Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 129 Borrowing Your Male God to Use

Chapter 129 Borrowing Your Male God to Use (Please Subscribe)

February 2016, 2, the 22th day of the first lunar month, is the Lantern Festival, also known as the Lantern Festival and Lantern Festival.

In this year, generally, young people still like to celebrate Valentine's Day on February 2th, which is imported, forgetting that there is also Valentine's Day in their own country.

The name of the Lantern Festival does not sound like a Valentine's Day festival, but it is actually worthy of the word "Valentine's Day", and it is more worthy of the name than the Qixi Qiqiao Festival.

The reason is very simple. In ancient times, there was no curfew on this day, and the people could revel all night; women living in boudoirs could enjoy lanterns together on this day; Opportunity to tell each other.

However, it is a pity that the Lantern Festival is not a legal holiday in our country.

Fortunately, the elites are free of evening self-study today. Students can go home for the night, or they can stay in school. They just need to return to school on time before the first class tomorrow.

From 17:30 the day before yesterday to 7:50 the next day, there was not much homework, and there was still plenty of time.

"Yiyun, huh?" As school was approaching, during the break before the last class, Jiang Tianhao stuck to him, his eyes very 'ambiguous'.

Ye Yiyun organized the notes, clearly marked the key points, and handed them to the front. When Li Shiqing took the notes, he looked at Jiang Tianhao and smacked, "Well... you can go to my place, you have to tell uncle and aunt first."

In fact, Jiang Tianhao could have any bad intentions, but he just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to relax and play games.

The first week of formal class is over, and I have started to study from the holidays, and I feel somewhat uncomfortable due to the gap.

Elite notified the parents of the first and second graders of the special arrangements for today and tomorrow, which looked like a holiday for the students.

Everyone knows that it is just responding to the city's call to promote traditional culture and traditional festivals.

Regardless of the first year of high school, the group of the second year of high school will immediately be promoted to the third year, but if one of them leaves school today and does not go home, or even if he does go home, the parents are lenient and will not say anything; Students who race against time are bound to be scolded bloody by their parents.

The first year of high school is better. After all, there is still a year to go, and most parents are not as urgent as the second year of high school.

As for senior year...

Most of them should be animals, not an insult to personality, but an analogy of the actual situation. As long as you can't learn to die, learn from death.

Generally speaking, for senior one and senior two, the arrangement of the elite today can be summed up in a word often used by teachers, voluntary, voluntary.

"Ah~" Jiang Tianhao's expression turned pale.

It's better to go home than to call.

Anyway, I will suffer a meal.

He retreated to his seat in a little disappointment, resting his chin on his hand, and glanced at someone with disinterestedness.

He didn't know that the person he focused on had a new idea because of his words...

The last Chinese class ended soon, and Li Shiqing was not on duty for the evening broadcast today.

"How is it? Today's Lantern Festival, do you want to eat something?" Ye Yiyun asked without raising his head.

At this moment, many students in the classroom are packing their schoolbags, but these people also have one thing in common, and their grades are not bad.

Li Shiqing turned around, and grinned at him with a standard smile, her white teeth adding a bit of sweetness, "Sorry, Ye Dashen, I have a big table at home... the dishes are waiting for me, today... I won't be with you. "

As she spoke, she playfully gave Wink to her left eye.

It has been 3 or 4 months since she had grown her hair. Li Shiqing is a little girl with no pressure in life, and her studies are done step by step. There is not much pressure. Therefore, her hair volume and hair length at this time are still considerable. The most intuitive feeling is softness.

The edges and corners of her face have not changed much. Compared with the cuteness in the past, it is more pure and pure now.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really ruthless." Ye Yiyun smiled and shook his head, his tone mixed with deliberate loneliness and resentment.

Li Shiqing pursed her lips, with a smile on her face, tilted her head triumphantly, raised her chin, reached out to touch his notes away, and turned around with eyes that were inadvertently seductive.

Ye Yiyun's eyes froze for a short time, and then quickly packed his schoolbag.

Because going home or not going home is reported to the life teacher in advance, so people like Li Shiqing and Ye Yiyun packed their schoolbags and went directly to the school gate; In the dormitory, of course, it is not ruled out that some people may go back to the dormitory to report and then go home.

Such behavior…

How to explain it?
Ann (deceived) comforted (deceived) herself.

"There are...too few people, right?" Leaving the teaching building and walking for a while, there are fewer and fewer people around. It seems that some people who were planning to go home have changed their minds temporarily. Looking at the crowds around them, Li Shiqing Can't help but sigh with emotion.

"Come on." Ye Yiyun chuckled lightly.

Li Shiqing was slightly stunned, "What, what volume?"

She didn't know the word well.

It is rare for Ye Yiyun to ask, a word that is often on the lips, but he really couldn't think of it for a while when he really asked about the source.

Alas, the knowledge area has to be expanded.

When he was about to explain it literally, an unexpected person trotted over.

"Eh? Xiaoqi, are you going home too?" Li Shiqing was a little surprised.

After Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi did day studies, Hu Wenying and Liu Hui, who originally shared the dormitory with Class 2, moved in. The four of them got along very well. Last night, the four of them discussed how to go home today, and which lantern festival tonight was planned. There was a meeting, but Deng Xiaoqi was a little hesitant, and she felt it was a pity that the matter of the Lantern Festival was left alone.

Deng Xiaoqi's eyes flickered a little, she nodded at her, and then quickly shifted her gaze to Ye Yiyun's face at the side.

This abnormal behavior made Ye Yiyun a little strange, but he didn't ask, but smiled politely.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at the smiling face that strangers should not enter, feeling very uncertain.

Li Shiqing noticed something strange about her friend, but she didn't think much about it. She stuck to Deng Xiaoqi's side, slightly twisted her body, and raised her eyebrows, "How is it? Do you want an appointment tonight?"

Before school started, the Jiangzhou Lantern Festival started to be promoted. Today, Li Dawei still routinely takes his wife and daughter out to visit the lantern festival.

If Li Shiqing's grades hadn't improved greatly, Wang Shengnan might not have agreed.

Therefore, Li Shiqing's appointment at this moment means which lantern will meet at night.

She didn't know that Deng Xiaoqi didn't have such thoughts at all.

The hesitant eyes kept lingering on the side of Ye Yiyun's face. After a seemingly intense thought struggle, Deng Xiaoqi secretly gritted her teeth, reached out and took Li Shiqing's arm, leaned close to her ear, and whispered hastily, "I'll borrow your male god's help." Down."

"Eh? What, why..." The smile on Li Shiqing's face stagnated, a little confused.

 Ask for a monthly ticket (there are 2 more at 12:[-] noon)

(End of this chapter)

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