Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 142 Don't accept

Chapter 142 Don't accept (please subscribe)
The next day, at 6:20, in the Academic Affairs Building
Even if the class has not started, the teaching building is still not 'safe'. There are hard-working boarding students who arrive at the classroom at 6 o'clock to start their morning reading. Only the teaching administration building, where students dare not come, is the most 'safe' place.

"Starting today, Li Shiqing will follow you around the clock, and I will assist you. This is a can of anti-wolf spray. If you can't stand their bullying, you can use it." In a dark corner with not much light, Ye Yi Yun asked in a low voice.

Hu Xiaodie listened very carefully. Out of the two choices yesterday, she chose the latter. In her words, justice does not matter. She just wants those who bully her to get the punishment they deserve.

Looking at the anti-wolf spray in front of her, she stretched out her hand, and then slowly withdrew her hand the moment her finger touched the tank body. She shook her head and looked at Ye Yiyun firmly, "It's okay, I can hold on of."

Ye Yiyun stared for a moment, it seemed that this girl had made up her mind.

"Okay, there are two points. I must remind you. Although you know that we are collecting evidence and supporting you behind your back, when you are being bullied by them, you must not show a trace. What was your state before, and now you are still In addition, if we collect evidence up to three times, we will help you contact legal aid lawyers to initiate criminal proceedings. After that, whether it is the police, our lawyers, or the other party’s lawyers, no matter how you ask, you must Grit your teeth and say that you don’t know us well, no matter what our motives are, you must be unmotivated, understand?”

"Understood, don't worry, after leaving here, we are just strangers who haven't talked a few words." Hu Xiaodie nodded heavily, her heart was never firm and joyful, and there was even a trace of tears in her eyes.

"Okay, you go first." It's easy to talk to smart people, unlike some fool, Ye Yiyun glanced at someone who was 'ready to move' beside him.

Hu Xiaodie straightened her waist and took a deep look at the two of them, as if she wanted to engrave their faces in her memory. When she came out of the teaching building, the sun that had been covered by clouds in the east cast thousands of golden lights. She covered her eyes with her hand, and then slowly moved away. In an instant, her eyes were full of light...

"Here, this is a spare phone for you. Remember the tracking and concealment skills I taught you last night?" In the back, Ye Yiyun handed over the new phone he bought last night to Li Shiqing, feeling a little worried in his eyes.

"Don't worry, don't worry, remember to understand." Li Shiqing took the phone and adjusted it simply.

Seeing her gearing up, she looked like she was about to 'fight'.

This stupid...

Ye Yiyun pursed his lips, and looked down at the portable recorder in his palm.

He does not fight unprepared battles, and once he locks on the target, he must eliminate all possibilities of failure.


On March 3, before school ended in the afternoon, Wei Lai, Luo Ting, and Xu Miao blocked Hu Xiaodie in the toilet, and threw toilet paper soaked in water on her face, body, and even the body behind Hu Xiaodie. The walls are full of toilet paper balls.

On April 4, during the big class break in the afternoon, Wei Lai instructed Luo Ting to fill Hu Xiaodie's seat with Coke. Yaohong's summer school uniform for girls is blue. Much like a girl visiting relatives, Li Shiqing didn't have time to take out her phone to take pictures of this detail, so Ye Yiyun secretly took pictures with a portable recorder.

The head teacher came to class, and when the whole class stood up, the students who knew about it in the class thought that Hu Xiaodie would sit down. When Li Shiqing was about to step forward to overturn the chair, Hu Xiaodie became the only one in the class who didn't sit down after the teacher said "sit down". For those who did not sit down, Sun Yan found the Coke on the chair and cursed heavily.

On the surface, Hu Xiaodie started to resist this move, but in reality only Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing knew that it was just a plan for revenge. If the three of Wei Lai counterattacked harder, they would be firmly stepping into the trap.

Sure enough, two days after being 'honest', on April 4th, after evening self-study, Wei Lai, Luo Ting, and Xu Miao blocked Hu Xiaodie in the alley of an old building, punched and kicked her, and threw her schoolbag , tearing books, pulling hair, verbal insults...

Li Shiqing, who was hiding in the dark, wanted to rush out for countless moments, and told Ye Yiyun, 'You will only waste her efforts if you go out now' to block her back.

When Wei Lai, Luo Ting, and Xu Miao left triumphantly, Li Shiqing wanted to go up, but she was still held by Ye Yiyun, "Don't worry, if they don't stay for three years, if they don't stay with them for the rest of their lives, I'm sorry for their performance tonight." , don’t contact her, don’t leave a trace, don’t fail.”

The next day, April 4th, just as Ye Yiyun was thinking about what excuses to call the police, Hu Xiaodie showed her wisdom again. While cooking, the three of Wei Lai came to act as a demon again. , she did not listen to the persuasion of the class teacher and the principal, and chose to call the police.

The policemen who came were still Lao Yang and Zheng Yi. It was just a simple campus dispute. They made a record and released the four students involved. In the afternoon, they received an anonymous letter.

Of course, the information will not only be sent to the police, the legal aid lawyer who contacted Hu Xiaodie, the 17-year senior lawyer, also received relevant information when it was difficult to get started.

The police and lawyers worked together. Wei Lai's mother brought the lawyer to the scene. The trick was quite sophisticated. While throwing the blame on the school, she questioned the source and legitimacy of the video.

It's a pity that the police gave her a direct answer about the legality; but due to the process, the source still needs to be investigated. In 11 years, there is no shortage of monitoring. After tracing the source, the police soon found Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing.

On April 4th, three working days after Hu Xiaodie’s campus bullying case was officially filed, Ye Yiyun, Li Shiqing, Wei Lai, their parents, Wei Lai’s lawyer, Hu Xiaodie’s legal aid, and Hu Xiaodie’s legal aid The lawyer and Hu Xiaodie's father gathered at the police station.

"For what purpose did you take these videos?" Before Lao Yang and Zheng Yi could speak, Wei Lai's lawyer attacked Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing first.

Normally, Li Shiqing's temper would flare up even in the police station.

Today, Ye Yiyun had already given her orders, but she just sat quietly.

Ye Yiyun lightly swept across a group of angry people, looked at Lao Yang and Zheng Yi, and said sarcastically, "Officer Yang, Officer Zheng, I remember that you informed us to take notes and assist in the investigation, why? Come to mediate?"

Lao Yang's face froze. In principle, these days, there is no final judgment and penalty standard for campus bullying. It is difficult to grasp the degree. If the major incidents can be reduced to minor ones, an apology and compensation will be the best.

Of course, when he did this, there were also other forces that pushed him, but that force was at most a push, and could not play a decisive role.

Not only did Lao Yang look ugly, but Wei Lai's lawyer also looked ugly. Luo Ting and Xu Miao's parents felt a little thumping when they saw this boy so calm, not to mention Luo Ting and Xu Miao, who suffered at home After being beaten up, I don't know what kind of panic I'm feeling at the moment.

Only Wei Lai and Wei Lai's mother are still sitting on Diaoyutai.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Lao Yang or any of them to speak, Hu Xiaodie, who had been sitting quietly, said, "I don't accept mediation, nor will I accept reconciliation."

 Gaia~~ (Withered, there are 3 more chapters to post during the day)

(End of this chapter)

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