When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 456 Interlaced Time and Space

Chapter 456 Interlaced Time and Space

After Xiao Pixiu officially became the new pet of Xianyang Palace, Bai Xueyi also appeared in Xianyang City with the gift she prepared for Yingzheng.

"Your Majesty, is there anything wrong with those people?" After Bai Xueyi told Ying Zheng the information she knew, she saw Ying Zheng who was indeed deep in thought. This kind of Ying Zheng made Bai Xueyi a little puzzled, could it be Is my statement not complete enough?

"The timing is wrong," Ying Zheng said.

"Time?" Bai Xueyi asked in amazement, how could it be such an answer?
"It's time. The Western world at this time should not be the time you mentioned." Ying Zheng said.

According to Bai Xueyi's statement, the western soldiers she sent to Xianyang were from Greece. This is not a problem at all, but when the number one power in Greece is Mycenae, the problem becomes serious.

In Yingzheng's memory, the Mycenaean era in Greece is more than a thousand years away from the era of Qin State. The two countries, the East and the West, can meet across the distance of space, but how can they meet across the millennium? together?

Such a thing?
Ying Zheng pondered, aren't these two worlds in the same dimension?

If so, what would be at the end of this world?For a moment, countless questions appeared in Ying Zheng's mind.

Vaguely, Ying Zheng thought of the abnormalities he discovered when observing the astrology these years. Could it be that this is really a world with a round sky and a round place?Is there only a world belonging to the East in this world?

Hearing Ying Zheng's explanation, Bai Xueyi was even more puzzled, what time is that?Some things are no longer things that Bai Xueyi can use his wisdom to understand.

"Let's not talk about this matter for now, what do you think of those people's cultivation methods?" Ying Zheng took the initiative to change the subject.

"It is very desirable, and it has the same effect as our bloodline power cultivation method, but their bloodline cultivation method is more complete than ours, with a complete cultivation system, which is similar to our qi training method. According to the memories extracted from those people's memories, their so-called golden heroes probably have the same strength as our grandmaster." Bai Xueyi said.

"The end of blood power is the gods." Ying Zheng said.

"Gods? In their memories, gods are indeed everywhere, but are there really gods?" Bai Xueyi asked curiously.

"There should be. If a person can break through to the realm above the master, in the eyes of ordinary people, isn't he comparable to a god?" Ying Zheng laughed.

"Great Master? That's just the realm in legends. Since Lao Tzu, the first teacher of Taoism, no one has been able to reach that realm." Bai Xueyi said.

"Why do you think it is difficult for people nowadays to break through the upper limit of the Grandmaster Realm?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Maybe it's because you can't practice?" Bai Xueyi hesitated.

"It's not because they can't practice. For hundreds of years, all the people who can enter the realm of masters are people who lead an era. There is no doubt about their talents and efforts. Although the realm of great masters is ethereal, it is not enough to let so many Outstanding people can't touch the edge." Ying Zheng said.

"Even Xue Yiyi has become a master a few years ago, but you clearly know where the road ahead is, but you still can't make progress in your cultivation." Ying Zheng said.

"Does Your Majesty know the reason?" Bai Xueyi hesitated.

"I know." Ying Zheng said.

Bai Xueyi showed surprise when he heard the words, if he knew the reason, wouldn't there be a solution?
In Bai Xueyi's anticipation, Ying Zheng said: "It's not that you masters are not talented enough and don't work hard enough, it's just that the vitality of the world in this world can only support you to reach the realm of masters."

Hearing Ying Zheng's explanation, the expectation in Bai Xueyi's eyes disappeared instantly. What Ying Zheng said now was not only hope, but despair for her.

If it was because of his own reasons, he could still make changes to himself, but now that Ying Zheng said it was because of the world, then for Bai Xueyi, hope was completely cut off. The world cannot be changed by manpower.

"Doesn't that mean that there is no hope for us people?" Bai Xueyi said unwillingly.

"If there are no accidents, I'm afraid so." Ying Zheng said.

"No accident? Then there was an accident?" Bai Xueyi asked, and she heard a possibility from Ying Zheng's words.

"No accident often means that there is an accident. It seems that you still remember what I told you once." Ying Zheng said.

"I remember everything His Majesty said to me." Bai Xueyi said.

"The accident lies in Canglong Qisu." Ying Zheng directly told Bai Xueyi the truth about the accident.

"Canglong Qisu? Could it be that Canglong Qisu can help someone break through to the realm of a master?" Bai Xueyi said pleasantly, but this surprise quickly disappeared.

Canglong Qisu is something that can only belong to Yingzheng.

"That's right, there are seven heaven-sacrificing arrays recorded in Canglong's Residence. As long as the heaven-sacrificing arrays can be built, the vitality of the starry sky can be drawn into this world. At that time, the upper limit of this world will be opened." Ying Ying politics.

"Sacrificing to Heaven?" Bai Xueyi pondered, "What do you need to build a Sacrificing to Heaven?"

"It's just countless manpower and material resources." Ying Zheng said.

"Is the Mausoleum of Lishan that His Majesty is building now the Heaven Worship Formation?" Bai Xueyi asked.

"Exactly." Ying Zheng said.

"Is Your Majesty still short of people? If so, it's not a problem to recruit [-] people from the grassland tribes for His Majesty." Bai Xueyi said.

"People from the grassland tribes may not be able to be promoted to such delicate work as the Heaven Sacrifice Array," Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, you have to give it a try." Bai Xueyi said.

"There can be no accidents in the first heaven worship formation. When the second heaven sacrifice formation is built, it is time to consider recruiting manpower from the grassland tribes." Ying Zheng said.

"Yes, but, Your Majesty, when will the first Heaven Sacrifice Formation be built?" Bai Xueyi asked. Only women who are hard to resist temptation.

"Three years." Ying Zheng said.

"Three years, it's not too long." Bai Xueyi pondered, only felt that there seemed to be something stirring in his heart, it was a feeling of commotion.

"Xueyi doesn't need to worry. Three years later, when the Heaven Sacrifice Formation is completed, I will keep you by my side. You will become the first batch of people in this world to break through to the realm of a great master," Ying Zheng said.

"Then Xueyi would like to thank His Majesty, for such a great favor, Xueyi would not want to repay it without a grass ring." Bai Xueyi smiled, smiling beautifully, just like the first sunshine after the snow.

"There is no need for a ring, Xueyi can hold another thing." Ying Zheng said.

Ying Zheng responded with a cloud of red snow.

(End of this chapter)

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