Chapter 50 New Image

Realizing that she was too happy, she immediately covered her mouth, said slowly, "Student Xiaoye, you are too modest, I still have to thank you for your help."

"Auntie, you are the one who is polite..."

Ye Yiyun and Wang Shengnan didn't chat for a few words, when Jiang Qilong called him over there.


As the evening approached, Jiangzhou was not so congested after 5 o'clock.

Li Shiqing sat slumped in the back row, staring blankly at the golden sunset in the sky outside the car window, with no joy of achieving good grades in her expression.

Wang Shengnan's eyes were quietly withdrawn from the mirror. She had discovered this situation when she picked up her daughter earlier.

She is not her husband Li Dawei. When Li Dawei encounters a situation like this, he usually asks directly.

"How about it? Shall we go directly to the optical shop, the barber shop, or..." She said in a relaxed tone.

Li Shiqing, whose thoughts were fluttering, froze for a moment, and said flatly, "Why don't we go tomorrow?"

Wang Shengnan felt even more strange in his heart, but he smiled and said, "What? You were so enthusiastic last week, and changed your mind this week?"

In fact, Li Shiqing's face looked calm, but her heart was depressed.

"No." Her tone showed a little impatience, and then she asked back, "You won't deny it again, will you?"

Her unintentional expression and tone fell into Wang Shengnan's hands.

"Yo yo yo, who provoked you? Or... are you angry because you feel that you did too badly in the exam?" Wang Shengnan tentatively asked with a smile.

Her set of words is like a net, arranged clearly for the daughter.

Li Shiqing frowned, closed her eyes helplessly, and said sullenly, "No, I'm just..."

Before she finished speaking, she turned her head away.

Wang Shengnan had a lot of speculation about his daughter's temper. At this moment, her daughter's emotions were on the top of her head and it was difficult to understand. She didn't say anything else and drove quietly.

After returning home, Li Dawei greeted her with a smile on his face. He learned from his wife that his daughter had passed the exam well, so he left work early and came back to congratulate her. As a result...

The muffled daughter walked past her, left a muffled "Dad" and entered her bedroom.

"What's the matter?" He looked at Wang Shengnan in surprise, then frowned, and asked complainingly, "You're talking about her again?"

Wang Shengnan spread his hands and said, "Heaven and earth conscience, I have held so many parent-teacher meetings for her, and I have never been as happy as today. How can I talk about her?"

Now, Li Dawei was even more confused, "Then why..."

Wang Shengnan stretched out his hand and stopped him, pretending to be mysterious, but actually said happily in his heart, "Don't worry, don't talk, don't ask."

Li Dawei was stunned for a moment, it was rare for his wife to be so open-minded, he nodded and helped Wang Shengnan to heat up the food.

In the bedroom, Li Shiqing flung herself on the bed with the word 'big', her face buried deeply in the quilt.


At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated twice.

She kept her face buried, reached out and took out her mobile phone, handed the mobile phone to her head, slowly turned her face, and looked through the gaps...

The next second, she got up with a whoosh, straightened her waist, and knelt on the bed.

'are you home yet? ', information from Ye Yiyun.

She frowned, stared blankly at the phone screen, and bit her lower lip in distress.

After a while, she moved her fingers together, clicked a few times, and quickly turned back, 'here it is'.

Almost in the next second, the other party sent back a message, "Don't worry too much about the afternoon, it's okay to be intimate with friends. Also, congratulations on such a good result, keep working hard."

After reading it silently twice, the complex emotions in Li Shiqing's heart were miraculously resolved.

After dialing Ye Yiyun a few words, the depression between her brows disappeared completely, and her heart felt inexplicably empty again. Her straight waist softened slowly, she pursed her mouth, and returned to him, "Thank you".


No then.


After exhaling a long breath of exhaust gas, Li Shiqing recovered 8% of her state.

She flicked her phone, ran out of the bedroom with bare feet, looked at the two people who were busy in the kitchen with a smile, "Dad, Mom, what are you having for dinner tonight?"

Wang Shengnan gave Li Dawei a "look" look, glanced at her, his eyes locked on Li Shiqing's bare feet, and said sharply, "Li Shiqing, who allowed you to go barefoot? Look at the big tiles in the living room. Don't you see? Isn't it cold?"

Li Shiqing and Li Dawei, the father and daughter looked at each other and shrunk their necks in unison. The former hurried back to the bedroom, while the latter kept his head down and pretended not to see it.

Tigress is here again~

Happy weekends always pass so quickly. On Sunday, the entrance of the elite high school is just like the regular refresh of monsters in the game, and rows of cars appear.

"Student Ye, please help me a lot."

"Uncle, you are polite, learn from each other, help each other."

Came here a little earlier, and Ye Yiyun was 'caught' by a few sharp-eyed parents of the experimental class who happened to be there, and there was a lot of Tai Chi tugging.

Jiang Tianhao stood aside, answering a sentence or two for help from time to time.

"Okay, okay, uncles and aunts, I really have to go in, and there is still evening self-study, see you when you have a chance, see you later."

After his cousin finished tugging at the last one, he stretched out his hand to grab Ye Yiyun's arm, with a serious expression, as if he was supervising his younger brother's study.

It was during this gap of shaking his head that he glanced at a certain place, which looked a little familiar at the first glance, and subconsciously looked at it for a second time.

"She... Li Shiqing?"

The suspicious voice made Ye Yiyun look along.

In the next second, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

The unmodified short hair in the past seems to have been specially taken care of, but because of wearing a light blue cowboy hat, you can't see the whole picture, you can only see some clues from the different sideburns and tail hair; without the big black frame, It should be wearing contact lenses, and her unique facial features are revealed. Although her thick eyebrows, big eyes, and high nose bridge have not fully grown, but purely according to the characteristics of her facial features, she should have a thick complexion, but her fair skin and her own The girly feeling brings out a strong sense of first love.

This change, just looking at the face, the appearance has improved by no means a star, many boys have cast their eyes.

But it's the clothes...

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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