Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 132 The Enemy of One Life

Chapter 132 The Enemy of Life (For Subscription)
From the perspective of human body's instinctive reaction, Li Shiqing subconsciously wanted to turn her head away, but the lesson was right in front of her eyes, and she couldn't be fooled this time.

She turned her body to the right, and the moment she turned her head, she jumped to the left.


It's a pity that looking ahead, there is no sign of the person I'm looking for except for the tourists passing by.


She didn't react until the guy's familiar figure sounded from behind her.

"When?" She asked as she turned around again.

It can be seen that when she saw someone's unconcealed smile, the doubt in her heart turned into anger.

"Hey, don't do it, hey, glutinous rice balls." Ye Yiyun seemed to be able to read her mind, and took another step to lift up the plastic bag in his hand.

The plastic bag is transparent, and the four stacked insulation boxes are also transparent. You can clearly see the chubby glutinous rice balls floating up and down slightly in the shallow white soup.

"Huh~ When did you buy it?" Li Shiqing's eyes burst into surprise. Although she ate glutinous rice balls on the first day of the new year, it was only one of the few times in a year.

She ran all the way here, exhausted a lot of physical strength, just looking at the glutinous rice balls, her mouth was filled with fluid.


"It's costing you again?" Very suddenly, she said this suddenly.

Ye Yiyun was stunned for a moment, and glanced at her embarrassed face, he smiled, took out the top box of glutinous rice balls, and handed it over, "Don't worry, you will return it later."

It seems that there is something in the words.

Li Shiqing was not Ye Yiyun, she couldn't read his mind, she just nodded her head and said seriously, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay it back."

He spoke quite loudly.

Ye Yiyun narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay, I'll wait."

The two stopped to chat, waiting for Deng Xiaoqi and Qian Sanyi who were chased and left behind by them.

As far as Li Shiqing's appetite is concerned, it's really good. She was 3% full after eating at home, so she waited for someone. It took about 16 minutes, [-] large glutinous rice balls, and even half a bowl of soup, all went into her stomach.

At this time, Ye Yiyun only ate the sixth one.

"Your strength is the same as before, Sister Li." He joked with a smile.

At the same time, he turned sideways and turned the right side pocket of his trousers to face her, "There are napkins inside."

Li Shiqing's cheeks flushed slightly, she reached out and took out a bag of napkins, took out one, and was about to return it when Ye Yiyun had already turned back to her original position.

"Take it." Ye Yiyun said.

Li Shiqing nodded, wiped her mouth, and started to make up for herself, "What do you know, my mother is just like you, she doesn't allow me to eat more at night, I just ate for 5 minutes, and chasing you just now consumes so much, can you hungry?"

As she spoke, her gaze was attracted by the bowl of glutinous rice balls Ye Yiyun was holding in his hand.

With a cursory glance, retract your gaze; with the second glance, retract your gaze reluctantly; with the third gaze...

"Come on, come on, Sister Li, where's your spoon?" He took away his spoon and handed the bowl in front of Li Shiqing.

"I... hey." Li Shiqing hadn't spoken his first polite words, but he had already thrown his spoon into the trash can beside him.

"En." Ye Yiyun gestured to her again.

"Okay, okay, I'm mainly afraid that you will waste it." Li Shiqing was quite embarrassed, opened the box of her bowl of glutinous rice balls, took out a spoon, threw the box into the trash can, and took Ye Yiyun's glutinous rice balls.

She scooped one up and stuffed it into her mouth. The sesame seeds burst into juice, and the aroma instantly filled her mouth. She chewed happily and smiled at Ye Yiyun, but the white and neat white teeth in the past were covered with a layer of light gray. The sesame filling, the scene is really beautiful.

"Don't, don't miss it." Ye Yiyun quickly reminded, with a helpless and somewhat fond smile on his face?Still disgusted?

Li Shiqing scooped up two more, stuffed her mouth like a squirrel, nodded to Ye Yiyun with a smile while chewing, and muttered, "Hmm."

Seeing her contentment, the corners of Ye Yiyun's mouth could not stop rising.

The young man who was obviously older than Ye Yiyun coaxed his girlfriend bitterly, and cast envious and admiring eyes on Ye Yiyun at the same time.

Have a hand.

After waiting for another 3 minutes, Li Shiqing ate the rice balls for the second time, and Deng Xiaoqi and Qian Sanyi came slowly.

"Hey, are you going to the Lantern Festival? Or are you telling your heart?" Li Shiqing immediately became angry.

Qian Sanyi's expression was flat and unwavering.

Deng Xiaoqi was overjoyed, these words sounded like teasing her, but she wished there would be more teasing.

"Okay, let's go back after guessing a few lantern riddles." Ye Yiyun interrupted her fantasy with a voice, and at the same time distributed the glutinous rice balls to the two, "It's already cold, let's warm it up before eating."

Then he explained a little more to Qian Sany, "Old Qian, I don't know if Auntie likes it or not, so I didn't buy it. If Auntie likes it, we can bring another bowl when we go out later."


"Give mine to Auntie."

Before Qian Sanyi had finished his polite refusal, Deng Xiaoqi handed over the box in her hand.

Ye Yiyun looked at it for a while, and his heart twisted.

Maybe his words weren't obvious enough.

Pei Yin and Qian Sanyi's breakfast was all Western style, which Ye Yiyun had seen twice.

Deng Xiaoqi's actions are simply...

No amount of help is futile.

"No, thank you." Qian Sanyi said coldly, and walked towards the lantern riddle over there.

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help feeling lonely.

Li Shiqing took her arm, but didn't say much.

"Let's go."

A few people quickly arrived at the rows of lantern riddles.

There are several types of lamp shapes for lantern riddles. There are traditional lanterns, fish and dragon shapes, and big red knot shapes. Seeing the meaning, it should be a distinction between different levels of difficulty.

There are quite a few people under the lantern riddles, but there are more children, teenagers, and middle-aged people, and fewer young people.

Guessing lantern riddles is bound to be boring.

Because the site is located on Chenghuang Street, the Lantern Festival is such an activity to attract customers. The merchants of the whole street, including the street officials, will contribute, and the merchants account for most of them.

Therefore, guessing lantern riddles is not for nothing. White guessing here does not mean spending money, but rewards.

One person is limited to one, and one lantern riddle is limited to three correct guesses, that is, one person can get a prize at most once, and a riddle can hold three prizes.

As for the prizes, the third prize is a high-quality calendar. Needless to say, the pictures on the calendar are all merchants in Chenghuang Street; the second prize is a thermos cup gift box, which contains two thermos cups. , it’s pretty good; the first prize is a massage gift box, which is also a big brand; as for the special prize...

Unfortunately, they came too late, and the 3000 yuan consumption coupon has already been taken away by someone else.

"Ah~ why is this?" Li Shiqing couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

Seeing her sad expression of 'missing [-] million', Ye Yiyun couldn't help laughing, "That doesn't mean you can guess right."

"Underestimate me?" Li Shiqing's eyes sharpened sharply, and provocative sparks flickered in his eyes.

"Chinese is my strong point." She said proudly.

"So, have you ever won the first place in Chinese?" Ye Yiyun followed closely without leaving any gaps, dropped a sentence, and looked at Qian San. Lantern riddles in the prize area.

Although three prizes can be distributed for one riddle, the supply of prizes is not unlimited. I just asked the staff who redeemed the prizes, and there are not many prizes left for the first prize.

Since each person has only one chance, it is better to try the first prize lantern riddle directly.

Staring blankly at that arrogant guy walking away, Li Shiqing was about to run away immediately, "Ye Yiyun, you are the enemy of my life~"

"Don't be like this, Shiqing, don't be like this." Fortunately, Deng Xiaoqi hugged her waist tightly, so there was no big fun.

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(End of this chapter)

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