Chapter 689 Beast Milk
In the stone village, Shi Feijiao, who is an important fighting force in the village, looked solemnly at the man sitting in front of the ancient tree for offering sacrifices to spirits and the little guy who was running around him, not knowing what to say for a while.

Who would have thought that such a strong man would agree to a child's invitation.

In Shi Feijiao's line of sight, that little figure kept running around, and in a short time, he even took out all the treasures he had hidden in the bedroom, including dried meat, and someone who didn't know who he was. How many kinds of raw materials are added to make animal milk.

"This little guy is really ignorant and fearless. In front of such a big man, he can still do this." Shi Feijiao said with lingering fear.

He saw that person devouring and refining such a piece of thundercloud with every move. It seems that only the powerful people of the top big clans in the legend can do this kind of existence.

"Well, it seems to be pretty good at the moment. This lord seems to have a good temperament." Beside him, the young Shi Linhu said cautiously with some expectation.

"I hope so, maybe for the little one, this is also an opportunity." Shi Feijiao said.

At the end of their line of sight, the little one they couldn't wait for was showing off a bowl of animal milk for the person in front of him, and the childish voice said cutely: "Please use animal milk."

Ying Zheng looked at the little doll pretending to be serious in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a while, it was so innocent and cute.

There are countless villages in this wilderness where he is now, but Ying Zheng knows that this village is extremely special, because there is a willow tree that was nirvana in the suicide catastrophe, and a simple and brutal bad boy.

This combination has already proved to Ying Zheng what kind of existence the village in front of him is.

"Little one, this is not what adults should drink." Shi Yunfeng, the head of the patriarch, saw the scene in front of him, his face changed. Although Ying Zheng was very graceful from the beginning to the end, he did not intend to bully the weak at all. .

But walking in this wilderness, how can there really be any good people.

If the other party feels offended by the little one's behavior, can Shicun possibly stop it?Shi Yunfeng subconsciously looked at Shicun Jiling behind Ying Zheng, but he didn't have the confidence after all, even in the daytime, Jiling had killed all directions.

"But this is my best thing." Xiao BuDian said innocently and aggrievedly, staring at a pair of dark eyes.

"The children in the countryside are really used to being mischievous. Please don't be as knowledgeable as him." Shi Yunfeng, the village head, explained quickly.

"It's just a child's heart." Ying Zheng took the pottery bowl full of animal milk under the shocked eyes of everyone except the little one, and drank it down in one gulp under the expectant eyes of the little one.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shi Yunfeng felt that his three views seemed to have been subverted. At that moment, the old village head even had an illusion that what Ying Zheng took over was not shared by a naive child out of ignorance. Animal milk, but a friend sharing his priceless wine.

He seems to like little ones.Shi Yunfeng thought to himself.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" The little guy looked at Ying Zheng expectantly. He could feel a very comfortable breath in Ying Zheng's body. He likes without 'relatives'.

Moreover, he likes powerful people. At this time, he still remembers the scene where the thunderbolt, which was enough to destroy the ancient relics, was absorbed by him in a single thought. That mysterious and powerful power made him have a deep longing .

"Very good." Ying Zheng pinched Xiao Budian's chubby face, where a jade lamp was placed on the stone table, and a ball of golden and blood-colored blood was rolling in it, exuding an amazing breath of life .

The little guy's eyes straightened instantly. Although he didn't know what Ying Zheng took out, he could feel the extremely strong breath of life in it, and an instinctive desire arose in his body.

"However, it's too fishy. It would be better to add something." Under the eager and reserved eyes of the little one, Ying Zheng poured the golden blood from the jade cup into the clay pot that the little one used to secretly store animal milk middle.

"Come on, have a taste." Ying Zheng poured out a cup of animal milk and handed it to the little one who was pretending to be sitting like himself.

"It smells so good." The little one looked at the faint golden light flowing in the animal milk, and drank it without hesitation. In an instant, the golden light circulated in his body, and the whole person became dizzy Yes, huge energy runs through its body, intoxicating its mind, the little one at this time is very similar to a situation, that is, the drunkenness of an adult, but this little doll is really dizzy at this time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old village chief didn't know whether to be worried or happy.

He could see that what Yingzheng took out must be the blood essence of an ancient alien species. Such a precious thing is naturally priceless, but such a precious thing, Yingzheng gave it so generously to a boy who was only three or four years old. Children, this matter is too abnormal.

Does he look like something small?For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through the old village head's mind.

In the sight of the old village chief, Xiaobudian's whole body melted into a burst of golden light. The brilliance circulated and nourished his body, but he didn't feel the slightest burst. Obviously, the golden blood had been completely absorbed by Ying Zheng. Refining eliminates the harmful substances in it, making it the most primitive energy.

This is incredible.

"Good things are naturally to be shared, old village head, please." Ying Zheng poured a full bowl of milk into the wine bowl on the stone table in front of the old village head.

"This?" The old village chief looked at the animal milk exuding a majestic breath of life in front of him, and was in a dilemma for a while, but in the end, it was a temptation, or it might be because the majesty from Ying Zheng made him dare not refuse. The old man who seemed to be very old still held up the pottery bowl.

I am not drinking animal milk, but the life energy in it.The old village head said this to himself in his heart, in order to get rid of the last bit of shame in his heart.

"And our sacrificial spirit." Ying Zheng turned around while speaking, and poured the animal milk in the clay pot that was fused with Qiongqi's life essence onto the scorched tree.

I saw that with the pouring of the animal milk, the platinum liquid flowed through the cracks on the tree stump, and in the blink of an eye it had already seeped into the inside of the tree stump.

A willow branch fluttering in the breeze exuded a pale golden light, and Ying Zheng even heard a voice of divine thoughts: "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Sure enough, the current willow tree has not yet recovered to the strength of the Venerable Realm.Ying Zheng thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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