Chapter 498 A Plain Encounter

While Ying Zheng was observing the big breasted cat in front of him, the big breasted cat was also observing Ying Zheng.

She is Zhu Zhuqing, an unlucky girl from the Star Luo Empire. She can have various adjectives, such as sexy, youthful, beautiful, and indifferent.

But when these adjectives appeared on her body, they could only describe one aspect of her, while only the word unlucky could perfectly summarize her life experience.

This is an unlucky girl, but also an incredible girl.

She is twelve years old this year, more precisely, she has not yet passed her twelve-year-old birthday, but anyone who is not familiar with her will not believe that she is only twelve years old when she sees her.

With such a hot figure that is almost domineering, who would dare to say that she is only twelve years old.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing, who was only twelve years old, was looking at Ying Zheng who was not far in front of him with a puzzled expression.

In a place like Star Dou Great Forest, a child appeared?Yes, it's a child, and it's a child no more than ten years old. There are weirdness everywhere.

She came from the Star Luo Empire and went to Soto City in the Barak Kingdom. Due to some special reasons, she did not choose to take the path of the human world, but walked along the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

Although the Star Dou Great Forest is full of dangers, most of the dangers come from the soul beasts, and the human heart is more dangerous than the soul beasts. Therefore, in order to avoid the dangers from humans, she can only choose to work with the soul beasts.

Along the way, she encountered various dangers, but luckily, she made it through without any risk, but when she was about to reach the destination, there seemed to be a slight misfortune.

Who is this kid?How would it appear here?Thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing looked past the small figure in front of him, but turned his gaze to the surroundings.

But there are other people around here?And could the child in front of him be just a bait?A bait to catch me?Thinking of this possibility, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but tense up, and then turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of Ying Zheng.

No matter who that child is, it is the best choice for me to leave as soon as possible.Zhu Zhuqing, whose figure was like a civet cat jumping and moving in the jungle, said to himself in his heart.

But what if he is really just a child separated from his parents? In this place full of crises, can he survive?

In an instant, some blurred images appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's mind again, among those images, there was a bloody figure under the minions of the soul beast.

Zhu Zhuqing's running body couldn't help but stop, and then his fair face became even fairer, almost pale.

Thinking of that possibility, Zhu Zhuqing was struggling, her rationality told her that the best thing she could do at this moment was to pretend that she didn't know anything, so as to avoid possible accidents.

But reason is only reason after all, if it is within the scope of one's ability, but a small life is lost because of one's own indifference?
I'm probably going to have nightmares, right?Zhu Zhuqing thought in his heart.

However, if I was too busy, I might not even have the chance to have nightmares.Zhu Zhuqing struggled inwardly but still took a step forward.

After all, he's just a kid I don't know, and his life and death have nothing to do with me.Thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing strengthened his footsteps again.

This big breasted cat is interesting.Ying Zheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing's disappearing back, but he wasn't surprised. Zhu Zhuqing's struggle at that moment couldn't be hidden from Ying Zheng's eyes.

Just a normal girl, well, of course, with a slightly abnormal figure.Ying Zheng chuckled, and walked in the direction Zhu Zhuqing left. It wasn't that Ying Zheng had any thoughts about such an abnormal girl, it was purely because he was on the way. Ying Zheng also needed to go to the human world.

However, after walking a certain distance, Ying Zheng stopped again, because at the position in front of him, the girl who had just met once came back.

"Have I met a good man? And a good man in an extraordinary sense." Ying Zheng looked at the healthy figure that had appeared within the range of perception.

Soon, Ying Zheng saw a hint of relief in those cat eyes. This girl seemed to have made a terrible decision just now.

"If at this time, there are one or two more soul beasts or people with murderous intentions, wouldn't it be even more clichéd?" Ying Zheng thought strangely in his heart, why did the girl go and come back? , of course it is already clear.

"Where are your elders?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

This is a very ordinary encounter. After a girl in trouble overcomes the struggle in her heart, she saves a child who doesn't need her help at all.

There is no so-called hero saving the beauty, and there is no so-called beauty saving the hero. There are only ordinary boys and girls walking together.

Ten days later, Soto City.

As the most important economic center of the Barak Kingdom, Soto City is unquestionably prosperous. On the bustling street, a small figure strolls among them, attracting passers-by on the street who can't help but turn to the small street. The figure looked.

Because that little figure is really special, but at the age of eight or nine, the clothes on his body are not gorgeous, they are just ordinary linen clothes, as if they appeared in the hands of a peasant woman in the countryside, but such a set of clothes is a bit shabby Wearing it on his body, it doesn't have the slightest rusticity, but instead has an inexplicable nobility.

Because on that small figure, people can feel a kind of inexplicable nobility, and this kind of breath can never come from the countryside.

What's more, this boy is so 'beautiful' that passers-by on the street will subconsciously cast their eyes on him. Could it be that the passing carriage listened, and a picture of grace appeared from the window? With a luxurious face, looking at the small figure with burning eyes, he casually put down the car curtain with regret, leaving only a sigh.

This figure naturally belonged to Ying Zheng, who walked out of the Star Forest together with Zhu Zhuqing, and then came all the way north.

Along the way, Yingzheng fully understands this world with different styles.

In this world, not only Wuhun is worthy of Yingzheng's attention, but the entire civilization developed around Wuhun is worthy of Yingzheng's understanding.

This world is very different from the world of Qin Dynasty. In this world, there is a more powerful force than the current Qin State. In some special fields, it has advanced technology, but in some fields, it is far behind.

But this civilization is a freak. On the one hand, it has developed its own civilization around Wuhun, and has developed this civilization to an extremely high level, but in terms of culture, it is pitifully backward.

It seems that the degree of civilization is extremely high, but it is just a benefit from this world. In this world, there are too rich resources to support the development of the society in front of it to the present level, but this is not the foundation of this civilization. Achievement, if Qin State can have such rich resources as this world, then the civilization created by Qin State will definitely far exceed the current height of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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