Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 102 Huh?Why did the eyes suddenly disappear?

Chapter 102 Huh?Why did the eyes suddenly disappear? (seeking subscription)
He simply threw out a bait, and Jiang Tianhao, the co-pilot, immediately turned to look at him.

This detail has confirmed his guess, and at the same time, the guess in Jiang Qilong's heart has a rough outline.

Facing his cousin's eyes that shone with wisdom, Jiang Tianhao felt that he had been fooled after he realized it. Regret appeared in his eyes, regretting that he hadn't calmed down, but in the next second, he still cast a hopeful look at his cousin, hoping not to take He poked it out.

Although Jiang Qilong started out as a businessman with little education, he still has high expectations for his son.

To have a crush on this kind of thing sounds like hormones, but to my parents, it’s not only a face-off, but also, it’s a sign of not concentrating on my studies.

If he was just like his cousin, and his grades were not to mention the first in age, as long as he was among the best, he would dare to retort from his parents, "What's wrong with having a crush on him?" '.

It's a pity that his tile is inevitably dwarfed by the current pearls and jades.

Ye Yiyun is quite empathetic, but this matter...

He didn't respond, but turned his gaze to the interior rearview mirror, the eyes of his uncle who was watching him.

Jiang Qilong knows that his nephew is mature and almost has Su Hui, so it doesn't make much sense to cover it up.

"He and that poetic girl are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

It is clearly an exposition, but the tone of the last sentence should be questioned. This is the experience of practicing human relations for a long time.

After thinking about it, under his cousin's pitiful gaze, Ye Yiyun shook his head and said flatly, "It's nothing, she and I are just friends."

That Jiang Qilong is not blind, his son and his nephew are 'flirtatious' with that, he has to doubt the veracity of his nephew's words.

"That's it, then when I meet Lao Li, I have to talk about it carefully. I have always regarded the two as in-laws. If not, how can I not pursue your alcohol allergy this time so easily?" He These words are really deliberate. Before the two brothers left the parking lot, they only made an appointment to have a drink together someday.

Anyone can understand that this is intentional.

"No, Dad, are you being unreasonable? Li Shiqing's father didn't do it on purpose, besides, you are inconsistent, turning your face when you say it is wrong, isn't it in line with your identity?" The cousin just helped him cover it up. After a wave, Jiang Tianhao hurriedly reciprocated and stood up to share part of the firepower.

"What is my identity? I am Ye Yiyun's uncle." Jiang Qilong glanced at him indifferently, causing Jiang Tianhao to shrink his neck immediately.

Ye Yiyun understood his uncle's intentions and said with a smile, "Uncle, don't worry, if you really have a girlfriend, you will be notified as soon as possible. Now... we are all in school, and we are still underage."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Qilong smiled happily, this is what he wanted.

"Hey~" Jiang Tianhao also laughed.

Jiang Qilong looked over coldly, "What are you so happy about? There are some things, let's talk about them when we get home."

"Ah~" Jiang Tianhao suddenly felt like a mourner.

However, being an old man is still no match for his son's ability to be a rascal, so Jiang Tianhao used the excuse of taking care of his 'sick' cousin, hugged Ye Yiyun's thigh, and did not go home with Jiang Qilong.

"Why do you do this? One shot early, one shot late, and you can't run away." Ye Yiyun looked at his uncle who was only breathing fire from his nostrils and drove away, speechless.

Jiang Tianhao stood up, slapped his butt in fear, looked at his father's car going away, and smiled triumphantly, "It doesn't matter, anyway, one day is late anyway, they are busy with business, so maybe they will forget about it."

Ye Yiyun took a deep look at him, "I hope."


The next day, the weather was fine and sunny
At 7 o'clock, Ye Yiyun woke up. Unfortunately, the rash and erythema on the front and back have not disappeared. Because sweat will stimulate these, the morning jogging plan was cancelled.

It was rare for him to sleep back into the cage, but...


He picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and looked at it, it was 8:22.

I slept well enough this time, and forgot to have breakfast.

Uncle and aunt will deliver meals so early, right?
With doubts, he got up and went to open the door.


The door opened, and the person standing outside faced his face with a white handbag containing clothes. He didn't know who it was until the person's voice came out.

"Why is it you?" With a smile in Ye Yiyun's eyes, he took half a step back, opened the shoe cabinet, and took out a pair of size 35 gray cotton slippers without much effort.

"Bringing you warmth." Li Shiqing is still wearing a gray sweater suit today, but the print on the chest is different. She doesn't wear a big black frame, nor does she wear a large gold frame. She wears contact lenses, showing the beauty of a face in full Come out, the pure smile hits people's hearts.

"How do you know my address?" Ye Yiyun asked, looking away from her face.

"Your bread and clothes were left at my house. My mother kindly gave me a holiday and asked to bring them to you. I was afraid that you went to bed early last night, so I asked your cousin, and there was a heart-warming breakfast by the way. She shook the bag in the other hand, took off the sneakers on her feet, put on cotton slippers, stomped her feet, and nodded with satisfaction, "Well, just right."

"I fell asleep quite late last night." Ye Yiyun smiled, took the bag in her hand, led her to sit on the sofa in the living room, put the bag on the dining table, and said, "You sit down first." In a moment, I'll brush my teeth, there's a TV remote, connected to the Internet."

"Hey, wait, wait, let me make it easier first." Li Shiqing bent over, stomped small steps quickly, and rushed in before him who had already reached the bathroom door.

Because she is at home, she will habitually take a step, so this time is no exception.


But the embarrassing thing is that the bathroom of Ye Yiyun's house, or more precisely, Ye Yiyun's house where Jiang Tianhao is staying, is not as clean as hers.

The cleanliness here does not mean that the urine is not flushed, the ground is messy, but water stains.

She slides so smoothly that she can't stop the car.

She tried her best to control, and the other foot also slipped, and her body quickly became unbalanced. She turned around in a difficult posture, which felt like turning over like a kite turning over at night, but she still couldn't turn around stably. Stop, the body still quickly fell backwards.

Fortunately, Ye Yiyun had already stepped forward when she was out of balance. This time, the two faced each other, and he just stretched out his hand to catch her arms.

However, after catching it, he managed to catch Li Shiqing's forearm, but Li Shiqing still groaned, and his knees slightly hit the floor tiles.

The severe pain immediately spread from the knee, and Li Shiqing's face twisted up visibly.

It hurts.

Seeing her like this, Ye Yiyun really didn't dare to pull her at the first time.

"What happened?"

At this moment, a head poked out from the bedroom facing the bathroom was Jiang Tianhao.

Ye Yiyun's face was sullen, and he was about to turn around and ask him about the water on the floor tiles.

Jiang Tianhao's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

From his perspective, the cousin is carrying him, and the person kneeling in front of the cousin, judging from the clothes, seems to be the same as what Li Shiqing was wearing yesterday, so there is a high probability that it is Li Shiqing, even if it is not Li Shiqing, but it must be a woman, right? The voice just now can prove it.

If it's a woman, kneel in front of her cousin, so close...

Jiang Tianhao's expression brightened in an instant. He was in adolescence, and he had carefully consulted some teachers.

When Ye Yiyun saw his wretched look, he was about to explain when he suddenly rolled his eyeballs up, revealing the whites of his eyes, groped for the door frame with both hands, turned back to the room, and said as he walked, "Huh? Why are the eyes so sudden? Can't see it?"

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(End of this chapter)

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