When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 488 Spring of the 24th Year of the First Emperor

Chapter 488
In the past three years, what Qin has done is not just casting twelve golden men.

In the past three years, the Qin State New Army was formally formed successfully, and medical clinics throughout the country were also running smoothly.

Under the auspices of Xun Kuang, schools in various counties and counties within the state of Qin have also been put into use, and the school in Guanzhong has even been in operation for three years.

Through the medical clinics and academic management in every village and village in the country, the Qin State truly extended the imperial power to every common people of the Qin State.

In the past three years, with the promotion of Yandi's six tribes, the agricultural productivity in Qin State has been improved. Although it has only achieved a [-]% increase in production, this [-]% is still an astronomical figure for the entire world.

In the past three years, under the auspices of Han Fei, the integration of the laws of the original seven countries, including Qin, was formally completed. Compiled the "Code of Laws" belonging to the empire.

In the past three years, the State of Qin has built the straight road system into every county, and built relatively complete rural roads between the lower-level villages.

In the past three years, Qin State built a canal connecting the three major water systems of Dahe, Huai River, and Dajiang River on the basis of the original Wu State Fucha Canal and Wei State Hongguo. Digestion of Chu and Yue's hometown.

The Grand Canal, coupled with the Qin State's extending in all directions, made Qin's power range completely integrate the vast territory from the desert in the north, to Lingnan in the south, from the East China Sea in the east, and to the Kunlun Mountains in the west into an unprecedented empire.

Among these series of achievements, there is a seemingly insignificant project that Ying Zheng attaches great importance to. It has also been successfully completed.

It is the imperial mausoleum of Lishan Mountain, an imperial mausoleum built on the back of the Qinling Mountains, an imperial mausoleum with a radius of tens of miles, and it is also the formation of Yingzheng's sacrifice to heaven.

What changes will its completion bring to the world?
Xianyang Palace.

A special sound surrounds the silent hall.

With the passage of time, the suppressed panting sound gradually became out of control, rising continuously, until it suddenly slipped away at the peak, and then, the entangled figure suddenly loosened.

"The little guy is getting more and more greedy." Ying Zheng hugged Hong Lian, who was lying on his shoulder weakly.

"Your Majesty, it's not my fault. You asked Honglian to practice hard, but Honglian is too stupid, so I can only ask your majesty to help Honglian mend it." Honglian rubbed Yinglian with her round face. Zheng's chin, said coquettishly.

"Where are the two Hu beauties?" Ying Zheng pinched Honglian's fleshy jaw and asked her to look to the right.

On the right side of Ying Zheng, there are two women of the same age, appearance, and figure who are falling into a coma.

"Isn't this something His Majesty likes?" Hong Lian said as she moved her body, took Ying Zheng's palm and placed it on her heart.

"You, now you are not as obedient and cute as you were when you were a child." Ying Zheng said while kneading the familiar touch.

"Does Your Majesty think that Honglian was cuter when she was young?" Honglian asked pretty.

"Naturally, the red lotus was still such a small ball at that time." Yingzheng's palm moved slightly, causing Honglian to tremble.

"No way, Honglian has never been small." Honglian protested.

"Okay, I'm getting up, I need to prepare for the sacrifice to heaven in the past two days." Ying Zheng sat up and said.

"Yes." Hearing this, Hong Lian also got out of Ying Zheng's arms, awkwardly crawled over the bodies of the Hu sisters, got off the bed, and brought clothes for Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng, who was dressed under the service of Honglian, said: "In the past two days, you should consolidate your breakthrough realm. The sacrifice to heaven in half a month will be an opportunity for you."

"Yes, Honglian will never disappoint His Majesty." Honglian assured with a serious expression.

Not long after, under the watchful eyes of Honglian, Ying Zheng left the palace belonging to Honglian.

In the twenty-fourth year of the first emperor, Yingzheng had already passed his thirty-seventh birthday. This age is a very dangerous age for people of this era. After all, Yingzheng’s biological father, the late king Yingzi Chu, was almost at this age. Age dies.

After all, Yingzheng was an exception. The thirty-seven-year-old Yingzheng was tall and strong, with dark and strong long hair hanging behind him, showing Yingzheng's strong vitality.

His appearance has not changed, but it seems to have changed, because people used to notice Ying Zheng's appearance, but now no one can pay attention to Ying Zheng's appearance.

With the gradual formation and stability of the empire, Yingzheng, who had already integrated himself with the empire, became more and more unfathomable.

The emperor, a creature that has never appeared in this world, is undergoing some indescribable transformation, and is only waiting for an opportunity, a miracle that will allow the emperor to achieve a real transformation.

"It's time." Ying Zheng cast his eyes into the distance while pondering.

The sky is like jade, not stained by dust.

Lu Mansion at the same time.

"Why did you invite me here this time?" The eldest princess Yingyan, who was excused by Lu Zhi's serious illness, looked at Lu Zhi who was in high spirits and showed no sign of illness, and asked with unkind eyes.

"Eldest Princess, I am really seriously ill." Under Ying Yan's gaze, Lu Zhi said without changing his expression.

"Heh." It was Ying Yan's sneer that responded to Lu Zhi.

"Princess, I really didn't lie to you this time. Grandfather wants me to marry someone." Lu Zhi said with a sad expression on his face.

"Congratulations then." Ying Yan said.

"Princess, is this something worthy of congratulations? I don't want to get married. You know about this." Lu Zhi said.

"Of course I know, and I also know that you still want to be my aunt, and you still want to tell me, Eldest Princess, we will talk about our own things in the future. I will still call you sister, and you will call me aunt, right? Yours With that little thought, do you really think I don't know?" Ying Yan said coldly.

"Is it really not possible?" Lu Zhi asked.

"Do you think it's possible?" Ying Yan asked back.

"I think it's possible." Lu Zhi said with a serious expression.

"What makes you so confident?" Ying Yan said in a bad tone.

"Because I know you, the eldest princess." Lu Zhi laughed.

"You?" Ying Yan's expression changed a little.

"Yes, because I know you, the eldest princess, if someone else encountered such a thing, they would definitely be very angry, but you, the eldest princess, are an exception. I know that while you are opposed to this matter, you also have expectations. "Lu Zhi said slowly and confidently.

Eldest Princess, although you are superior to me in terms of wisdom and talent, you are still very well protected by His Majesty after all. There are some things that you don't understand.Lu Zhi said to himself in his heart.

"It's a bunch of nonsense. Father will soon be offering sacrifices to heaven in Mount Li. If you still want me to take you with you, you'd better be honest." Ying Yan said.

"Okay, I see." Lu Zhi said.

I already know what I want to know.Lu Zhi added in his heart.

 V group was sacrificed, so we can only build one more, please add more.

(End of this chapter)

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