revolution that changed the world.

What Yingzheng has done in the grasslands for more than ten years has given Qin the foundation of wool, and the foundation of cotton has also been initially demonstrated at this time. Next, it is time to promote this change nationwide. up.

Even in this world, due to different world rules, it may not be possible to reproduce that great social change, but the social significance brought by the popularization of cotton is still huge, and it is still worthy of Yingzheng's great energy.

Clothing, food, housing, and transportation are the four dimensions of people's livelihood.

Okay, Qin State has built a nationwide road system covering the whole country through large-scale road construction, barely completed the land trip, and road construction at the township level under the county will continue for several years.

Living with this problem is not a problem in the era of Qin State at this time, and everything can be done naturally.

As for food, with the existence of Yandi's six parts, as long as everything can be found steadily, it will definitely become better and better.

Only the issue of clothing has too many restrictions in this era. Fortunately, it is only a matter of time before the tribes of the grassland are included in the ruling system of the Qin State, and the emergence of cotton has solved the final problem for Yingzheng. little problem.

(End of this chapter)

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