Chapter 108 Planning (for Subscription)

Jiang Tianhao, who was originally listless, seemed to smell a little bit of life, and straightened his waist, which was listless on the chair.

Ye Yiyun, who was 'holding the corpse', kept the posture of 'holding the corpse', and explained calmly, "At the beginning of school, she was not feeling well, so I carried her to the school infirmary, so..."

He didn't dare to say 'don't get me wrong' at all, and he didn't dare to say directly 'I don't have that kind of relationship with her', for fear of Li Shiqing's wild thoughts.

This degree of metaphor is enough for people who have experienced aunt to understand.

Duan Xiaohong breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, it's nothing to talk about, you can't mess around with people's lives.

However, it may be that she was too nervous and thought about it for a while, and her nephew has a calm personality, so she won't mess around.

"What's wrong?" Li Shiqing was in a daze, she didn't understand the reason why the proud auntie suddenly changed her face just now, let alone the deep meaning of Ye Yiyun's conversation with this auntie.

"It's okay, it's okay, come on, baby girl, keep eating, come on..."

After eating and drinking, Duan Xiaohong chatted with Li Shiqing for a while, and did not let her and her nephew leave until after 2 o'clock.

Jiang Tianhao originally wanted to repeat the old plan, but unfortunately, Duan Xiaohong is not Jiang Qilong. Jiang Qilong was afraid of losing face, so she grabbed her son by the ear and dragged him out of the taxi.

"Tsk, I really think there is something wrong with your brother." Li Shiqing withdrew her gaze and compared her head to Ye Yiyun who was beside her.

Ye Yiyun sighed, "Okay, as long as you have no problem."

This little idiot, chatting with her aunt, unknowingly set her up. What kind of family structure, hobbies, these are the basics. My aunt really wants to continue the chat. I guess she can even ask the little secrets in her heart. .

Little secret?
Does she have a little secret?

Ye Yiyun smiled self-deprecatingly, he probably thought too much.

"You don't come here, I'm smart." Li Shiqing replied quite unconvinced.

"Yes, yes, how smart you are, Sister Li."

"Why do I feel that you are talking ironically?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, it's from the heart."

"... "


The rash and erythema caused by alcohol allergy disappeared on the third day, so Li Shiqing counted it as two days in a row.

Later, every now and then, she came to Ye Yiyun's place to enjoy the autumn wind under the banner of asking homework.

After getting acquainted with each other, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei felt more at ease with Ye Yiyun.

It just so happened that my daughter didn't have many friends, so I just let her go.

“Da da ~ heartwarming breakfast ~”

On this day, like the previous few times, at 8 o'clock in the morning, Li Shiqing handed a bag of breakfast in her mouth to Ye Yiyun's face in a very ostentatious manner, which was only 85 years away from the century-old breakfast shop. Centimeters, if it weren't for Li Shiqing's height limit, she would really be embarrassing.

After Ye Yiyun took it, she skillfully put on the cotton mop that is now her own, and she even marked it with a marker on the cotton mop.

Throwing the schoolbag lightly on the sofa, the whole body falls into the sofa, which is the new sofa in the landlord's house, otherwise, if it is the sofa in the old bungalow, it will only "perish together and hurt both sides" with her.


The slight sound of the TV turning on.

"I was kidnapped by a mermaid just now..."

"Which one is the mermaid?"

"It's not who, it's a mermaid that's half human and half fish."

"... "

Because of the use of the box, and it’s the Spring Festival, some movie trailers for the Spring Festival are buzzing non-stop. What’s playing now is the preview of Master Xing’s 2016 new work "Mermaid". overture.

Generally speaking, after the specified number of seconds, you can press the OK button to exit.

This time, Li Shiqing took it seriously and did not quit.

"Hey, you said last time, if we had Qiao Shulin take a photo with us, how much would the photo be sold for?" Looking at it, she began to wonder.

Ye Yiyun took out a bag of pistachios from BESTORE and handed it to her. Because of the New Year, his uncle Jiang Qilong gave him snacks for the New Year one after another. He didn't understand why it was his uncle who gave his nephew the New Year's goods, but Jiang Qilong's explanation was better. , you don't have a family.

"Thank you, Zhuangzhuang~" Li Shiqing nestled on the sofa, opened his hands towards him, and took the pistachios happily, with a somewhat greasy tone.

Ye Yiyun smiled, picked up the milk on the coffee table, and sat beside her, "Why don't you say that we took a photo with that Yan Feiyan, and then come back to show it to Auntie?"

Li Shiqing tore open the package for a moment, as if she was thinking, and then she smiled proudly, "I'm just kidding you, do you take it seriously? Do you think I reset it if I don't remember coming back?"

Ye Yiyun paused.

Oh, it's rare to be teased by her once.

He put down the milk, and punched his right fist on the palm of his left hand pretending to be annoyed, "Damn it, let her pretend."

"Quack~" Li Shiqing smiled even more complacently.

Next, I happily watched it for nearly an hour. When it was time, Li Shiqing turned off the TV consciously, picked up her schoolbag, went to the dining table, and sat opposite Ye Yiyun.

This time, Ye Yiyun had been previewing for half an hour.

Three days ago, on the seventh day after his alcohol allergy symptoms disappeared, he led Li Shiqing to finish homework during the winter vacation. He finished all 3 subjects.

"My God, are you in such a rush?" Li Shiqing glanced at the pages of the next semester's mathematics textbook in his hand, and couldn't help being amazed.

"Hurry up?" Ye Yiyun repeated in doubt, and then shook his head pretentiously, causing Li Shiqing to roll his eyes.

However, soon, she also took out the textbook and began to preview.

Compared with Ye Yiyun, her progress was much slower, because the task Ye Yiyun assigned her two days ago was to reorganize the knowledge points of the previous semester.

In the quiet living room, the sun peeked in, Zhiqu stopped at half of the dining table, did not provoke the two of them, the rustling sound of writing and the sound of paper turning could be heard from time to time, there would be no depression like in school, Li Shiqing felt very Relaxed, comfortable, she kind of enjoys the time.

Enjoy, time will pass quickly, just like a certain saying of Master Xing, happy time always passes quickly.

At 11 o'clock, the alarm clock rang, and the two put down their pens and books.

"What's for dinner today?" Li Shiqing asked expectantly.

Ye Yiyun got up, looked at her condescendingly, and thought seriously for two seconds, "How about...Lanzhou Ramen?"

"Daba!" She didn't know where she learned some lame sentences, and even made an 'X' with her forearms crossed.

"Then why don't you come and show off? Sister Li." Ye Yiyun invited very 'graciously'.

"Huh? Didn't you say you were afraid of being poisoned last time?"

"It's okay, if you want to be poisoned, you will be poisoned together."


"That can't be my labor all the time, you eat the fruit, right?"

"Can you...can you be a little gentleman?"


"... "

Half an hour later, Li Shiqing prepared two dishes and one soup, and the taste...

It's not delicious, and it's not bad.

"How is it?" With her like that, Ye Yiyun could see the little tail behind her across the table.

"Well, it's very wrong. Next time, Sister Li will cook." He said 'praise'.

Immediately, the smug smile on Li Shiqing's face couldn't hold back, "Then, I...actually, your cooking is delicious."

Not answering her question, Ye Yiyun changed the subject and asked, "In the past few days, I found that your memory seems to have improved again. With this progress, do you have any plans for the future?"

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(End of this chapter)

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