Chapter 731
Under the night, the Qinhuangdao Palace is shrouded in the hazy moonlight, during which the vitality is transpiring almost as if it is real, with the flow of imperial dragon air, just like a fairyland on earth.

Under the moonlight, Yuechan stood in front of a lake, a pair of clear eyes were covered with a hazy color, the lake reflected the moonlight, and there were dragon fish swimming in it, as if walking on the clouds.

He is disciplining me.Looking at the reflection in the lake, Yuechan secretly thought that there was a deep sadness and worry in her eyebrows and eyes.

There, there are bright moon and human shadows, people are people under the moon, and the moon is the moon in the world.

Yuechan looked at the familiar figure on the water surface, her thoughts flooded, and her experience since Beihai came to her mind one after another.

That figure on the North Sea like a god descending, that figure that forced her to stay by his side, that figure that explicitly peeped at her beauty to her.

It was really hard for Yuechan to like such a person, not to mention, she made a vow when she was young that she would only be a fairy in this life.

However, it is also such a person who made her experience many, many, a life that is very different from that of Butian Sect. In Butian Sect, she is a high and unstained saint, but here, she is just A maid, a maid serving tea and water, making beds and folding quilts.

But as a maid, she got too many things.

Although Yingzheng has clearly stated that he wants to teach the secret technique of mending the sky, he never forces her to hand over the technique of mending the sky. On the contrary, Yingzheng helps her perfect the real dragon and phoenix skills. When teaching Shi Hao the grass-word sword formula, there was no taboo. Even though Yuechan didn't take the initiative to comprehend it, she still learned a lot passively.

During this process, Yingzheng never kept secrets from her. Yuechan knew very well that in less than a few months, her power had improved rapidly. She has officially entered the array state, and her overall strength is even higher than that of the body that has obtained more resources.

But such an opportunity did not make her feel happy for Yuechan, instead she felt a deep fear, she was afraid.

Even when she was captured on the North Sea, Yuechan didn't feel any fear, but now, in this palace where she is only a maid in name, but actually not much different from her master, she feels that feeling of fear.

Yuechan's fear was not because of Ying Zheng, but because of herself. She was afraid that she would sink into this palace, into a feeling she had never experienced before.

Just like the witch made things difficult for her before, at that time, it was Ying Zheng who protected her. The feeling of being protected made Yuechan feel very strange, but also so strange that she could not forget it for a long time.

It even evolved into the current fear.

"Yuechan, it's time for you to make a decision. The current situation must not continue. It is too dangerous for you, too dangerous." Hurry up, it seems that she has made a decision in her heart.

Yuechan had already turned around while meditating, and looked at the central Tiangong behind her, where there was a person.

Yuechan hesitated a little, but still took the first step, the direction was exactly where the central heavenly palace was.

After turning around the corridors, Yuechan appeared in the central heavenly palace, where she always tried her best to escape at night.

At the end of Yuechan's line of sight, countless runes were surrounding Ying Zheng's body, turning into warm fire lights, constantly changing their shapes.

Among them, there are such supreme existences as Kunpeng, True Dragon, True Phoenix, Willow, Qilin, Suzaku, White Tiger, etc., and there are also ordinary powerful magic cows and skylarks.

Yuechan has always been very puzzled, top-notch treasures like Zhenjiu, Qiongqi, and Qingluan are all for now, but there is nothing worthy of Yingzheng's attention to such fierce beasts as Vigorous Bull and Skylark, which can barely give birth to bone patterns.

In Yuechan's sight, clusters of flames merged into Ying Zheng's body and finally disappeared, but Yuechan was very clear about the power contained within.

"Yuechan didn't go to rest at this time, why did she come back again? Could it be that she thought about it and decided to recommend herself as a pillow?" Ying Zheng looked at the seemingly different Yuechan in front of him, and joked with a bit of humor .

It is also a rare pleasure for Yingzheng to train this serious and dignified saint of Butianism. After all, Yingzheng has seen too many charming women. The Holy Maiden is still very new to Ying Zheng at this time.

"I don't know if Your Majesty can still watch Yuechan now?" Faced with Ying Zheng's ridicule, Yuechan changed her normal routine and asked back openly.

"Yuechan?" Ying Zheng was obviously surprised by Yuechan's reaction.

Under Ying Zheng's sight, Yuechan had already put her palm on her waist. Under the girdle, the most beautiful scenery in the world was hidden, and now, the best scenery in the world was about to be presented in front of Ying Zheng.

"Is that so?" Ying Zheng stared intently at Yuechan, watching the two slender fingers tangle the ribbon, watching the belt being loosened under the pull of the fingers. Slide to the sides.

In Yingzheng's line of sight, he saw clothes slipping from Yuechan's shoulders, falling on the floor, and piled up like clouds in the sky. Among the clouds was Yuechan who was like a jade.

In the blink of an eye, only the hazy moonlight could be seen in front of Ying Zheng, the color of Yuechan.

"Wait." When Yuechan stretched her palm towards the knot behind her, Ying Zheng had already walked in front of Yuechan and held her palm.

"Hasn't Your Majesty been waiting for Yuechan to do this?" Yuechan raised her jaw and looked at Ying Zheng in front of her. She saw desire in Ying Zheng's eyes, but why did Ying Zheng stop her?
"Your thoughts are not pure. Why, do you want to use this method to destroy the budding love in your heart?" Ying Zheng looked directly into Yuechan's eyes and said.

Only Yuechan's stubborn eyes responded to Ying Zheng.

"Also, you can't take off the last clothes, I should be the one to do it." Ying Zheng grabbed Yuechan's shoulders and hugged her into his arms.

Yuechan just put her face close to Ying Zheng's arms, but she had a complex look on her face full of red clouds. She didn't know what kind of mood she was in at this time, she was calm, and even more so. A hint of disappointment.

What am I disappointed about?Yuechan, who was hiding in Ying Zheng's arms, thought puzzledly.

However, Yuechan soon lost these thoughts, and she was about to fall into another emotion.

This night, there is a bright moon blooming its own moonlight in the central heavenly palace.

This night, there was a bright moon falling into the mortal world, dyed red in the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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