Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 35 What's the Date Today?

Chapter 35 What's the Date Today?

Ye Yiyun squinted his eyes and smiled, "How's it going? Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Please?" Li Shiqing was a little embarrassed.

"We can also be regarded as comrades-in-arms who took an adventure together. That experience should be regarded as a magical trip. You should also return to normal. Starting tomorrow, I will send you the notes as usual. Take advantage of these few days of vacation, you should take care of the previous paragraph. Sort out time and knowledge points." Ye Yiyun said in a deep voice.

The old-fashioned words and mature tone did not disgust Li Shiqing, she nodded seriously, "Okay."

The two walked out of the medical examination center side by side, and the warm sunlight fell on the sides of their faces.

"Today is your last chance to slaughter a big family? Do you want to give up?"

"Who said that? I'm going to the old restaurant."

"Why didn't you say you were going to the Chinachem Hotel?"

"Ah, can you?"

"You really hit the snake with the stick, and the old restaurant has to be booked, okay?"



Wednesday, May 10
The holidays fly by, and the happy time is always short, with either impatient or miserable faces, freshmen in high school send their parents back to the elite.

In the eyes of Wang Shengnan's Li Dawei, Li Shiqing's performance in the next four days, the two have greatly changed their views on their daughter, and even more on Ye Yiyun.

"Student Ye, what a trouble, thank you."

At the school gate, Li Dawei held Ye Yiyun's hand and said eagerly.

Wang Shengnan also looked at him with a smile, but he couldn't let go of the last layer of defense in his eyes.

Li Shiqing stood aside, her face flushed with shame, and a little angry.

Because my mother Wang Shengnan did not fulfill the reward promised for this monthly exam, she only gave 100.

"You are polite, help each other, and make progress together." Ye Yiyun smiled reluctantly.

It was rare to see his cousin so cramped, Jiang Tianhao burst out laughing and tried his best to hold back.

It was nothing at first, but the students in the experimental class introduced their parents, and those parents rushed over.

"Student Ye..."

"Student Ye..."

These people have heard from their children that this genius is on par with the champion in the high school entrance examination area, and they have also heard that he helped a certain scumbag in the experimental class to improve to the middle level. Li Dawei, who was holding Ye Yiyun's hand, was regarded as Ye Yiyun's relative.

"Parents of the students, stop and send them here."

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhao quickly pulled his cousin into the small iron gate, and then these people had their own security guards to deal with it.

After entering the campus, Li Shiqing was obviously still angry with Wang Shengnan, she met Ye Yiyun's eyes, and went back to the girls' dormitory with Deng Xiaoqi with a dark face.

Jiang Tianhao looked at his cousin enviously. Deng Xiaoqi's mother was among the parents who flocked to him just now.

Ye Yiyun saw through his cousin's mind at a glance, and said speechlessly, "You are almost done."

Jiang Tianhao smiled stiffly. In fact, every time my cousin sent notes to Li Shiqing, he would also send him a copy. As for whether to read it or not...

The answer is obvious.

The students were 'locked' back to the dormitory in advance, and after a night's rest, the next Thursday morning, starting from the life teacher, the familiar feeling of suffocation shrouded the heads of freshmen again.

"What time is it? Why aren't you up yet?"

"What are you doing standing here? Hurry up and wash up."

Nanny Wang's nickname is by no means a fiction.

Every time Wang Hongying went to a dormitory, she picked one that was not.

I haven't started class yet, so I tightened the nerves of the freshmen.

The same situation happened in the boys' dormitory. Even though 202 was so orderly, the life teacher still lightly reprimanded him, 'Don't be hippie smiling'.

After getting dressed neatly and running a few laps on the playground, basically, the tension of the freshmen has been mobilized.

"Come on, everyone, take out your homework."

Following the utterance of the representatives of various subjects, many people immediately felt bitter, and many were gloating and complacent, because they didn’t even drink their saliva when they went back to the dormitory last night, and either wrote it themselves or copied it before the lights were turned off. , complete all assignments.

And those sad faces, it's not that they haven't finished writing, it's just that they may not be able to read the content.

Self-study class, mathematics, mathematics, physics, the teacher doesn't care at all that this is just after the holiday, the progress is only fast but not slow,
With three science sessions in a row, most of the students in the class were dizzy and dizzy.

Ye Yiyun handed the note to Li Shiqing, got up and said, "What would you like to drink?"

"Frozen plum juice."

Li Shiqing felt that her brain's CPU was overloaded, and she urgently needed a cold drink to cool it down, but she said this as if she was so hot that she was dizzy. The school shop has green plum juice drinks, how can there be frozen ebony juice?

In addition, her familiar conversation made the surrounding students look sideways.

She was startled belatedly, her cheeks, which were already blushing due to 'overloading', turned red again, and Deng Xiaoqi, who was at the side, saw that even the fatigue of class was gone, and she stared at her with radiant eyes , which means self-evident.

"Fat House Happy Water, isn't it?" Just as Li Shiqing wanted to make up for herself, Ye Yiyun changed her directly, then looked at Jiang Tianhao, Zhao Qiu, and Wang Wu very naturally, and asked, "What about you? "

Jiang Tianhao raised his hand abruptly, his eyes were like Deng Xiaoqi's, switching back and forth between his cousin and Li Shiqing like a light bulb, and said, "I'm also fat house happy water, ice."

Although Zhao Qiu was not as boring and gossiping as Jiang Tianhao, but after thinking about it, he still said, "I'm also happy in the fat house, ice."

When it was Wang Wu's turn, he wrinkled his face, looked very embarrassed, and complained, "Happy water is happy water, why add a fat house?"

"Then do you want it or not?" Zhao Qiu, a young expert at stalking people, immediately slapped him.

"Yes, please, please, Yiyun, Ice." Wang Wu nodded quickly.

Such an interruption relieved Li Shiqing's embarrassment.

The vending machine was not far away, Ye Yiyun came back soon, and divided the bottles. When it was Li Shiqing's turn, she took it excitedly, and asked angrily, "Why is it only C? Isn't it ice?"

"Ice?" Ye Yiyun glanced at her indifferently.

This attitude was a bit irritating to Li Shiqing, she was so angry that she wanted to get up, Ye Yiyun asked lightly, "What day is it today?"

Li Shiqing was stunned by the endless words, and she sat back slowly, muttering, "What, what's the number?"

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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