Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 110 "Li Shiqing..." "Ye Yiyun..."

Chapter 110 'Li Shiqing...' 'Ye Yiyun...' (Subscribe)
Duan Xiaohong looked at her nephew meaningfully, then nodded with a smile.

However, it is a pity that Ye Yiyun's words may be a bit of a prophecy, and in the next 10 consecutive games, Li Shiqing will occupy the throne of the worst luck.


Jiang Tianhao pointed at his cousin, laughed into a ball, and rolled around on the sofa.

"What are you doing? What do you look like?" Duan Xiaohong, who had gone to chat on the phone, came back, and scolded her son who was smiling silly.

With tears in his eyes, Jiang Tianhao sat up convulsively, covered his stomach, said a few words and explained to his mother with a smile, "Li Shi loves her, she is the worst in 10 consecutive games, hahaha~"

After speaking, the guy laughed again.

10, then 100 yuan to go out.

Duan Xiaohong looked at Ye Yiyun with obvious reproach.

"It's okay, auntie, I'll send her a red envelope later." Ye Yiyun, who was scratching his head, said with a wry smile.

It seems that I am a little poetic.

"Hurry up and send it to others. If you have to turn back, how can the person who turns back pay attention to you?" Duan Xiaohong urged.

There was no other way, Ye Yiyun could only take his mobile phone and go upstairs to his bedroom.

At this time, Li Shiqing's home, Li Shiqing's bedroom

"Woo~ Xiaoqi, I'm the worst luck again." Li Shiqing wailed at the computer screen as she looked at the latest results.

Number 11, she really wanted to cry.

It's the same as being possessed.

Not only did she take in all the 30 or so yuan that she had fished in troubled waters before, even if she counted the 11 that she had snatched from herself, she would not say that she would take in 60 yuan of the cost.

"Ah~ my little money~"

Heartbroken, mourning unbearably, those who hear it are sad, and those who hear it cry.

"Okay, 11, right? I'll send you 120, don't howl." Deng Xiaoqi at the other end of the QQ video hastily stopped.

"Huh? Really?" Li Shiqing was overjoyed when the pie fell from the sky, but she asked more tactfully.

"Well... the wind blows people's money." Sure enough, Deng Xiaoqi's fox tail in the video frame was exposed, obviously asking for something.

No need to ask, Li Shiqing knew what this guy was thinking.

She glanced resentfully at Deng Xiaoqi in the video frame, then turned around silently, with her back to the camera.

"Hey, no, no, how can our pure friendship be mixed with interests?" Deng Xiaoqi panicked and explained anxiously.

Li Shiqing ignored her, her eyes fixed on the phone screen.

She just turned around, and when she turned her back to the camera, her phone vibrated. It was a red envelope from Ye Yiyun. The greeting in the center of the red envelope was a very common 'Happy New Year'.

So without thinking too much, she subconsciously ordered, 388 yuan.

How about this amount?

Needless to say, she knows very well that Ye Yiyun received more than 30 yuan in scholarships from elites last semester. Tens of thousands, what is 10 yuan?

But to say the least, the relationship between her and Ye Yiyun is not enough to give out this amount of red envelopes. It is great to send out 88 red envelopes between friends.

If you are greedy, you are greedy, but you can't be greedy for money.

Without too much hesitation and thinking, she immediately sent a red envelope to 388, sent it back to him with the same congratulations, and then said 'thank you'.

Then, after distributing the 12th red envelope in the group, she put her hands down and confronted Deng Xiaoqi with her acting skills.

At this time, Jiang Tianhao's family

"No need." It was said that Ye Yiyun was deep in thought, but Duan Xiaohong could read the result of the matter from his calm expression at a glance.

With a helpless smile, Ye Yiyun nodded.

Duan Xiaohong smiled and nodded meaningfully, "Good boy."

I don't know who I'm talking about.

A little interlude.

With each household, the New Year's Eve dinner was ready, and the red envelope rain in the class group began to cease fire. Of course, it was only a temporary ceasefire. Today we have to watch the night, and it will take a long time.

Ye Yiyun and Jiang Tianhao helped put all kinds of dishes on the table, and Duan Xiaohong was busy communicating with the situation in the store. Jiang's kitchen had reservations for New Year's Eve dinners. There can be no mistakes by a centimeter, and she must keep an eye on it all the time.

"The last one, family portrait~"

Jiang Qilong was wearing heat-insulating gloves, singing a horn, and holding a large casserole with a smile on his face. Although his small steps were quick, he was very steady. This was his previous cooking experience.

Ye Yiyun and Jiang Tianhao hurried aside.

"Qi, let's eat." Putting the family portrait in the middle of the dining table, Jiang Qilong's smile grew wider, mixed with a kind of relaxation.

Can be regarded as busy.

"Hard work, hard work, hard work, uncle." Ye Yiyun expressed his sincere gratitude, and helped to pull away the chair at the table.

"Look, learn." Jiang Qilong reprimanded his son who was standing stupidly beside him, then smiled at Ye Yiyun, "Hey, good."

Jiang Tianhao didn't care about it, he was used to it.

"Mom, let's have New Year's Eve dinner." He pulled out a chair and called out to his mother in front of the French window behind him.

"Here we come, here we come." Duan Xiaohong just finished tracking the phone and walked over with a smile.

Finally, all four were seated.

All the lights in the house are turned on, and the house is bright and brilliant, which means a bright new year.

Both Jiang Qilong and Duan Xiaohong are people from humble beginnings, and they don't have the habit of having their elders give speeches when they eat.

This year, my nephew didn't need to mention it, and they didn't need to worry about it at all; as for my son, although he was a little skinny, his grades could be considered accountable.

"Eat, eat."

Jiang Qilong greeted him, and when he moved the first chopsticks, Ye Yiyun and Jiang Tianhao really stopped being restrained, and they could eat whatever they liked.

"Well, Uncle, your skills really get more and more bewitching with age." Ye Yiyun gave Jiang Qilong a thumbs up after taking a sip of the soup with a bowl of salted Duxian.

The flattery is low and the workmanship is truly astonishing.

It is also understandable that Jiang's kitchen, just this brand, is now worth tens of millions in the market.

"Amazing, awesome, Lao Jiang." Jiang Tianhao also gave a thumbs up, but he was a little gibberish because of the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

"It's not big or small." Jiang Qilong pretended to be angry, stretched out his chopsticks and slapped Xiaobao's son.


Because Ye Yiyun is allergic to alcohol, Jiang Tianhao can only drink with Jiang Qilong for the New Year's Eve dinner.

The two of them really drank a lot, it wasn't Duan Xiaohong who stopped them and said they would keep vigil, maybe the two of them really had to drink and party.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, Su Xing, Duan Xiaohong and Ye Yiyun cleaned up the table, and the four of them sat on the sofa and watched the Spring Festival Gala around the TV.

In the 2016 Spring Festival Gala, those familiar comedians, such as Shen Chuan and Jia Ling, have not yet become resident guests, and the old face of Lao Zhao is no longer on the show.

Jiang Qilong and Jiang Tianhao, father and son who had been drinking, squinted at least three times in a daze.

Apart from Ye Yiyun who was relatively energetic, Duan Xiaohong also fell asleep once watching the show.

Finally, "Unforgettable Tonight" sung by Mr. Li, the repertoire of the Spring Festival Gala, was played again.

"Sleep, sleep." Jiang Tianhao was in a hurry, he didn't even wear slippers, Zhou Zheng probably didn't plan to wash his face like this.

Helping Duan Xiaohong, he sent the bewildered uncle back to the bedroom, and after saying good night, Ye Yiyun returned to his own bedroom.

He didn't go to sleep immediately, he sat down slowly by the bed, took out his phone from his pocket, unlocked it, looked at the penguin on QQ for half a minute, and finally clicked in to open the chat box with someone.

10 seconds later
Ye Yiyun's mobile phone, a message from Li Shiqing: 'Ye Yiyun...'

Li Shiqing's mobile phone, a message from Ye Yiyun: 'Li Shiqing...'

 Ask for a monthly ticket (Strictly speaking, my update is the earliest, 0:1 of the day; the third watch is not the day before, but the third watch of the day, please don’t get me wrong)
(End of this chapter)

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