Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 57 True and False

Chapter 57 True and False
Medical gypsum is divided into two categories, one is ordinary gypsum, which is relatively heavy and has poor air permeability; the other is polymer gypsum, which is relatively light and has better air permeability.

The performance is different, the price is naturally different, and the specific places are also different.

Li Shiqing is a girl. Although she eats a lot, her limbs are thin and her ankle is sprained. A polymer plaster roll is enough, plus other materials and labor. The total cost is just over 600.

The process is also simple. Rinse the target area with warm water, and remove hair if necessary. Obviously, Li Shiqing does not need this, and then soak in plaster...

During this period, Li Shiqing was instructed to perform muscle function exercises of the limbs many times. Although it was the ankle joint, she was still worried about complications of deep vein thrombosis and muscle atrophy.

After that, after about 20 minutes of fixation, observe the degree of swelling and blood circulation of the distal limbs, and the passive movement of the adjacent joints. Basically, this diagnosis and treatment is coming to an end.

At this time, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei were still on their way.

"You can't cover the plaster with clothes, you have to expose the plaster, take the medicine on time, and remove the plaster after 4 weeks."

After the doctor's order was given, Dr. Liu's words were also typed.

Ye Yiyun held the film he had just taken in his hand, and took the health card.

Pushing the wheelchair, Song Hong nodded with Dr. Liu, and was about to turn around and push away.

Ye Yiyun suddenly asked, "Doctor Liu, does the nearby pharmacy sell medical crutches?"

"Yes, yes." Doctor Liu replied.

"Okay, thank you doctor." Ye Yiyun bent slightly, looked at Song Hong, and said, "Teacher, how about I push it?"

Song Hong smiled, her eyes flicked over Li Shiqing's surprised face, and she stepped aside, "Okay."

"You don't need the crutches, do you?" After leaving the emergency room, Li Shiqing turned her head up and asked Ye Yiyun.

Originally, the plaster would not be covered by clothing, plus crutches...

She couldn't imagine that beautiful picture.

Ye Yiyun looked down at her, and said calmly, "Then you jump to the classroom tomorrow?"


Li Shiqing was defeated, her mouth was slightly deflated, and she muttered unhappily in her heart.

This person is always like this, always hitting on her when she thinks he's pretty good.

After leaving the emergency center, suddenly an ambulance came galloping, and the ear-piercing "uh-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

After pushing it a long way, she was still able to see with her neck, and her body was almost tilted out of the wheelchair.

"Shall I push you back?" Ye Yiyun said speechlessly.

Li Shiqing was "exciting" watching it, and suddenly she said this, she was a little confused, "Can't you just look at it?"

Not answering this question, Ye Yiyun took out the phone, unlocked it and handed it to her, "Do you remember the phone number of uncle and aunt?"

"What... oh, remember, remember."

Li Shiqing came to her senses, quickly took the phone, and quickly dialed her mother Wang Shengnan.

For the next 5 minutes, standing at the gate of the Third Hospital, the street is outside, the noise in the ears, the voices of people are constant, and the phone is not amplified. In this case, Ye Yiyun and Song Hong can clearly hear the sound of the phone the sound of the head.

It shows Wang Shengnan's fierceness.

"It's okay, don't worry, it's okay...Yes, yes, see you at school... Can't you? See you tomorrow if you don't."

Hanging up the phone with a bang, under Ye Yiyun's slightly speechless gaze, Li Shiqing returned her hand in a good mood.

Noticing the look in his eyes, she immediately coughed and restrained herself a little.

"I've already booked a taxi, you wait here, I'll go across to buy a pair of crutches." After telling her, Ye Yiyun begged Song Hong, "Teacher, please."

Song Hong nodded with a smile, and took the wheelchair.

This trip, she was purely for soy sauce, and she really came along to make records. The whole process and most of the trivial matters were all handled by this little boy.

After a while, Li Shiqing was leaning on a new crutch whose height had been adjusted, and Ye Yiyun returned the wheelchair. When he came back, the taxi he had just happened to stop by the side of the road.

Compared with the hospital, going back to school was so fast that when the three of them got off the bus, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei were still on their way.

If the parents didn't come, Song Hong, as the school's representative, couldn't go back. Fortunately, after waiting for about 7 minutes, Li Shiqing's Honor 550 arrived.

Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei got off the car in a hurry and rushed over.

"Are you okay?"

"Have you checked elsewhere?"

The two asked questions in turn, looking at the situation of their daughter with concern.

"It's okay, I just sprained my ankle." Li Shiqing explained with some embarrassment.

She was embarrassed not because she thought that she would lie to her parents later, but because she had a teacher around, and she really couldn't bear such concern from her parents, making her seem like a child.

"Li Shiqing's parents, right?" Song Hong stepped forward.

Even Ye Yiyun is useless, at this moment, she is needed to dispel the worries and doubts of Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei.

"Well, we are."

"you are?"

Seeing Song Hong wearing a white coat, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei couldn't help but hesitate a bit.

"Uncle and aunt, this is Dr. Song, our school doctor." Ye Yiyun helped to introduce.

"Oh, hello, teacher, hello."

Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei extended their hands eagerly to greet Song Hong.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Song Hong explained, "Two parents, let me briefly explain the situation. It's like this..."

According to Ye Yiyun's previous tone, Song Hong said that Li Shiqing accidentally stepped on the empty stairs and twisted it.

After she relayed Dr. Liu's diagnosis from the Third Hospital, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei looked much relieved.

"The medical fee is..."

Both Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei are decent people, and they don't know how to pick and search.

"Oh, the fees are all paid by classmate Ye. If the two of you have any objections, you can report to the school, and the elite can help bear part of it." Song Hong said in a business-like manner.

This is also the most important reason why she waited until now.

"no, I'm fine."

"No, teacher, don't worry, she fell by herself, and it has nothing to do with the school."

Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei waved their hands in a hurry. The two of them disdain such nonsense and taking advantage of the opportunity to make small gains.

Li Dawei even took out his mobile phone, looked at Ye Yiyun, and asked, "Xiao Ye, how much is it, I'll transfer it to you."

"Well... not much, uncle, registration, plaster and medicine, just transfer 700 to me." He clicked on the transfer record on WeChat, and showed Li Dawei only the records of registration, plaster and medicine.

Li Dawei noticed that there was still a transfer record, but because of the previous contact, he was not suspicious, so he transferred 700.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Xiaoye, and please run along with me." Li Dawei patted his arm lightly and thanked him.

"It should be, uncle, the classmates help each other." Ye Yiyun smiled slightly.

Except for himself, Song Hong who was present expressed doubts about the truth of this statement.

After chatting for a while, Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei gave various instructions.

"I know~"

Li Shiqing half drooped her eyelids, if Song Hong and Ye Yiyun were not still there, her tone would have been impatient, even if she insisted so far, there were some signs of it.

"All right, dad will pick you up tomorrow." Seeing the situation, Li Dawei decisively ended the conversation.

Wang Shengnan seemed to have something to say, and gave her husband a dissatisfied look, but her daughter's teacher and classmates were there, and she didn't get angry, so she and her husband watched the three of them go in.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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