Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 120 Contempt and hostility

Chapter 120 Contempt and hostility (for subscription)

Ye Yiyun couldn't hold back the grievance on the small face and the faint flirtatiousness.

This short chuckle made Li Shiqing unsure, it didn't make sense, there was clearly no sign on his face, his eyes, the corners of his didn't look like a prelude to a joke.

Her eyes kept scanning Ye Yiyun's face, as if she wanted to see into his heart, the corners of Ye Yiyun's mouth couldn't help but not the familiar arc of Li Shiqing.

Moving his eyes away from those big smart eyes, he raised his hand and landed on where his eyes rested. Li Shiqing didn't have time to avoid it, and his body seemed to have no intention of avoiding it.

Just when she was about to ask a question, a small scrap of paper slipped from between his slender fingers.

"Huh? When?" Responding, Li Shiqing reached out to touch her head naively, ready to lightly dust it off, but someone caught her outstretched hand.

From an anthropological point of view, the back of the hand and the base of the ear are the most sensitive parts. To make milk powder for babies, the temperature difference is measured with the back of the hand. Girls use the back of the hand to try cosmetics first.

Almost instantly, when her hand fell into someone's hand, the warm feeling was transmitted from the back of the hand to the brain through one neuron after another.

Some were startled and instinctively wanted to pull it back, but then Ye Yiyun's gentle voice sounded, "It's gone, no need to dust."

After speaking, he let go of his hand, and the warm feeling disappeared on the back of his hand, but her hand was frozen in a half-raised posture, as if she was greedy for that touch.

The unfinished fantasies of the evening were brewing again in Li Shiqing's heart.

It's strange, when she's alone, no matter what she thinks, it's as if she has no fear; but standing in front of Ye Yiyun, or in the presence of Ye Yiyun, especially when the two of them are alone, she's a little bit off. A strong sense of shame sweeps over your body.

Her earlobe was hot, and she tried hard to stay awake, not letting herself think about it, thinking about asking Ye Yiyun's answer as soon as possible, yes or no, whatever.


"Have you received the gift?" Her words were interrupted by Ye Yiyun's question.


"Got it, I like it very much, thank you." Li Shiqing raised her head, quickly grinned at him, and quickly turned her gaze away.

From Ye Yiyun's perspective, one can clearly see her slightly lowered eyes flickering constantly, and her long eyelashes are like a small fan.

"Okay." He nodded slightly, with a hint of satisfaction in his smile.

This made Li Shiqing who came over very strange. Could this be what he wanted to hear?
When the cloud of suspicion in her head became heavier, Ye Yiyun suddenly changed the topic to the matter she was obsessed with at the moment, "I will suggest it to the monitor, and I will also ask Qian Sanyi for his opinion, but it is still the old rules , I won’t hide this from my cousin.”

Why did you let go all of a sudden?
Could it be that what he was waiting for was really the phrase 'received, I like it very much, thank you'?
Li Shiqing's mind unknowingly shifted from what she was insisting on a second ago, and turned all her attention to guessing Ye Yiyun's mind.

But no matter what she thought, there was no accurate evidence, and she couldn't get an accurate answer.

It's hard to guess.

By the time she frowned in annoyance and her thoughts returned to reality, Ye Yiyun had already scanned half of the third column.

"When?" she murmured in surprise.

"Sister Li, don't try to catch fish, I'll sweep the ground, drag it, you come." Ye Yiyun's voice sounded again, the tone changed, and it became playful and lively, completely different from before.

But these are not important, what is important is the content of this sentence.

"What are you talking about?!" Li Shiqing stared at him with eyes full of astonishment.

"Don't waste time, Sister Li, you can go wash the mop now, I'm the last one left." Obviously without raising her head, just from his words, Li Shiqing can imagine the expression on his lowered face. smile.

"Ye Zhuangzhuang! Do you have a gentleman's demeanor?" She was so angry that she ran away, and she didn't know where she was?

Ye Yiyun straightened up, with deliberate doubts on his face, "Hey, aren't you my sister? Sister Li, Sister Li, your name is not for nothing."


Sure enough, he was still that weak-hearted, Li Shiqing's 'face is ferocious', his teeth were itching with anger, and he wished he could go up and bite him.


At 8:27 p.m., Hun Dan said what he said, but when it came to the actual matter, he was still duplicity. After he helped drag one-third of the ground, Li Shiqing was liberated a few minutes earlier.

Because on the first day of the official class, there are not many subjects in the class, and there are 3 sub-subjects, so there is not much homework. When she returned to the dormitory, there were scattered people brushing their teeth and washing their faces in the small group sink, including her dormitory. Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi.

Among girls, the ability to form small groups and exclude people is far superior to that of boys; there is no reason for several people to be malicious to a certain person.

In the quiet corridor, with a distance of about 3 meters, Li Shiqing heard the conversation between the two.

Listen, it's not her intention, she's definitely not eavesdropping, because this road is the only way to their dormitory, or when going downstairs to the first floor, you have to walk an extra 10 meters first, and use the stairs on the other side. Come up, this is just to stagger the two of them.

But right now, it's unavoidable.

"Do you think this study group is interesting?" The two should be brushing their teeth, and the person who complained was Wei Xindi.

Liang Yunshu rolled his eyes artificially, "It's not that Lao Zhao watched someone's grades soar and thought this model was reliable."

Her frivolous tone, combined with her usual yin and yang aura, naturally Wei Xindi would not just listen to what she said on the surface.

Knowing that Liang Yunshu didn't get along with Li Shiqing and Deng Xiaoqi in the dormitory, Wei Xindi smiled, and followed her words, "If you want me to say, even a dog, tied to the Great God Ye, can get good grades."

These words are more or less a bit sour, but more of a contempt and hostility towards Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing could feel from the eyes of the two people in the same dormitory since she entered school, that before her grades had not made such strong progress as now, she had often suffered similar contempt and hostility in elementary and junior high schools, as if poor grades were The original sin, concealed under her so-called, self-thought optimism and self-knowledge, is not lacking in a little inferiority complex, so that sometimes, when others ridicule her, she often faces the ridicule and laughs at herself.

She is a girl, which girl is not psychologically sensitive?
There is a saying in the oil seller, 'There is nothing but familiarity'.

When she recalled her past at this time, she also had a similar sentence to describe her calm feeling in the face of such contempt and hostility, 'it's nothing special, I'm used to it'.

Therefore, as far as she is concerned, she doesn't care too much about what Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi say to her, and at most she will ignore them in the future.

"Ham, what a master is not a master, he's just a self-righteous fool with no vision." Liang Yunshu seemed to have a different view on a certain word in Wei Xindi's words.

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(End of this chapter)

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