When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 526 The Legend of the Great Demon King

Chapter 526 The Legend of the Great Demon King
One month after the Heaven Dou Empire was forced to relocate its capital, the Heaven Dou Empire chose its new capital city: Soto City, the number one economic center in the Barak Kingdom, with its economic and transportation advantages, became the new capital city of the Heaven Dou Empire. new capital city.

And as the Heaven Dou Royal Academy came to Soto City along with the Heaven Dou imperial family, a new school was also under preparation.

Soto City, Shrek Academy.

Shrek looked at the document in his hand, and a strange smile appeared on his owl-like face. He never thought that he would have a day of getting rich, and it came too suddenly.

"Flender, what is going on with this imperial document?" Opposite Flender was a middle-aged man with short hair. His name was Yu Xiaogang, and he had a very interesting nickname: Master.

One of Flender's friends who traveled to the mainland together in the morning, and Liu Erlong called the existence of the Golden Iron Triangle.

He only came to Shrek Academy a few days ago.

"The empire wants to expropriate land for Tiandou Imperial Academy, and our Shrek Academy is also within the scope of land expropriation, and the compensation we will give is very generous." Flender said strangely.

"If that's the case, isn't it just like your dream of getting rich, why don't you seem so happy now?" Yu Xiaogang asked puzzled.

"Do you know who gave me this opportunity to make a fortune?" Flender put away the paperwork and said.

"Well, speaking carefully, it should be the one who marked Heaven Dou City and forced the Heaven Dou Empire to move its capital?" Yu Xiaogang thought.

"Yes, it is because of that person. If it wasn't for him, the Heaven Dou Empire would not have moved its capital. If the Heaven Dou Empire hadn't planned to use Soto City as the new Heaven Dou City, our academy would not have become the Heaven Dou Empire. The location of the new school of the academy." Flender said sadly, but at the same time he was also grateful.

Fortunately, I confessed in time at that time. If not, the person who really forced me to deal a cruel blow at that time, then I and Shrek Academy may no longer exist.

"Your expression tells you that you seem to know that existence?" Yu Xiaogang observed the expression of his old friend, and thought of a possibility.

"Yeah, I recognize it, and I have fought against each other before." Flender said.

"Really?" Yu Xiaogang doubted.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Am I joking about this kind of thing? Haven't you seen that among several students, Dai Mubai is the one who trains the hardest? If I tell you, the reason why he works so hard is that It's because he was forced to contact his fiancée by force, can you understand?" Flender said.

"Is that the one who fought in Tiandou City now?" Yu Xiaogang asked in surprise.

"Thinking about it before, I thought it was quite shameful, but when I think about it now, I'm really glad that the one at that time wasn't too pushy." Flender said with a look of gratitude.

Considering that the opponent was able to conquer Heaven Dou City and force the Heaven Dou Empire to relocate their capital because of their domineering nature, it was already giving them a lot of face to be able to do that in Shrek Academy.

"So that's how it is." Yu Xiaogang pondered, but he thought of another thing in his mind, thinking of himself.

For some reason, Yu Xiaogang just felt an inexplicable premonition in his heart that in the future, he would have an intersection with that person.

Is it an illusion?

"Fatty, have you been broken up again?" In the student dormitory, Dai Mubai couldn't help showing a smile as he watched the red-haired fat man with a decadent expression come in from outside the room.

"Grass, what right do you have to laugh at me as a person who has been withdrawn?" The red-haired fat man didn't silently endure Dai Mubai's teasing as usual this time, but retorted.

He is Ma Hongjun, one of the few students in Shrek Academy.

In the past, he was very envious of Dai Mubai's suaveness, and there was never a shortage of women around him, but ever since he knew that Dai Mubai was withdrawn from his marriage, he felt that Dai Mubai was actually nothing more than that, and the envy in his heart had greatly increased. Reduced, replaced by schadenfreude.

Although he is often broken up, he has never been withdrawn from the door.

Therefore, after hearing Dai Mubai's frequent teasing again today, his first reaction was to fight back.

"Fatty man, what did you say? Say it again if you have the ability." Seeing Ma Hongjun, who was always in awe of him, say something he didn't want to face, an uncontrollable flame rose in Dai Mubai's heart.

"What's the point of saying it again? No matter how much I broke up, I didn't let anyone break up the engagement." Ma Hongjun, who was also in a bad mood, said forcefully.

"You..." Dai Mubai was so angry that his veins burst out.

Being annulled is an unbearable thing for a young man, not to mention being ridiculed by others like this, especially when this person is Ma Hongjun whom he usually doesn't think much of.

How powerless Dai Mubai was in front of Zhu Zhuqing, how angry he was in front of Ma Hongjun at this moment.

"Hmph." Seeing Dai Mubai's face that almost wanted to eat people, Ma Hongjun couldn't help feeling guilty, but the boy's stubbornness made him insist on not bowing his head.

"You're courting death." Ma Hongjun's stubbornness ignited the last sliver of reason in Dai Mubai's mind, and while speaking, he swung his fist at Ma Hongjun.

"Damn it, you're serious." Ma Hongjun couldn't dodge in time, and got hit firmly in a circle. Even though his body was well defended with fat, he still felt a piercing pain at this time.

But after a certain halo on his body disappeared, Ma Hongjun's respect for Dai Mubai became much less stupid. This time he was ridiculed and attacked again, so he didn't care about other things. After receiving a solid punch , is also punching back.

For a while, the two scuffled together, the state was very intense, but fortunately, the two still had the last reason and never used their martial souls.

But reason has a time limit, but when the anger completely ignited the reason, a red light suddenly rushed out of the room, followed by another white light.

A tiger and a firebird confront each other in the courtyard, and the battle is imminent.

"What are you going to do?" At this moment, Zhao Wou-ki appeared in a very timely manner, followed by a handsome young man, but with an inexplicable sense of wretchedness in his eyes.

"Exuberant energy, high anger, want to fight, come, let me help you reduce the fire." Zhao Wou-ki sneered.

"Teacher Zhao!" Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun couldn't help showing a trace of interest when they saw Zhao Wuji with a ferocious face.

"Don't put away the Martial Soul yet." Zhao Wuji scolded.

"Yes." Facing Zao Wou-ki who said he would do it, and didn't know how to stop, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun could only honestly withdraw their respective spirits.

In another direction, Flender looked at everything released in the distance, and said to Yu Xiaogang: "You have also seen that Dai Mubai's current state, although he has worked harder, if he can't overcome the shadow in his heart, even if his talent Extraordinary, but achievements can only be limited after all.”

"What's going on with this matter? You said the divorce..." Yu Xiaogang said.

"That's a long story." Flender told Yu Xiaogang what happened a month ago.

Flender soon discovered that Yu Xiaogang's complexion became very ugly during his narration.

This?Flender was slightly surprised, but quickly realized that what happened to Yu Xiaogang back then was also a girl and a master?
It's just that, apart from this point, there seems to be no other similarity between the two, right?

But are there really no similarities?

This is only from Flender's point of view, from Yu Xiaogang's point of view, the two are completely the same before, so there is already something else in the expression he looks at Dai Mubai.

"Dai Mubai's temper is getting weirder and weirder." When Yu Xiaogang was thinking about something, in another direction, a girl in pink who also saw the scene just now had a bit of a smile on her face. Said with disgust.

"I can understand him. After all, after experiencing such a thing, how many people can accept it calmly." Another blue-clothed boy who looked older said.

The boy and the girl are Tang San and Xiao Wu respectively, and together they can only be regarded as half a person.

"Then what's the matter, isn't it just withdrawing the marriage?" Xiao Wu said indifferently.

"Xiao Wu, it's not just about retiring, it's about a person's face, and Dai Mubai's current age is just the time when he has the best face, and the resignation will hit him far harder. Far beyond your imagination, what that person did was indeed too much." Tang San said.

"Too much? I don't think so. I think that person did the right thing. Dai Mubai is not a good person. Third brother, you only see that the current Dai Mubai seems to be a bit pitiful, but why don't you just stand there?" Looking at it from the perspective of the girl who divorced Dai Mubai? Isn’t it a very painful thing to marry a person who clearly has a marriage contract but is still slutty?” Xiao Wu rarely refuted Tang San’s words.

"Besides, you have also seen that Dai Mubai usually didn't want to brag about his glorious deeds to us, saying how many girlfriends he has, and he is very proud of it. This kind of treating women as his own bragging capital, he Will it be pitiful? Even if it is pitiful, that is punishment." Xiao Wu said with an angry look.

"I think that person is a good person, and a person like Dai Mubai should be punished." Xiao Wu said.

For the other three students of Shrek Academy except for Tang San, without her other female students, Xiao Wu hated them very much.

One is slutty, one is extremely obscene, and the other is even more lecherous and ugly.

If Tang San wasn't here, Xiao Wu would have thought of leaving here long ago.

"Xiao Wu you?" Tang San looked at the angry Xiao Wu in astonishment, for a moment he didn't know how to deal with it, let alone the reason.

Xiao Wu, what's the matter?
(End of this chapter)

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