Chapter 116 Thank you? (seeking subscription)
"What are you kidding?" Li Shiqing's eyes widened after listening to Deng Xiaoqi's explanation with intermittent laughter mixed with twitching.

Deng Xiaoqi didn't need to add anything to explain, but just pointed at Jiang Tianhao and Wang Wu.

Li Shiqing's shocked eyes turned to Jiang Tianhao behind him with the last gleam of hope.

The latter pursed his lips, trying not to look gloating, and said in a deep voice, "Although I really don't want to admit it, what Xiaoqi said is the truth."

Li Shiqing's heart collapsed more than half, but still holding on to the last half of luck, she slowly turned to Xiaopang.

"It's okay, don't worry, my brother Yun is strong and can withstand it." Xiaopang was the most rude, not an answer at all, but a verbal blow.

strong, strong...

Li Shiqing's earlobes were as red as a cockscomb, but time waited for no one. She tidied up the radio script in a panic, glanced at her watch, and hurried out of the classroom.

When she left the classroom, Jiang Tianhao could finally smile.

However, he didn't laugh out loud.

He was biting the book, his eyebrows were beaming; he was biting his fist, his abdomen was cramped; he was biting the desk, tears were streaming down his face.

All kinds of tricks, one set after another.

What about that, finally...


Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing couldn't see his wonderful expression like turning over the palette.

There is a passage between the teaching building of the first year of high school and the building of the broadcasting station, and this passage is also connected to the teaching administration building.

Running in a hurry, Li Shiqing carefully recalled the feeling of that moment...

No, it's obviously pretty tough.

Basic physiological knowledge, taught by junior high school teachers, boys...


She spat at herself, shook her head forcibly, put aside those messy thoughts, and after turning a corner, Li Shiqing suddenly found the person in front...

"Ye Yiyun!"

She bluffed from the ground, not only frightened the other two students in the passage, but also made Ye Yiyun tremble.


He sucked in a breath of cold air suddenly, and let it out again. He frowned and turned around, only to see Li Shiqing's eyes kept wandering over him, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Didn't I tell you that people will have a heart attack when they're scary." He complained silently.

That small tone is quite rare.

Hearing this, Li Shiqing smiled inexplicably, and immediately walked around him seriously, continuing to look at him.

"Hey, let's look at the fees." Ye Yiyun said impatiently.

"Chi." Li Shiqing couldn't hold back the resentful tone, she chuckled lightly, and met his gaze, "Haven't you realized that you are so poor?"

"Is there anything? I'm fine. Let's go." Ye Yiyun asked with a frown, his tone was not very good, it was strange that his usual calmness and composure seemed to be invalid now.

Li Shiqing looked down, and asked hesitantly, "Are you... all right?"

He clearly sensed where her gaze was probing, and he instantly understood what she was asking, but right now he didn't have time to take the opportunity to tease him, without any extra movements or expressions, he just said lightly, "You think too much."

After clarifying, he turned around and continued on.

He himself felt that he was the most authentic response, but in Li Shiqing's eyes, it was just a sign of embarrassment and inconvenient answering.

"Are you all right?" She chased after him and followed him.

The pace of both of them was not slow. Ye Yiyun lowered his head slightly, met her concerned eyes, suddenly remembered something, and pulled away his thoughts for a while, then quickened his pace, and said seriously, "You really misunderstood, your hand is just hitting you. to the base of my thigh."

"Really?" Li Shiqing also quickened her pace, still not convinced.

"Then I have no reason to lie to you." Ye Yiyun smiled, somehow, he felt better again.

At this point, seeing that his words were sincere and his expression did not appear to be fake, Li Shiqing was relieved a lot, but she still cared, "Go to the infirmary if you feel unwell, it's okay, it's not good..."

"Come on, Sister Li, give this manuscript to Senior Zhou and ask him to review it for the first time. If there is something inappropriate, I will help you to correct it." Before she finished speaking, Ye Yiyun reached out and picked up her wrist, Take a manuscript in her hand.

"Eh? Are you doing the sharing again today?" Li Shiqing, an old employee of half a radio station, figured out why Ye Yiyun was in such a hurry to go out.

Without speaking, Ye Yiyun just looked into her eyes, nodded, and turned to a staircase at a fork.

"Hey, no, then where are you going?" Li Shiqing asked his back.

Ye Yiyun turned his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "I... go to the infirmary to have a look."

"Ah?" Li Shiqing's expression changed drastically.

But seeing his back disappearing at the stairs, he glanced at the stairs again, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He also said not to lie to her, is that the route to the infirmary?

It will take a long detour to go down the stairs and go to the infirmary.


6 minutes later, radio station

"No, this is about to start, where did he go, didn't I tell you?" Zhou Yao scratched his head anxiously with the revised manuscript in his hand.

According to the process of the broadcast, the door is locked during the broadcast, in order to keep the room quiet, unless it is the station master teacher, the key can only be used to open it if there is an emergency.

"He..." Li Shiqing was a little at a loss for words. When she arrived in the broadcasting room, during the draft review process, what did she think was wrong? Could she be wrong?Could it be that Ye Yiyun really went to the infirmary?
At this time, the door of the radio station was suddenly pushed open, and the person they both missed finally appeared.

"Oh, Yiyun, you're here. Come on, sit down, let's match up the manuscripts quickly, and don't slap your mouth in a hurry." Zhou Yao anxiously pulled him to sit down, only to find that he Holding two exquisite gift bags in his hands, he couldn't help asking, "This is?"

Ye Yiyun handed one of the gift bags in front of him, with a smile on his face, "Thank you, today is really troublesome senior."

"Thank you? Damn, how can we use that? We are old acquaintances." Zhou Yao grinned at Ye Yiyun's words.

"No matter how familiar the relationship is, I still have to thank the senior for taking care of me. Don't refuse, you two took care of me last semester." It was the same sentence, Ye Yiyun lied without blinking, The sincerity in it made people feel embarrassed, especially when Li Shiqing took the gift bag from him and met his eyes, this feeling should not be too deep.

However, because the habits of the people in this country are different from those in the West, and the time is really tight, there is no time to unwrap the gifts to make sure they are true or false.

Zhou Yao no longer refused, accepted the gift, and quickly put himself into the manuscript review with Ye Yiyun; after Li Shiqing accepted it, he looked at it with some doubts, but put it aside without thinking too much.

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(End of this chapter)

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