Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 135 'Childhood Sweetheart'

Chapter 135 'Childhood Sweetheart' (for subscription)
Ye Yiyun hurriedly put down the hand that caused the trouble, walked over half of his body in front of Li Shiqing, handed out his school badge unhurriedly, and said politely, "Hello, teacher, I am Ye Yiyun from Class [-]. "

"Hi teacher, I'm Li Shiqing from Class [-]." Li Shiqing followed suit.

The teacher glanced at the school cards of the two of them, his face turned pale, but he didn't let the two of them enter the school, but asked, "Where did you go? Why are you here now?"

"Sorry, teacher, we both sat and stood." Ye Yiyun was not lying this time, the two of them did sit and stood, but at the same time he also knew that he was not late for a long time, and the morning self-study started at 7 o'clock. 4 minutes passed.

Seeing that he was not flustered, his tone was steady, and he didn't seem to be lying, the teacher glanced at the two of them, and frowned suddenly, "Okay, go to the morning reading quickly, and stop talking about it in the future."

After being reminded by the teacher, Li Shiqing suddenly remembered that someone had been hugging...

"Understood, I understand, thank you teacher." As soon as she realized it, she was interrupted by someone.

Entering the campus, the scattered students were in a hurry, and all of them looked tense and dignified. Just entering the gate, bursts of chanting came from the teaching building. Even the elite third year, it is difficult to see such nervousness. The tense atmosphere seemed to be filled with gunpowder smoke. Just standing on the campus, that oppressive feeling came to my heart.

In contrast to the students walking past quickly, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing who were walking slowly were really eye-catching.

Li Shiqing originally wanted to talk about that guy's cuddling..., but feeling the strange eyes around her, she couldn't help but move closer to that guy.

Ye Yiyun turned his head, glanced at her, and looked forward, still with a relaxed expression that didn't match the atmosphere, and said lightly, "Don't panic, you just feel it in advance, don't go to the classroom, go to the toilet first, put this bag …Gather the information in the bag, let’s chat over lunch.”

"Okay." Once in the loop, Li Shiqing switched to the obedient mode, thinking, but had no objection to Ye Yiyun's arrangement, and executed it accurately.


"Next time, let's explain the situation first, and then go, understand?"

Nearly 10 minutes later, the two of them who finished sorting out the 'new identity' materials, without any surprise, gave the head teacher Sun Yan a slap in the face.

At this moment, the teacher really didn't stop talking about people, Sun Yan's voice was not loud, occasionally mixed with a few swear words, every sentence pierced people's hearts.

If it wasn't for Li Shiqing who knew exactly what she was going through, or if she wasn't a real high school senior, she would almost cry.

"Understood, I understand, thank you teacher." Ye Yiyun nodded slightly, with the attitude of a good student who hangs his head and thinks about mistakes after making mistakes.

Li Shiqing didn't have so many ideas, anyway, she had to follow suit.

Seeing that the two had a good attitude of 'admitting their mistakes', the homeroom teacher Sun Yan nodded, "Okay, go in, hurry up, don't waste time."

The two entered the classroom, and the innermost row, the second and third from the bottom, was still the front and rear rows.

After being seated, Li Shiqing followed Ye Yiyun's instructions to find out the Chinese handouts, read them aloud regardless of the situation, and joined the morning reading team.

Most of the students around were racing against time, and they didn't pay much attention to these two people. They just glanced at them and lowered their heads to concentrate on their own affairs.

Mathematics, mathematics, English, English, one morning, two classes, there is no break between the first and second classes and between the third and fourth classes, only a 10-minute break between the second and third classes, except for this rest time, For the rest of the time, the students are all sitting in the classroom, and they can just raise their hands to explain.

After the whole morning, Li Shiqing felt dizzy.

At noon, a corner of the deserted playground

"..." Li Shiqing sat in the shadow of a big ginkgo tree, eating instant noodles with blank eyes, occasionally squinting at Ye Yiyun with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

"I didn't bring any money this time, but I did bring my mobile phone, but it was in a dead state, what about you?" Ye Yiyun, who also ate instant noodles, explained.

The biggest difference between this cycle and the previous two is that there is an identity.

The current time is 2011. The two live in the old Haitang Tongzi Building in Anqiao City. They are childhood sweetheart neighbors. Both parents are working outside. They failed the college entrance examination last year.

Having an identity and not having an identity are definitely two difficulties. With such an identity, the resources Ye Yiyun can borrow are different.

However, the environment of this cycle is a bit unfriendly to Li Shiqing.

"It's the same crash." Li Shiqing nodded weakly, and explained, "I'm not treating you, I ate almost nothing, just don't starve, Zhuangzhuang, you have to hurry up, staying in this school for one more day is simply a day of torture .”


It sounds like the mentality is okay.

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Yiyun's mouth, and his tone relaxed, but he said in advance, "Oh, then you have to hold on, Sister Li, we entered the teaching building just now, didn't you see the big LED screen? There are still 74 days left for the college entrance examination, if 74 days is a big cycle, then..."

Hearing this, Li Shiqing's stooped waist was instantly straightened like a clockwork, her head turned to him slowly mechanically, her eyes gradually widened, her pupils trembled a little, and the instant noodles she held in her hand shook slightly, like It's like the whole body's strength is disappearing.

"Hey, sooner or later, sooner or later there will be a senior year, why are you panicking, don't panic, everything is up to me." Ye Yiyun stretched out his hand on her face, and gently placed it on the back of the hand holding the instant noodles .

The warm touch came for the fourth time, and Li Shiqing didn't have time to recall the sadness of the situation he might face now, she was a little excited, and quickly put the instant noodles, and lifted her hands up by using the movement of crossing the noodles.

She seemed to be escaping, but after Ye Yiyun withdrew his hand, thinking that it was in a loop, she secretly looked at his slender hand, with a hint of aftertaste in her eyes.


Yaohong re-study centers, or most of the re-study centers, are fully closed or semi-closed, which is similar to elites, but Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing are day students and do not live on campus.

Fortunately, I didn't live on campus, otherwise it would not only take time but also trouble to integrate into a new dormitory relationship.

It was dinner time at 6 o'clock in the evening, and the two of them still had a whole bowl of instant noodles for dinner, and put the extra in their respective backpacks, among which the sum of scattered money was only about 400 yuan, so they could only be used sparingly.

After two math classes in the afternoon and late self-study, the time came to 8:[-], and school was finally over.

Li Shiqing moved her rusty muscles and bones, who knew how long she had been sitting this day.

"I'm about to get sores."

She inadvertently sighed, attracting the attention of several people around. These people smiled knowingly, and then returned to their previous numbness.

"Let's go."

"Wait, wait for me."

The calm Ye Yiyun and the flustered Li Shiqing went out under the watchful eyes of other 'students' in the classroom.

"Huh?" There were three girls in a gang, one of them gave a cold sneer at Li Shiqing's back, his eyes were full of irritability and impatience.

"Forget it, it's normal for my childhood sweethearts to depend on each other for life." The girl named Wei Lai who talked to Ye Yiyun in the middle of the afternoon smiled and shook her head.

The words sound inexplicable; the smile is also half-true.

 There are 2 more at 12:[-] noon
(End of this chapter)

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