Chapter 11

Li Shiqing stood up slowly, bent deeply, and kept pressing her abdomen with her left hand, hoping that the temperature of her palm would relieve the pain a little.

Ye Yiyun clasped her shoulder with his left hand, picked up her glasses with his right hand, put them on for her, and stretched out his fist, saying, "Come on, grab it."

Li Shiqing raised her head and glanced at him, her gaze was calm, she put her hand on his forearm, a faint warmth mixed with an inexplicable sense of security came from the palm of her hand.

"is that OK?"

Ye Yiyun asked carefully, and led her slowly outside the classroom.

Except for Deng Xiaoqi, all the girls in the class cast envious glances at Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing didn't care about it at the moment, ice water, spicy food, the crime of tongue, and physical discomfort, the consequences of the collision were unbearable for her.

From the classroom, down the stairs, out of the teaching building, every step she took, she felt her stomach hurt more.

The sun is scorching hot, and the shadows of leaves are scattered on the light gray ground.

Ye Yiyun noticed that her pace was getting slower and slower, and carefully led her to sit down on the rest chair in front of the flower bed, squatted down and asked, "How is it? Can you still persist?"

Li Shiqing shook her head, and now she could only let gravity drive her to shake, even with great effort.

His lips were pale and bloodless, his eyelids were unable to open and close, and he said like a mosquito, "Rest, rest for a while."

As she spoke, she curled up her thin, sick and tired body and wanted to lie down.

Ye Yiyun stretched out his hand, grabbed her shoulders, straightened her upright, supported her with his arms, and said, "This is made of stone, it's too cold, forget it, I'll carry you."

"Ah?" Li Shiqing was stunned.

She didn't think about it, she just felt that with the relationship between the two of them, Ye Yiyun couldn't treat her so well.

Ye Yiyun smiled and asked, "Are you afraid that I will take advantage of you?"

"No, no, how can I..."

Li Shiqing immediately shook her head again and again, and when he saw the teasing in Ye Yiyun's eyes, he would get angry and raise his hand to give him a hit.

It's a pity, it's too weak, I don't have the strength to walk so slowly just now, so I still have the energy to beat people?
When her fist failed, she glared at Ye Yiyun fiercely, and said angrily, "When is it? Are you still joking?"

Ye Yiyun didn't respond, and pulled Li Shiqing to stand up.

"Wait a minute, take a rest, I really have no strength." Li Shiqing murmured, struggling to sit down.

He took off the light black thin coat she was wearing on her upper body, with the sleeves spread out, and tied around her waist. The main part of the coat covered her short skirt and thighs.

Just when Li Shiqing was in doubt, he stretched his arm between her knees, clasped her left shoulder with the other, and with only one force, she found herself lying sideways, and the whole person was nestled in Ye Yiyun's arms.


A light cloud of powder quickly covered her pale face, and her eyes were full, flickering from side to side, for fear that others would see her.

"Put me down quickly." She whispered shamefully.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yiyun ignored it, walked steadily towards the school doctor's office, and said as he walked, "Don't worry, look at my hand, it's clutched, not many people pay attention to you, I'm afraid it's not right in your situation. Take it easy, take a break, and build up your strength."

Li Shiqing looked down, Ye Yiyun's right hand was clenched into a fist, and it was buckled on the side of her knee through the coat.

But this pose...

She silently hid her face in Ye Yiyun's arms, but she didn't know that such an action would arouse suspicion.

High school freshmen, senior sophomores, senior seniors, everyone who bumped into them, all looked sideways, some were curious, some were understanding, some were contemptuous.

After entering the complex building, just as I was about to go upstairs, Wang Hongying, the life teacher of the girls' dormitory building, came out and had a face-to-face meeting.

"What's wrong?" Wang Hongying leaned over and asked with a frown.

Li Shiqing turned her face away from Ye Yiyun's arms, and Wang Hongying almost understood her expression when she saw her expression.


Ye Yiyun was about to explain.

"Come with me." Wang Hongying stopped him, greeted him, and walked ahead.

After entering the school infirmary, when Ye Yiyun put Li Shiqing on the hospital bed, Wang Hongying drove her back.


night, starry sky
I took a shower in the small collective bathroom, and when I returned to the dormitory, three pairs of eyes came to focus.

With his hand still on the doorknob, Ye Yiyun was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?"

The three of Jiang Tianhao didn't respond, and laughed silently. The smiles were a little lewd and somewhat penetrating.

Ye Yiyun picked up a dry towel and dried his hair, felt the atmosphere silently, and had some guesses in his heart.

Jiang Tianhao got up at the right time, walked to Ye Yiyun with frivolous steps, and just about to put his hands on his shoulders, Ye Yiyun knocked him down with his backhand, "I have something to say."

"Oh~" Jiang Tianhao exaggeratedly sighed, and asked Wang Wu and Zhao Qiu who were facing him with a smile, "Hey, how do you say that word?"

Xiaopang immediately jumped up, and the stool collapsed half a meter back. He expressed his expression, spread his hands, swayed them slightly, and said, "I thought only Brother Hao would only focus on teasing girls, but I didn't expect it, no Come to think of it, with such a handsome face, Yiyun is not focused on studying."

This is the line of the skit "The Protagonist and the Supporting Actor", which was changed by Wang Wumo.

"Fuck off!" Jiang Tianhao really didn't expect Xiaopang to change like this.

The lines are full of charm, just like Xiaopang's expression, Ye Yiyun couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, someday you will be paralyzed, and I will be carried to the school infirmary. What are you thinking? You can't walk, and you are in a hurry. The only way is to hug her."

"Sophistry!" Xiaopang yelled, seeming to be stuck in the role.

Ye Yiyun glanced over, he immediately stayed the same, and said to himself, "Then she can't leave, you can carry her on your back, you are a princess, the whole school knows about it, and some young ladies in the club sent a message asking me to quit group."

Jiang Tianhao and Zhao Qiu immediately cast surprised glances, cooperating with Xiaopang and chatting about this matter as soon as he came back, it turned out that it was directly related to him.

"What's with what?" Ye Yiyun was speechless. He paused and explained, "I can carry or hug her, but what about the short skirt she wears? If there are some people with special hobbies in school, I can still stretch my eyes." to the back?"

Having said that, Jiang Tianhao and Zhao Qiu understood.

Seeing that those messy associations disappeared from their eyes, Ye Yiyun shook his head and said, "Don't pay attention to this, Lao Zhao just said it today, you forgot? Wednesdays and Thursdays, the main three subjects will be tested once a week. How much do you care about this?" Let's have some snacks."


At the same time, Li Shiqing's family
"So, this boy named Ye Yiyun carried you to the school infirmary?"

Although dysmenorrhea is painful, the conventional method is brown sugar ginger water and warm water bags. Li Shiqing thought carefully, and called the school doctor several times, successfully tricked the school doctor and asked her parents to take her to the hospital for examination. The method is the same as that of the school doctor, drink plenty of water and keep warm. She took the opportunity to go home and escaped the evening self-study and homework, but she did not expect that the first thing she would face when she returned home was to be questioned by her mother.

Li Shi was so annoyed that he didn't pay much attention to his mother Wang Shengnan's eyes, and nodded casually, "Yeah."

Turning to look at his father Li Dawei, he said coquettishly, "Dad, I want to eat barbecue~"

Wang Shengnan grabbed her arm and said, "What kind of barbecue are you eating? You answer mom's question first. How does that boy look like? Does he have a good relationship with you?"

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(End of this chapter)

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