Chapter 55
Ye Yiyun looked at her calmly, and said plainly, "Going down the stairs, I took too many steps, and I fell."

Li Shiqing was furious all of a sudden, why did she walk too fast?Not because of chasing...


Pain came from the ankle again, Li Shiqing frowned, with tears in her eyes, looking at Song Hong angrily and helplessly.

This school doctor teacher is really, just picking up when she is distracted.

After taking off the socks, Song Hong gently held the white and tender foot with a hand wearing a disposable glove. After careful observation, she let go of her hand, looked at her, and asked, "Can the foot turn?"

Li Shiqing's eyes widened, it hurts so much, why should she turn?

She really wanted to cry.

She doesn't understand, but Ye Yiyun does. Sprains and fractures are two different things. After a body is sprained, a large number of capillaries in the tissue of the injured part rupture, which disrupts the normal balance of microcirculation and forms local congestion, that is, swelling, just like Li Shiqing's slightly bulging small piece on her right ankle; a fracture also hurts, but the pain is different. The fracture is like a knife cut or needle prick, because the broken end of the fracture will stimulate the peripheral nerves of the periosteum and surrounding soft tissues.

Of course, fractures can also cause swelling, so the school doctor is not sure.

Coupled with Li Shiqing's performance...

More or less affected Song Hong's judgment.

If it hurts so much, it could be a crack or fracture.

"Teacher, why don't I take her to the hospital?" He thought for a while and suggested.

After all, the school doctor's office is a school doctor's office, and I don't mean to underestimate it, but the equipment in the school doctor's office is limited. Send it to the hospital, take a CT or DR, and naturally know whether there is any fracture or fracture.

Seeing that Li Shiqing didn't seem to be able to bear it, Song Hong thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this, I'll give you two ice packs for the way there."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

After Ye Yiyun thanked her, Song Hong turned around and picked up the ice pack. He supported Li Shiqing and let her sit on the hospital bed, "I'll take the ice pack and apply it by myself first, I can't help it, please ask the teacher to help you, by the way, you Do you have your ID?"

The two are over 16 years old, and their ID cards have been prepared at home. The last time they went to the medical examination, they used their respective ID cards.

Li Shiqing met his gaze, quickly lowered her gaze, and asked in a low voice, "Do you have to go to the hospital?"

As long as you go to the hospital, no matter how big or small the illness is, the elite will definitely notify the parents. This is the rule of the elite, and it is also the responsibility of the semi-closed school.

But as soon as the parents are notified, the reason for the matter must be explained clearly, right?

how to say?

Just say that she is such a big person, when going down the stairs, her steps are too big, too fast?

Shame also shamed her to death.

Seeing her worries, Ye Yiyun persuaded softly, "No matter what, your body is more important than anything else. Going to the hospital is just to check that you have no cracks or fractures. This is very serious. You... just say you were not careful. , In terms of probability, such a thing is not impossible. A wise man will worry about it, and there must be a mistake. You are a patient, and uncles and aunts will not say anything about you."

"Well, let's do it like this." The worry in Li Shiqing's eyes slowly dissipated, she lowered her head, and rested her chin lightly on her knees, "My ID card is in the backpack on the belly of the desk."

At this time, Song Hong came with two ice packs, "This classmate is right. The body always comes first, and girls should cherish their bodies even more."

Li Shiqing's eyes widened in surprise, a little speechless, "No, teacher..."

"Hey, I'm not eavesdropping, the space is so big." Song Hong hurriedly explained.

Based on Ye Yiyun's experience, it's hard not to hear the school doctor's unspoken warning. He smiled wryly, his eyes signaled Li Shiqing not to worry, and said to Song Hong, "Teacher, please take care of her for a while. The teacher asked for leave."

"Okay, don't worry."


Because of the results of the two exams and Ye Yiyun's consistent learning attitude, Lao Zhao agreed quickly. He also followed Ye Yiyun's suggestion and directly notified Li Shiqing's parents to go to the third hospital near the elite.

Going back to the classroom to get Li Shiqing's ID card, Ye Yiyun also went back to the dormitory to get her mobile phone, the same green light all the way, after explaining the situation, the life teacher said nothing.

On the way to the school infirmary to pick up Li Shiqing, he booked a rental car on the first appointment, and when he arrived at the school infirmary, he found that Old Zhao was there.

"Ye Yiyun, why don't you go back to the classroom, and we'll send Li Shiqing to the Third Hospital."

This is Ye Yiyun, leaving the other students aside, except Qian Sanyi, Lao Zhao had already told him to go back to the classroom.

Guessing that this might happen earlier, Ye Yiyun showed a little guilt and a little hesitation, and said, "Teacher, I am more or less responsible for the fall of classmate Li. I will just send her there. A little thing, compared to this, the classroom needs you to sit in charge."

Old Zhao, as a teacher, is quite pure.

Hearing that the No. [-] potential seed under his command, or the future elite's potential No. [-] seed in the country, praised him so much, Lao Zhao grinned at that time, it was very beautiful.

After thinking about it for a while, he threw away the last trace of doubt, and said, "That's fine, then I won't go, but Teacher Song has to follow, and the school has to make a record."

This is a rigid rule. The elite has a good source of students, the quality of the students is excellent, and the students’ family background is also good, but it is uncertain whether there will be bad things about extorting money. The school doctor is accompanied by the school. The second is to make a record, in case there is any dispute, it is easy to explain clearly.

Ye Yiyun glanced at Li Shiqing, nodded and said, "Of course, we understand."

The "we" here made Lao Zhao, who had just let go of his mind, feel a little worried again, and immediately looked at Li Shiqing, staring at Li Shiqing so that the hairs on his heart, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, yes."

Well, it's still that naive.

Lao Zhao felt relieved, patted Ye Yiyun's arm, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Students, it should be, teacher, you go slowly." Ye Yiyun sent Lao Zhao away with a smile.

Turning around to meet Song Hong's gaze, he responded, Li Shiqing was a little girl, so she couldn't see through it, but Song Hong could see it clearly.

Ye Yiyun smiled gratefully at Song Hong, walked to the hospital bed, and picked up Li Shiqing with very skillful movements, and Li Shiqing also skillfully put one hand on his shoulder to help him lighten the burden.

"Mr. Song, let's go then." He said.

Song Hong looked away from Li Shiqing's hand on his shoulder, and took a deep look at him, "Okay, let's go."

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(End of this chapter)

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