Chapter 682
Under the majestic Great Wall, the coalition forces of the God Clan, Chiyou Clan, Xingtian Clan, and Kraken Clan are slowly advancing from the land to the coastal area.

In front of them was the Great Wall made of countless boulders, and at every hundred miles of the city tower, there were even runes of magic circles flickering in it, exuding a palpitating aura.

Frames of mechanical beasts that were ferocious enough to tear apart gods and demons stood quietly at the top of the city, ruthlessly watching the coalition forces of various races advancing under the Great Wall.

The soldiers of the Qin army were armed with swords, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit. They were human beings, but they had the strength and courage to defeat gods and demons. During these years, they conquered one world after another. Gods, demons among gods, they have already hunted and killed countless.

The invincible Qin army has long been forged, even if the malice from the will of the world suppresses their combat power, they don't care, because the malice from the will of the world can only suppress their combat power, not their fighting will.

Amidst the dull sound of horns, the coalition forces of various races began to attack.

A huge sea monster came out of the sea and attacked Shanhaiguan at the eastern end of the Great Wall. Amid the tsunami, huge crossbow arrows came out of Shanhaiguan and shot at the sea monster protecting itself with waves.

For a while, where the crossbow arrows passed, there might be waves crashing on the Shanhai Pass, but blood red color emerged from more waves.

Amidst the sea monster's mournful howls, layers of sound waves carried the fury of the sea and attacked Shanhaiguan. Above Shanhaiguan, there was an army formation gathering, and the power from individual soldiers condensed into a huge army formation. Under the unfurling of the military flag, it cooperated with the mechanism beast designed for the sea monster to attack the sea monster army.

The Qin army has never liked defense, and the existence of the Great Wall has never been a military defense tool, but only to protect the people of Qin behind the Great Wall.

"These sea monsters are really crazy." At the head of Shanhaiguan City, Ying Yan, who was in charge of guarding the place, looked at the sea monsters fighting with the mechanism beast and the god of the army, and his face was full of solemnity for a while.

"Nowadays, the power of the Siren Clan is not strong, but we have to worry about another thing." Beside Ying Yan, Xiaomeng, the contemporary head of the Taoist Tianzong, who was dressed in Taoist robes, also had a cold expression on his face at this time. dignified color.

"Are you talking about Gonggong, the ancestor of the sea monster clan?" Ying Yan pondered.

In these years of fierce battles with the coalition forces of various ethnic groups, the Qin army has already fully understood the history of the various ethnic groups.

The information that the Sea Monster Yuan family is still alive is also in the hands of Qin Jun.

"Since Buzhou Mountain can fall down, it can also stand up again." Standing on the other side beside Ying Yan, Lu Zhi, dressed in military uniform, said.

"Gong Gong, it's more interesting to talk like this." Ying Yan said without much meaning. Obviously, she was not unprepared for the unexpected situation that Gong Gong might bring.

When the sea monsters in Shanhaiguan were fighting fiercely with the Qin army, a battle was also taking place at a grand pass thousands of miles away. Compared with the battlefield where the sea monsters had relatively few troops, the battle here was between the Qin army and Chi You family.

A few years ago, the Chiyou clan, who were still the Ming clan at that time, came out of the hell realm. Thirteen tribes combined [-] troops as Qin's allies to attack the God Realm. In that battle, the Chiyou clan suffered heavy losses.

In the ensuing years of battles with the gods and the Qin army, the number of casualties continued to increase, and even two tribes retreated to the hell realm, breaking with the Chiyou tribe in the name of the Ming tribe.

Therefore, even under the blessing of the will of the world, the Chiyou clan at this time is no longer the [-] people of the past, only a few more than [-].

But this is only a reduction in the overall number. With the resurrection of the Chiyou tribe's master god of soldiers and the rebirth of the ancient ninety-nine demon generals, the high-end combat power of the Chiyou tribe, without considering the god clan leader Heilongtian The overall strength is even higher than that of the Protoss.

This time, on the battlefield where the Chiyou clan was the main force and the Qin army fought fiercely, the tragedy was even more severe on the battlefield in Shanhaiguan.

Groups of soldiers of the Qin Army marched out to face the Chiyou army who were also good at fighting. One side was tempered in countless battles to form a terrifying army that slaughtered the country and the world, and the other side was struggling in the poor mountains and rivers like the hell world. A natural warrior who has never lost his fighting spirit for a hundred thousand years.

Under the Great Wall, the most combative elites of the two worlds used weapons in their hands and blood in their bodies to verify whether the Qin people were the conquerors of the world, or the Chiyou people were born gods of war.

On the tragic battlefield, there are heavenly and human generals in the Qin army fighting against the demon generals of the Chiyou tribe, there is an invincible soldier demon god who fights against the extreme attacks of the generals of the Chiyou tribe with invincible combat power, and there are ordinary soldiers of the Qin army fighting against the generals of the Chiyou tribe. Crowd fighting.

In some battlefields, landslides and landslides occurred during the battle, and the place where the battlefield was located was dozens of miles away, and all life was wiped out.

Some wars are only within a square inch, and blood is burning in the stumped limbs and broken arms. Although people die, the fighting will never die.

Facing the scene of the doomsday journey in front of him, Tianming, who is the commander here, stands majestically on the top of the city, looking at the Chiyou clan camp in the distance, where there are several bodies as thick as mountains and as violent as fire, Tianming knew that his real enemies were them.

On this battlefield, it is enough for Han Xin to line up troops and command the army to fight against the Chiyou army. All he has to do is kill as much as possible the three demons in the Chiyou tribe who are strong enough to fight against the peak of the heavenly realm. General, even the soldier god.

The Chiyou tribe attacked the Great Wall with all their troops, and their battle line spread out for nearly three thousand miles.

Thousands of miles away from Tianming's location to the west, another Xiongguan is also under the attack of the Chiyou clan, and the guard here is Qin's bloody Hou Bai Yifei.

"Am I underestimated? Are there only twelve demon generals in total?" Bai Yifei looked at the Chiyou demon generals who were being besieged by the Qin army's masters of heaven and human realm in the distance, with a sneer on his face.

Going thousands of miles west here, there is another battlefield. Here, the main force of the attack is the army of the gods.

The six great gods plus the five holy kings of the god race gathered here, and there are countless god race armies. This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the god race crystal mountain stands in the god race camp. Inside, the protoss army is an immortal and tireless existence.

Fighting against such an enemy is an unprecedented challenge for the Qin army.

Therefore, the Qin army stationed here is also the most elite corps of the Qin army, and even five of the twelve golden men who have undergone some amazing transformations under the sacrifice of Qin's luck have appeared here .

With the formation of five elements, the real dragon of Qin's luck is condensed and shrouded in the Qin army's formation and battlefield, to offset as much as possible the blessing of the gods' army from the endless power of the gods crystallization mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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