Chapter 779
In the bustling city, the lights were brightly lit, and suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from an unknown place.

The flames dissipated, and a terrifying figure appeared in the flames. His metallic armor made his figure hideous and terrifying. This is definitely not a creature belonging to the earth.

It is true that he does not belong to the earth, but from another distant galaxy, a warrior named the Gluttonous Legion.

The mech warrior raised his arm, the laser muzzle was charged, and shot out suddenly, followed by an explosion and terrified screams, which made the soldiers inside the mech smile cruelly and happily.

Fear will befall the earth tonight.

"This is by no means an ordinary attack." When Qilin came to the scene, she realized the seriousness of the problem. She felt a kind of uncontrollable fear in her heart, but her hand still firmly touched the firearms.

She is a policeman, she can be afraid, but she must not back down.

However, Qilin didn't know at all that the enemy she faced at this time was no longer something that courage could defeat.

In the stream of light, Qilin suddenly felt a heat in her chest, followed by severe pain.

Under the huge inertia, her body fell backwards uncontrollably, and when the back of her head touched the ground, a feeling of powerlessness dominated her body.

"Am I going to die?" Qilin weakly let go of the pistol in her hand, and she no longer had the strength to hold the pistol tightly.

The mobile phone attached to her lap in her pocket vibrated, and Qilin barely used her last strength to take out the mobile phone from her pocket. The mobile phone that can be thrown away at will now seems to be extremely heavy.

Maybe this is the last message I'll see in my life, I just don't know, who will it be from?Qi Lin, who was still conscious, almost exhausted all her strength before moving the phone to the side of her face.

Qi Lin, who moved her neck, looked at the flickering phone screen, and a line of small characters appeared in her things.

"So it's you." Looking at the line of small characters, Qilin couldn't help but smile.

If I had known that I would die tonight, I should have agreed to your invitation in the afternoon, even if it was a date. I haven't dated yet?As Qilin thought about it, her eyes went dark, and then she completely lost consciousness.

The sudden attack in Juxia City did not bring much fear to the city. Apart from the fact that many police officers or soldiers like Qi Lin were seriously injured or died in the line of duty, the city was still the same as before the next day.


A lot of wounded were sent here, including Qilin. However, other people's injuries were fine, as long as they were brought here, no matter how serious they were, treatment could be started, but Qilin's injury was hard to describe.

A laser pierced through her chest, and the huge energy was causing her heart and lungs to be burned. Such burns from the outside to the inside made even the best doctors not know what to do. External burns can be treated, but Heart and lung burns, but they have nothing to do.

In this way, the hospital can only send Qilin to the intensive care city and use drugs to strengthen the vital signs, but there is nothing else that can be done.

After being in a coma for a whole day, Qilin not only did not go to the end of her life in a coma as predicted by the doctor, but instead woke up.

Qilin barely regained a sliver of consciousness, raised her eyelids with difficulty, and saw a blurry figure in her sight.

"Am I dead?" Qilin only felt that the figure seemed familiar, but her scattered consciousness for a while made her unable to remember who this figure belonged to. The weakness and confusion made it difficult for her to distinguish for a while. The difference between life and death.

"Shouldn't be dead yet." A voice rang in Qilin's ear, and the next moment, Qilin only felt the warmth of her palm, and her cold little hand due to serious injury was clenched tightly.

"It's you? Why are you here?" The strange feeling made Qilin barely gather a sliver of consciousness, and only then did she notice that the person beside the hospital bed turned out to be Ying Zheng.

Strictly speaking, this is a 'friend' who only meets once.

"Speaking of this, there will be a lot to talk about. This matter is extremely troublesome." Ying Zheng said.

Seemingly aware of Qi Lin's angry eyes, Ying Zheng quickly changed his words: "To make a long story short, I made those doctors believe that I was your boyfriend, and then I appeared here."

"Whose boyfriend do you think you are?" Qilin's eyes widened in an instant, and her drowsy head became buzzing instantly.

Although when she was hit last night, when she was facing death, she did have a trace of regret, and even thought that she should agree to Ying Zheng's invitation, but that was only when her life was about to come to an end. It's just a trace of 'delusion', but she never thought of making those things a reality.


"How can you say that?" Qilin asked feebly.

"If I don't say that, they won't let me in." Ying Zheng said innocently.

"Then why do you have to come in?"

"Didn't I care about you?"

Meeting Ying Zheng's almost sincere eyes, Qi Lin is only in her twenties and just walked out of school. See how a young policewoman who has only been working for three years can be Ying Zheng, who has been with Qin's important ministers and enemy elites since she was a child, The opponent of the harem group of people who make friends with each other and fight minds.

That bit of annoyance disappeared without a trace in an instant, and there was even panic and inexplicable throbbing.

After all, she is still young, and she still knows too little about the so-called routines.

If she is someone who is used to playing tricks like Kaisha and Liangbing at this time, she will definitely not be provoked by Ying Zheng's few words and forget her original intention.

"How do you know I'm injured?" Qilin calmed down and said, no matter how she said, she was more happy at this moment after the catastrophe.

How can you know the joy of being alive if you are not close to death?

"I saw it." Ying Zheng said.

"Did you see it?" Qilin was slightly taken aback.

"Well, I was nearby at the time and saw that you were injured." Ying Zheng said.

"So you've seen it all." Qi Lin said to herself.

"Yeah, I've seen it all."

"En." Qilin subconsciously responded, and in the next moment, she felt that something was wrong, and she felt something sensitively on her skin.

Realizing something, Qilin couldn't help being startled, and quickly turned her gaze, only to realize that under the thin blanket, she was completely naked, especially at this time, her shoulders were half exposed, and her chest could even be seen Crimson scars.

"You, don't look." Qilin, who had re-understood what Yingzheng meant by seeing, was shocked and pulled the blanket, but her weak body made it impossible for her to pull up the blanket at this time .

"Okay, okay, I know." Ying Zheng pulled up the blanket on Qilin's body slightly, wrapping her only with her head exposed.

Qi Lin, who regained her sense of security, took a deep breath and asked Ying Zheng, "Do you know what happened last night?"

Until now, Qilin didn't know what kind of existence the enemy who attacked Juxia City last night was. She even had an absurd feeling that the enemy was like an alien.

"I don't know, those news should have been blocked, not for people like me to know." Ying Zheng arrived.

"Really?" Qilin pondered, and felt that she had asked the wrong person.

"Does your wound still hurt?" Ying Zheng asked who knew exactly what kind of injury Qi Lin had suffered.

"It doesn't hurt much anymore. In fact, I didn't feel much pain at the time. Just for a moment, and then I lost consciousness." Qilin recalled.

"You, are you awake?" A nurse opened the door, looked at Qi Lin who was chatting with Ying Zheng, and said in shock.

Such a serious injury, with burns to the heart and lungs, a patient who even the experts don't know how to treat, unexpectedly woke up on his own after only one night, such a thing is really unimaginable, it has surpassed Human imagination can only define it as a miracle.

Amidst the nurse's bluffing, the female doctor in charge of Qilin was also alarmed. The two surrounded Qilin and carefully pulled off the blanket on Qilin's body, making Qilin instantly turn red.

Although she knew very well that the doctor in front of her was still of the same sex, there was still Ying Zheng in this room.

Qi Lin looked at Ying Zheng blushing, knowing that the other party's gaze was slightly overstepped, she was about to stop it, but when she looked at Ying Zheng, she found that she had turned her back at some point, He was fiddling with his mobile phone with his head down, and there were earplugs in his ears, as if he was looking at something.

This discovery made Qilin slightly relieved.

Then he laughed at himself for thinking too much.

In the end, the doctor and nurse left in admiration. Qi Lin, who regained her composure, looked at Ying Zheng, and saw that he was still staring at the phone screen.

"What are you looking at?" Qilin saw that Ying Zheng was not only looking at something, but also moving his fingers quickly, as if sending a message.

And since he woke up, his insensitivity has inexplicably increased a lot, and he heard very restless music from Ying Zheng's earphones. Such music should not be what Ying Zheng listens to.

"Well, I'm watching a live broadcast." Ying Zheng walked to Qilin's bed and sat down naturally.

"Live broadcast?" Qi Lin was surprised, she never thought that Ying Zheng would be interested in those live broadcasts.

"That's it, it's pretty good-looking." Ying Zheng pointed the screen of the phone at Qi Lin's eyes as he spoke.

In front of Qilin's line of sight, on the screen of the mobile phone, a girl with scantily clad clothes and fox ears was posing, dancing wildly and tentatively on the edge of 'confinement'.

"You, you just watch this?" Qilin couldn't help but widen her eyes, and her breath couldn't help being a bit heavy. How could he look at such vulgar things.

"I think it should be good. This girl is very beautiful, and she dances well, very energetic." Ying Zheng said.

Qilin turned her head sideways and looked at Ying Zheng seriously, as if she wanted to see something from Ying Zheng's expression, but all she saw was calm, as if he was just stating a fact.

At this moment, the fox-eared girl on the screen said delicately and weakly thanking so-and-so for a reward of one million virtual coins.

"Have you tipped yet?" Qilin's eyes widened instantly when she heard the familiar name.

How many nerds have been deceived by the reward function of these live broadcast platforms, even if one million virtual coins are exchanged for cash, it is a full ten thousand, that is ten thousand, which can cover Qilin's salary for three months.

"That's right, I saw that other people also donated, so I donated some." Ying Zheng said innocently.

"Brother, are you from ancient times? Don't you know that these things are all lies?" Qilin panted heavily, only feeling a little pain from the wound on her chest. She had never seen anyone like Ying Zheng before. .

It seems normal, but why are things always so unreliable.

Especially when he said something that was obviously stupid and frustrating, it seemed to be a matter of course. At that moment, she even wondered if she was wrong.

"It's just for entertainment, why worry about the truth, just be happy." Ying Zheng said indifferently.

"Your happiness is really valuable." Qi Lin mocked, she really didn't know what to say about Ying Zheng's 'tyrant' style.

"It's okay, it's not worth much."

"Brother, are you so 'upright'? Can't you hear that there is another meaning in my words?" Qi Lin was completely convinced at this time that Ying Zheng's thinking was different from her own, and she had given up trying to understand it. I understand Ying Zheng's thinking.

"Is there another meaning?"

Sure enough, do as he pleases.Qilin thought helplessly.

 Was interrogated, had to be late, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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