Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 147 From now on, I will be in-laws

Chapter 147 From now on, I will be in-laws (please subscribe)

Thursday, April 4
The sky was blue and white clouds, the weather was just right, and the temperature was pleasant. On the rubber track in front of the auditorium, a white lightning bolt galloped past, and the auditorium of the senior one experimental class burst into loud cheers.


"First again~"


"... "

Among the rejoicing crowd, only Li Shiqing pursed her mouth, wanting to cry without tears.

"Be happy, your family won the first place one by one again." Deng Xiaoqi, who was on the side, knew the inside story, and deliberately put which pot was not opened and which pot was not opened.

Li Shiqing felt aggrieved immediately, paying attention to Hun Dan who was getting closer and closer, she was so angry that her teeth itch, she wished she could bite a few more.

But when Ye Yiyun took a seat in front of her, she immediately handed over drinks and towels, asked about her health, and flattered her, "How is it? Are you okay? God, do you want some snacks? I have dried pork and beef here." Gan, rice crisper, do you want to eat it?"

Behind the allure of a pair of big eyes is Chi Guoguo, who has other desires.

She took the drink and towel in her hands with empty hands, and her handsome face smiled slightly in her pupils. Turning around, that slender hand took the drink from Jiang Tianhao.

"You..." The intention was revealed, and someone was furious.

"Aren't you going to broadcast?" Ye Yiyun asked with a smile after taking two sips of mineral water.

Li Shiqing gave Xiaopang a look, telling Xiaopang who was sitting next to Ye Yiyun to go away, and he sat down on Xiaopang's position just now with a book as a cushion.

If it's not soft enough, it can only be...

Come softer!

When someone's paw was about to touch his arm, Ye Yiyun stretched out his hand, patted it lightly, and at the same time nodded to someone in a very low voice, "Look behind."

Li Shiqing turned her head and saw Deng Xiaoqi's eyes that were as bright as light bulbs before she could take them away.

"Hey~" Now that she was discovered, Deng Xiaoqi could only laugh twice.

Li Shiqing stared at her speechlessly, with warning in his eyes.

Deng Xiaoqi repeatedly made OK gestures at that time, but when Li Shiqing turned back, she immediately started to glance at her furtively.

"It's not easy to get a scholarship, please spare me?" Someone began to sell miserably.

Holding his chin with his hands, he tried his best to be cute.

Ye Yiyun scratched his head, smiled and looked away, "Who did you learn from?"

"Can you not change the subject?" Li Shiqing was a little annoyed.

The man was always... slowly, slowly turning his attention away.

"Then you speak well." Ye Yiyun said.

Li Shiqing immediately straightened her back, put her hands on her knees, and her posture was very correct, "How is it? Is it okay?"

It worked out pretty well.

Ye Yiyun nodded and asked, "How much did you report to your uncle and aunt?"

Li Shiqing raised her eyebrows, "You...don't talk about it."

so alert?

Seeing her attitude of not giving up, Ye Yiyun thought for a while, "That's one month."


"This is my bottom line, don't talk about it anymore, I hired you for a semester last semester." Stopping her from further bargaining, Ye Yiyun imitated her tone.

Li Shiqing turned sideways, pinched her fingers, and murmured to make some calculations, but in the end she could only agree, "It's not easy to save a small treasury. Don't tell me when you come to my house on May [-]st."

"Hey, I can't guarantee that." Ye Yiyun quickly refused.

"Oh my god, you've already entered the house." When the two of them were chatting at a critical moment, a 'dog's head' suddenly poked over.

It's Jiang Tianhao.

"Yiyun, teach me." Jiang Tianhao hugged his cousin's waist violently and howled.

Hearing that, Deng Xiaoqi lost all interest in eating dog food.

"If you're willing to go, I don't mind asking. I'll bring you something delicious." Ye Yiyun parted the greasy arms around his waist, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Hey, don't ask, I don't agree." Li Shiqing refused straight away, and Jiang Tianhao's unrecovered state of mind was hit hard again.

"Why? Our brother's friendship is not good enough to have a meal?" Jiang Tianhao was a little stressed after being rejected a lot.

I didn't understand why he insisted on it for a while, the target was Deng Xiaoqi, Li Shiqing made up a reason casually, and retorted impatiently, "Your house is such a big restaurant, there is no place to eat, go and talk about business .”

She waved her hand in disgust. It was completely different from the attitude she had shown to his cousin just now. Such a big contrast caused Jiang Tianhao's stress reaction.

"It makes me so sad, Li Shiqing, just one meal. From now on, we will be in-laws, so I will be your brother..." Jiang Tianhao was halfway through his words, but Ye Yiyun covered his mouth with one hand, and rushed to Zhao Qiu and Wang. Wu winked, and the two of them immediately covered their mouths with the dazed guy and dragged him away.

But dragging away is dragging away, it seems that the meaning that should be expressed has also been expressed.

Fortunately, Jiang Tianhao was frustrated in front of Deng Xiaoqi several times, and his standing in the class was far from comparable to that at the beginning of school, and few people paid attention to his nonsense.

Ye Yiyun wiped his hands with a sterile paper towel, looked at Li Shiqing, who had an unnatural face, and said with relief, "Don't worry too much, he... his brain is cracked."

Li Shiqing hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and continued the previous topic, "Why not?"

"It's not impossible, it's not guaranteed." Ye Yiyun corrected her statement, and explained, "If uncles and aunts ask you if you have a scholarship, I will definitely agree to say yes, and I will not talk about the specific amount; but if they ask the specific amount amount..."

"Then you say... this number is fine." Li Shiqing popped out 3 claws, somewhat consciously witty.

This is silly.

Ye Yiyun frowned, even though he was holding back, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The school will notify the parents about the scholarship, do you know?"

"Eh?" Li Shiqing's pupils were a little dilated, and her vision was slightly out of focus.


On May [-] Labor Day, except for a few indispensable positions, most workers have a holiday.

"My lord, this is my scholarship."

Poor Li Shiqing knew that she had won a scholarship, so she planned carefully and implemented it carefully. First, she secretly opened her own bank card at the bank, and then handed over her card to the school. When the scholarship was successfully awarded, she handed in one-third The lie is the full amount.

Ye Yiyun mentioned the sports meeting that day, struggled for three days and three nights, and finally handed it in "honestly" today.

Wang Shengnan grasped the demeanor of the ancient empress, slowly stretched out his hand, gently pinched the bank card with two fingers, and exerted a little force...

It didn't come off the first time.

"Woo." Li Shiqing cried out with her head down, obviously still reluctant.

Lifting her face, her eyes were full of tears and her nose twitched.

Wang Shengnan was disgusted for a while, and let go of the fingers holding the card. Li Shiqing's sad eyes showed surprise. When she thought she was letting herself go, she said, "I'll go to the bank with you tomorrow and take it all out."

"Ah~hmm..." The short-lived hope was shattered, and the sadness became stronger, and she couldn't help crying. Li Shiqing turned her head and looked at Li Dawei who was sitting leisurely on the sofa reading the newspaper, "Dad~"

 Asking for a monthly ticket (the remaining 1 will be issued in 12 days at noon tomorrow)

(End of this chapter)

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