Chapter 466 Yun Dynasty
"The world is different from the world." Amidst Ying Zheng's doubts, Nine Heavens Profound Girl said.

"So, what's the difference between the world and the world?" Ying Zheng asked.

"There are too many differences. Comparing different worlds will give different answers. However, if we limit the scope to this world, we can make it a virtual world, especially for Your Majesty." Nine Heavens Xuannv road.

"Illusory world? Is it an illusory world?" Ying Zheng said.

"The illusory world can be explained in this way."

"Then what is the real world?" Ying Zheng asked.

"The world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is the real world. As for other worlds, including our current world, they are just imaginary worlds evolved from the world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"For some unknowable reasons, outside the Yuanyuan world, virtual worlds will evolve, and among these numerous virtual worlds, there will be various shadows of the Yuanyuan world." Nine Heavens Xuannv explained.

"So that's how it is." Hearing Nine Heavens Profound Girl's explanation, Ying Zheng's heart moved slightly, and he looked through the long memories in the depths of his memory.

This world, in the eyes of Ying Zheng at this time, is a real world, but in his long-term memory, it is an illusory existence.

Is the imaginary world just a projection of the world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is still an incomplete projection?If that's the case... Ying Zheng didn't think about it any further. The result was too cruel for him.

"Your Majesty, don't think that the imaginary world is illusory. Every world, since its birth, even if it is a real world, everything in this world is also a real existence." It seems that I can see what Ying Zheng has in mind. Worried, Nine Heavens Profound Girl continued.

"Yes, looking around, what I see is the truth." Ying Zheng affirmed.

At this time, faces flashed in Ying Zheng's mind, and memories emerged in his mind. Ying Zheng could be very sure that those were real.

"However, the imaginary world also has its own limitations." Nine Heavens Xuannv said: "In the imaginary world, there are rules that have existed since the beginning of its birth. The creatures in the imaginary world are born in this world. It is very difficult to break through the rules and restrictions of this world.”

"So, what's special about me is that I can't bear the restrictions from this world like people like Chi You?" Ying Zheng said.

"Yes, Your Majesty comes from the world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so you are not restricted by the rules of this world. It is precisely because of this that I will give up my original plan. Faced with the trap of Canglong Qisu, Your Majesty may be able to break it." Nine Heavens Profound Girl said.

"Do you think I have the ability to defeat the Canglong who broke the seal?" Ying Zheng said.

"Maybe it's possible." Nine Heavens Profound Girl said.

"I have a doubt." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"Since Nine Heavens Xuannv can severely damage Canglong and seal it, why can't she kill it completely, instead she has to spend so much time to seal it, so that she has brought so much trouble to herself?" Ying Zheng asked. road.

"Because Canglong integrated himself with this world in the first world in order to protect himself after falling into this world," Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"The big river was transformed by the Canglong?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Yes, the big river in this world is transformed by the Canglong, and it is also when the Canglong turns into a big river, to make this world completely complete, and let the Canglong have the favor of the world in this world. If Canglong is killed, this world will be destroyed, and all creatures in this world will be doomed." Nine Heavens Xuannv explained.

"A dragon has kidnapped a world," Ying Zheng said.

"Kidnapping? That's an appropriate description." Jiutian Xuannv thought about it.

"However, Your Majesty is different. Your Majesty comes from the world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He is not limited by the upper limit of this world. He can raise his power to the level enough to defeat the Canglong. At the same time, His Majesty is the first emperor of this world, and the way of the emperor The ultimate is the way of heaven." Nine Heavens Profound Girl said.

"So, Nine Heavens Xuannv will not be my opponent this time, but on the contrary, she will be my ally?" Ying Zheng said.

"Yes, this time, Nine Heavens Xuannv is Your Majesty's ally." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"But why did I choose the Nine Heavens Profound Girl instead of Canglong? You know, the skills I cultivate come from Canglong." Ying Zheng said.

"Precisely because the exercises that His Majesty cultivated came from Canglong, so His Majesty can only cooperate with me."

"The reason." Ying Zheng said.

"Because your majesty has practiced the kung fu, it will become a sacrifice for the Canglong to escape from the trap. The heaven sacrifice formation in the Canglong Qisu is to restore the Canglong's injuries, and it is also to allow those who practice the Canglong Qisu kung fu to use the kung fu. Cultivate it to a very high level, so that Canglong can refine it into a secondary body, and then use the secondary body to help the main body break the seal." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"So that's it. So now I have only one choice." Ying Zheng said, at this moment, the questions that had been lingering in his mind for many years were finally solved.

The vague and mysterious development track of this world is also clearly presented in front of Ying Zheng.

This is really an interesting thing, more interesting than I imagined.

"Perhaps your Majesty can give up and be your own emperor with peace of mind." Jiutian Xuannv said.

"I already have too much now, it is impossible to give up, I can only go on." Ying Zheng said without the slightest hesitation.

Human desires are endless. Although the risks facing Yingzheng at this time are huge, the benefits are also attractive enough.

"Although the road ahead is full of dangers, as long as those dangers can be overcome, Your Majesty will be able to see a wider world." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"How can I have the power to break the situation?" Ying Zheng asked.

Can one person practice the skills from Canglong, can defeat Canglong?Ying Zheng has reservations about this issue.

As if seeing Yingzheng's doubts, Nine Heavens Profound Girl said: "Although the skills in Canglong Qisu come from Canglong himself, they are not created by Canglong, but from the Dao of Heaven. In front of Dao of Heaven, Canglong is actually related to His Majesty. There is no difference, Your Majesty has cultivated it to the point of surpassing Canglong." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"Then as an ally, what can Nine Heavens Profound Girl do for me?" Ying Zheng asked.

"She can let His Majesty establish a real fortune." Nine Heavens Xuannv said.

"Yunchao?" Ying Zheng looked at Jiutian Xuannv silently, waiting for her next words.

"Fortune Dynasty is not just a matter for the emperor alone, but for the construction of the entire country. Although many of His Majesty's current practices have embarked on the path of Fortune Dynasty, they are just his own groping after all. Unlike Jiutian Xuannv, she has A complete method, such as the condensation of luck, the refinement of the array..." Jiutian Xuannv explained.

"In this way, I can save a lot of detours." Ying Zheng said, there is really no reason to refuse such a deal, and there are too many offers.

(End of this chapter)

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