Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 104 Li Shiqing: You lied to me?

Chapter 104 Li Shiqing: You lied to me? (seeking subscription)

"Let's eat." Ye Yiyun said, taking a big mouthful of porridge.

The glutton in her belly was hooking her, Li Shiqing stared at his Adam's apple moving up and down, her eyes lost persistence, she raised her hand to grab the vegetable bun, took a bite, and said arrogantly while chewing, "Since you are so enthusiastic , then I will reluctantly accept it.”

A smile welled up in Ye Yiyun's eyes, the phrase 'you don't have to be embarrassed'. After thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

After a while, a bowl of millet porridge, a vegetable bag, and a bowl of soy milk were finished. Ye Yiyun rolled up the sleeves of his sweater and was about to clean the insulation box and three bowls. Li Shiqing, who had been waiting, stopped him, "I'll come ,I come."

After receiving this kind of special care, Ye Yiyun felt really uncomfortable for a while, he stepped aside, but did not put the bowl in his hand, his eyes were not at ease, and he said, "No need, I just have some rashes and red spots left. it's nothing."

Li Shiqing looked up at him, clearly aware of the mistrust in his eyes, did he believe that she could do the dishes and do the housework?

"Don't worry, unlike you, as a child whose pocket money is calculated in dimes, doing housework is a regular means of earning pocket money, okay?" She seemed to explain, but she was secretly sour.

With a smile on the corner of Ye Yiyun's mouth, he pursed his lips, put down the bowl in his hand, and washed his hands clean at the same time, "Okay, come on, Sister Li."

"Who is Sister Li? What do you understand?" At this moment, Jiang Tianhao, who had finished washing up and left to go to the bathroom, came in with half-wet and half-dry hair on his head, and asked in confusion.

Just as he asked, he came back to his senses, with an unbelievable smile on his face, pointing at Li Shiqing, "You, are you Sister Li?"

As he opened the refrigerator, he let out a more wanton smile. Regarding the fact that his cousin called Li Shiqing Sister Li, he seemed to feel that he had caught a trick of his cousin.

Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing just looked at him quietly, one took out two apples from the open refrigerator, and the other skillfully cleaned the dishes and the insulation box.

When Jiang Tianhao smiled and couldn't help laughing while drinking milk, Li Shiqing looked at him and asked Ye Yiyun, "How long has he been like this?"

Ye Yiyun smiled lightly and shook his head, "Not sure."

"Then where do you want to eat at noon?" Li Shiqing continued to ask.

Ye Yiyun looked at her, listening to the voice...

"What? Your treat?" he asked.

"Of course..." Li Shiqing's words of affirmation almost slipped out, but when she reached her mouth, she thought of something, changed her tone, and said, "Of course it's what you arranged, what do I eat, it's really not good, I see Lanzhou ramen on the side of the road outside , I can still afford that."

She speaks with ease, which is clearly the opposite of the previous voice-over.

Ye Yiyun looked at her, smiled without saying a word.

After a while, Li Shiqing felt a little hairy in her heart, pursed her mouth, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"That's right, what are you looking at?" At this moment, Jiang Tianhao, who was holding a large box of milk, echoed.

Sighing softly, turning to his cousin, Ye Yiyun said, "Well, you go to clean up the bathroom. What did the floor look like before you went in? I hope it will look like it will be 5 minutes later? Is that okay? Dear cousin. "

He said 'dear' in his mouth, but Jiang Tianhao could hear the threat very clearly, his expression changed, he took two gulps of milk, and stuffed the milk into his cousin's hand, compared to an old Hong Kong police officer Salute gesture, "Yes, sir!"

When he was done, he turned around and ran to the bathroom.

"You have to take him to have a look." Li Shiqing said to Ye Yiyun very earnestly, looking away from the crooked figure.

Her pretended serious expression instantly amused Ye Yiyun. He lowered his head and held back the corners of his mouth. For two seconds, there was only a slight smile left. He looked into her eyes and asked, "Did uncle buy breakfast?" Yes, or did your aunt do it?"

Li Shiqing didn't think much, and replied, "I bought the buns, but don't worry, the bun shop in my community is only 85 years away from the century-old shop."

She held her chin proudly and proudly.

Ye Yiyun gave a thumbs up, "It's amazing."

"Then did you come here by yourself, or did your uncle send you here?" He asked again.

"Of course I came here by myself. It's really not easy to find your place. I asked the old man downstairs, and he told me that there was a boy surnamed Ye who lived there, so I followed along." 'The kid surnamed Ye', she seemed very happy, with a straight grin.

Ye Yiyun nodded, didn't care about it, but hurriedly asked again, "How much activity funds did your uncle and aunt give you?"

"5..." Because she was asking along the way, she was still washing the dishes in her hand, so she didn't think much at all, and blurted out the real answer, but after blurting out, Li Shiqing was stunned and quickly reacted.

"You lied to me?" She glared at Ye Yiyun, her upper lip twitched slightly in anger.

Ye Yiyun took half a step back, spread his hands, and said in a nonchalant tone, "No, no, no, I'm asking a question, you told me, how can it be a lie?"

"You..." Li Shiqing gritted her teeth angrily.

"Don't grind your teeth indiscriminately. It's not easy to have such good teeth. Don't wear them out." He smiled immediately, as if to remind him kindly.

The more he said that, the more Li Shiqing rattled.

"Hey, don't be so aggressive, I'm going to your residence for a banquet in a few days?" But immediately after, his words stopped her.

What kind of reminder is this?

The threat of Chiguoguo.

"Well... don't... you say, we can eat wherever you want, okay?" With a struggle on his face, Li Shiqing finally pressed the 'violent' on his face, begging for justice.

But Ye Yiyun waved his hand generously, "It's okay, you're still helping me wash the dishes today, at noon today, if you say you want to eat, then eat whatever you want, Sister Li."

"Ah? Really?" Li Shiqing thought that he was letting her go, and what he said just now was just a joke, and immediately the weather turned clear, and she confirmed it with surprise.

"Of course, have I lied to you?" Ye Yiyun pretended not to be trusted and was angry.

"No, no." Li Shiqing shook her head hastily, her naive look was funny.

Looking at her clear eyes, Ye Yiyun couldn't bear to continue to arrange for her, so he simply said his last step, pretending to be distressed, "But..."

"But what?" Li Shiqing's smile faltered, her heart skipped a beat, and she asked nervously.

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(End of this chapter)

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