Chapter 791 Open

On the TV screen, the war that suddenly broke out in Tianhe City was broadcast live in front of ordinary people like Ying Zheng.

In Tianhe City, there are mech fighters, airships, and fighter planes from the outer galaxy. Even though the soldiers have resisted desperately, they still suffer heavy casualties. Fortunately, among these figures, there are black-armored fighters acting as firefighters.

Among these black-armored fighters, although there are many figures who are very jerky when they first entered the battlefield, they can barely block the enemy's attack with the spirit of not fearing death.

Among these black-armored warriors, there were two very striking voices, one figure belonged to a monkey, and one figure belonged to a woman.

Looking at that Lena who was holding the main gun of the gluttonous battleship hard with a shield, at that moment, Ying Zheng saw something else from this naive Queen Lie Yang.

"The days of silence are finally over." Ying Zheng turned his attention to the three people in the room while speaking: Mo Ban, Gong Shuchou and Xu Fu.

At this time, Mo Ban was watching the war on the TV screen with a solemn face, while Gong Shuchou and Xu Fu were full of fanaticism.

They all saw from this war what they wanted to see, or more precisely, what they wanted to see but could not see before.

Especially Xu Fu, unlike Mechanism masters such as Mo Ban and Gongsun Qiu, he is more concerned about the research and transformation of the human body, and right now, in the past few years, he has already replaced all his bones with The mechanical bones built with divine gold, and the flesh and blood body, [-]% of them have completed mechanization at this time.

But now, from the war on TV, he saw a way that allowed him to go further.

"Your Majesty, although the power system in this world is not too strong, these so-called technologies are quite extraordinary." Moban said in a deep groan.

"That's why I brought the three of you into this world. The fusion of technology and mythology depends on you." Ying Zheng said.

"These mechas are pretty good. They make up for the shortcomings of the human body. Relying on this kind of mechas, we can achieve the next attack, which is exactly in line with the domineering mechanism of our public loser." Gongsun Qiu laughed, but it's a pity that he really It's so ugly, even if it's smiling, it still gives people a gloomy feeling.

"The end of science is also a myth, and it doesn't conflict with the empire's practice system. The next troubled world needs to be ended by the empire." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, is this going to take action?" Xu Fu looked expectant. What level Ying Zheng has reached and how strong he has become has become the biggest secret in Qin State. This has been curious for a long time.

"I have other things to do, and you are responsible for this matter." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, according to the current situation, although the three of us are not afraid of the gluttonous army, it is beyond our ability to destroy them. We are really not good at fighting." Moban said with a bitter expression.

Among the three of them, even Xu Fu, who has the strongest personal combat power, is a scumbag if he really wants to say it. After all, Xu Fu, the five elders of the Yin Yang family back then, never relied on his combat power to obtain the qualification of Minister Jin. .

"Let the three of you charge on the front line. I can't do this kind of thing. You study a few sets of mechas and see if you can combine them with the empire's mechanism to refine a more powerful combat puppet." Ying Zheng said.

"This control system is a bit troublesome." Gong Shuqiu, who is most proficient in combat puppets, said.

"No matter how difficult it is, a country can be rejuvenated. In this war of asymmetrical power, there will be many real warriors. After these people die in battle, they can be transformed into immortal battle spirits. Combined with combat puppets, they can become the most powerful weapons. " Ying Zheng said.

War will release the evil in human nature, but it can also sublimate the brilliance in human nature. In this confrontation with external civilizations and even demons, there will be many real fighters. It has nothing to do with power, but A fighting belief.

"Your Majesty is talking about the Demon God of War?" Before Mo Ban and Gong Shuchou could react, Xu Fu was already excited, showing the color of a madman.

Because he already understood what Yingzheng meant, the empire had already created weapons of war such as the Demon God of War. Over the years, the Demon God of Soldiers has continued to improve on the original basis as the empire advances, and has already become a god comparable to God. The war weapons of demons, but there has always been a problem, that is, weapons can only be weapons, and it is too difficult for weapons that can be mass-produced to give birth to their own wisdom.

Over the years, Xu Fu has been studying this issue, because it not only involves the further development of the Warrior Demon God, but also concerns whether he can take the last step and realize the real mechanical ascension, and Ying Zheng's words let him see how to solve this problem. The possibility of a question that has annoyed him for a long time.

What Ying Zheng said now is a possibility to solve this problem.

"Maybe it can be changed to another name." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty is not talking about the terracotta warriors, is it?" Moban couldn't help but twitched his mouth. After coming to this world, he knew that there was also a Qin State more than 2000 years ago in this world.

"It needs to be changed to a statement that can be more acceptable to people in this world. After all, we must respect the wishes of the fighters themselves for the combination of the war spirit and the soldier demon, even if they have already died in battle at that time." Ying Zheng said.

"Yes." Moban nodded.

"Okay, let's go your separate ways, we will meet up in Luoyi."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Mo Ban, Gong Shuchou and Xu Fu responded in unison, and then they met each other, and they all saw the same thing in each other's eyes.

That is a desire.

The battle in Tianhe City was over, but after paying a heavy price, the army and the Xiongbing Company finally repelled the Gluttonous Army and won a disastrous victory.

But the shadow covering the entire upper layer of the earth has not dissipated, on the contrary, it has become heavier.

They are very clear that a victory is not the end of the war, but the beginning of the war. In the future, they will face an even more tragic war.

The enemy is a powerful existence that has conquered and destroyed countless civilizations. Even if China has a strong army with the potential of a god, the situation it faces is still not optimistic.

Qi Lin, who had withdrawn from the battlefield, held a sniper rifle as tall as half a person in her arms, her face was inevitably pale, and the horror of war was beyond her imagination. The tens of thousands of fighters on both sides fighting together are completely different things in the two leagues.

"Will I fight to the death?"

(End of this chapter)

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