Chapter 760 Above the Nine Heavens
Immortals, since the collapse of the ancient immortal era, have not been seen for an era, but today, there are three, even if they are only disabled immortals, it is enough to shock the world.

But what shocked the world even more was that the three immortals were beheaded and killed in one day.

The whisper of the dragon girl unconsciously at that time spread in three thousand Taoist states in one day. Since then, the name of the ancestor dragon has spread all over the three thousand Taoist states, and spread to other nine heavens and nine places at an uncontrollable speed. .

In this era when the Supreme is already the pinnacle of combat power in the world, no one can ignore the existence of a suspected true immortal who can wipe out the remnant immortals.

The impact of this matter on the other nine heavens and nine places is not yet visible, but for the Three Thousand Daozhou, after the three remnant immortals were destroyed, the storm did not stop.

Because in Immortal Ancient, there are Immortal Palace, Sword Valley, Monster Dragon Daomen, Heavenly Kingdom and other major forces besieged and killed Yuechan and others under Ning Chuan's call.

If Yingzheng is defeated today, then with the backing of the three disabled immortals, they certainly don't have to worry about the anger from the Butian Sect and other great religions, but what about now?

Now it is the three remnant immortals who are defeated. What they have to face is not the ambitions of the Butian Sect, Jietian Sect, Dragon Palace, Taiyin Jade Rabbit Clan, and Xuehuang Clan, but also the wrath of Ying Zheng. .

With a strong man who can kill three disabled immortals in a row, is it possible for these great religions to survive?

Those who were aware of this all looked at the great sects whose disciples had attacked Yuechan and others at that time. Sure enough, the faces of those great sect leaders who once dominated one by one had turned pale at this time.

The Lord of Heaven, who once made the entire Three Thousand Dao States terrified by the assassination technique, was trembling at this moment, and he was also afraid, just like his prey.

An old flood dragon from Yaolong Daomen also had its scales trembling at this time, and fear had already dominated all his nerves.

They are very clear about what they are about to face. Facing an enemy who can kill even an immortal, do they still have a chance?
I don't know who has overcome a trace of fear, and even knows how to escape. Under the sight of people, each leader and giant no longer cared about their old demeanor, and fled frantically into the distance.

They were also betting that although Yingzheng killed three disabled immortals in a row, it was impossible for him to be safe and sound. They were betting on their slight chance of escape.

Fortunately, they seemed to bet right, Ying Zheng did not chase them down, but left directly with Yuechan, Shi Hao and others.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.

On the third day, Yingzheng appeared in Huozhou, along with Butian Sect, Jietian Sect, Dragon Palace, Taiyin Jade Rabbit and other forces.

On this day, an imperial edict that should have the seal of the Emperor Qin came from Huozhou, punishing all the great religions that had participated in the besieging and killing Yuechan, such as the Immortal Palace and the Demon Dragon Daomen.

For a time, the three thousand Dao states were surging, and countless people took the opportunity to show their favor to Ying Zheng, and took the initiative to join the army of conquering the temples, temples and other religions.

The largest war in Three Thousand Daozhou since ancient times has reopened.

In this battle, there was a girl with double pupils who was born, who killed several leader-level giants in a row, and Shi Hao who was invincible in the Heavenly God Realm, even fell down and killed the leader-level powerhouses.

In this battle, Ying Zheng only took occasional shots to kill the giants among the extremely religious masters, and the rest of the time was handed over to the various major sects.

Under such circumstances, the battle involving the entire Three Thousand Dao State lasted for half a year, and the great religions of the Immortal Palace, Temple, Heaven, Netherland, etc. were completely removed from the Three Thousand Tao State.

Also during the past six months, practice exercises and various treasures from various great teachings appeared in front of Yingzheng. After copying all the exercises, Yingzheng bestowed all the exercises to his subordinates. Great teachings from all sides.

Among these forces, the most hard-working forces are the Celestials. In the original trajectory, the extremely shameless Celestials who have cheated Shi Hao several times have become the most heroic existence in this war. Beheaded the new leader of Sword Valley to show his loyalty.

There was a reason why he did this at the time. When he knew that Yunxi, the maid next to Ying Zheng, was from the Celestial Race, he was cunning and had very low integrity, and he immediately knew what he should do.

However, Ying Zheng didn't care about this, and rewarded the Celestials and Humans with corresponding skills and treasures for their military exploits in destroying all major religions.

In the past six months, Yingzheng has collected all the killing formations ranked from the third to the twentieth in the world, and even exchanged them for the real real dragon treasure technique and Tianjiao from the Ten Crown King and the Banished Immortal. Ant treasure technique.

Since then, among the ten fierce treasure arts, there are a total of eight treasure arts: the real dragon treasure technique, the true phoenix treasure technique, the unicorn treasure technique, the Kunpeng treasure technique, the cursive sword art, the thunder emperor treasure technique, the god-beating stone treasure technique, and the heavenly horned ant treasure technique. All the species were collected by Ying Zheng.

There are also several kinds of ancient heavenly skills inherited from the ancient times of the immortals.

Just when everyone, Yingzheng, established a unparalleled kingdom in the Three Thousand Daozhou, Yingzheng disappeared in front of them.

Three Thousand Daozhou returned to peace, if it wasn't for the fact that many once famous great religions like Xiandian disappeared in front of people, they would even have one of them, and it would last half a year since the killing of the three disabled immortals, spreading to the entire Three Thousand Dao State. The battle in Daozhou just happened in a dream.

It was also during this half a year that people from Nine Heavens appeared in Three Thousand Dao State. Until then, people from Three Thousand Tao State knew that there was still Nine Heavens.

The people from Nine Heavens looked down on the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm just like the people from the Three Thousand Dao States used to look at the Eight Realms. However, when they knew that three immortals had all died not long ago When it was in the hands of one person, all contempt turned into prudence and fear.

Although the Nine Heavens has never lacked the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm, the existence of being able to kill immortals is beyond their imagination. Probably only the legendary forbidden zone has such strength.

It is precisely because of this that the people of Nine Heavens put away their arrogance and became friendly. At this time, the people of Three Thousand Daozhou also knew what was about to happen on Nine Heavens.

"Gathering talents from the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? That's really exciting." Shi Hao, who had received an invitation from the Nine Heavens and above from his friend, the Armed Monkey Lin Tian, ​​who had just met, couldn't help showing a longing look.

In the Three Thousand Dao State, except for the Ten Crown King and the Banished Immortal who can compete with him, the rest, even Yuechan, Longnu and others, are weaker than him. When there are more masters, the fighting spirit in the blood can't help burning.

"It's just that Father Long has entered the forbidden area, so we can't say goodbye." Shi Hao thought angrily.

Sanqian Daozhou, the restricted zone of purple bamboo forest.

Ying Zheng looked at the peaceful purple bamboo forest and fell into deep thought. He held a phoenix egg in his hand, exuding a faint breath of life, and Ying Zheng sensed the existence of a trace of the fire of life in it.

It's peaceful here, but what happened in the past, but at which point did the change happen?

(End of this chapter)

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