Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 60 Shiitake Mushrooms

Chapter 60 Shiitake Mushrooms
"I don't know yet, you can be so talkative." Ye Yiyun said with a smile, holding a bag containing two buns in one hand and medicine in the other.

Originally, she could just talk about it, and it’s okay to be in a quiet place with few people, but as she gets closer to the dormitory building, there are more and more students. I am afraid that someone who likes to gossip will poke Lao Zhao there, for some things, Lao Zhao is still very strict, using a sentence he often said: "Elite does not have puppy love!" '.

Looking at him angrily, holding the cane tightly in both hands, she walked erratically. When her eyes moved to the bun in his hand, Li Shiqing felt a burst of regret.


"I didn't find you so narcissistic either." She shot back not to be outdone.

Ye Yiyun turned around and glanced at her, smiled and did not respond.

After walking in silence for half a minute, the two arrived in front of the girls' dormitory building No. 1. It happened to be a time difference with the end of evening self-study. There was no one in front of the dormitory building at the moment, and there were a few occasional waves here and there. They probably went to the cafeteria to eat. A high school freshman who came back from supper.

Ye Yiyun is well-known among the freshmen in the first year of high school, and the few who walked together, when passing by, kept looking at the two of them, accompanied by trivial discussions.

"Is it alright? Give me the steamed stuffed bun. You are very charming. If you don't leave, after these people go up, your fans will come out and surround you." Li Shiqing hinted angrily.

Ye Yiyun shook his head, raised his finger and pointed to the two-meter-high steps, "Send you up."

The sudden concern made Li Shiqing's face stagnate, and the annoyance between her brows disappeared slightly. She didn't make a sound, and was about to walk up the steps with her crutches.

Ye Yiyun walked over, gathered the two bags in his left hand, walked to her left, and stopped her with his hand, "Come on, give me this crutch."

Going up and down the steps with a cane alone, I'm afraid I haven't twisted enough.

His tone was very light, but his words revealed concern.

Li Shiqing pursed her mouth, and passed the one in her left hand first, and Ye Yiyun took it with her left hand.

Then, she grabbed his right arm with her left hand, supported it with crutches, and walked up slowly. The posture was ugly, but she could ensure that the plastered right foot would not touch the ground.

After the two finished the last step, Wang Hongying walked towards them.

From the comments and gazes of other girls coming in and out, Wang Hongying had already sensed that something was wrong, and when she came out, it was actually these two people.

"Boys can't enter girls' dormitory, don't you understand?"

Although she reprimanded her sternly, her tone was not harsh.

This can be seen in a daze at his Li Shiqing.

Could it be that this person even kills Mammy Wang who is in menopause every day?

Ye Yiyun smiled and explained, "Teacher, hello, I am Li Shiqing's classmate, my name is Ye Yiyun, she..."

"Your class teacher and I talked on the phone." Wang Hongying interrupted.

Now, Li Shiqing's mentality is a little more balanced, that's right, who can please Mrs. Wang?
"Okay, teacher, this is Li Shiqing's medicine, please take her up." Ye Yiyun was not embarrassed, and still smiled and handed over the medicine and crutches in his hand. After Wang Hongying took them, he returned the buns to Li Shiqing.

Li Shiqing took the bun with a sullen face, but a look of happiness flashed in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a hint of complacency.

Hey, I'll cook my own pot later, add meat buns...

"Okay, I know, you go back." Wang Hongying took advantage of the situation to help Li Shiqing's left arm.

Ye Yiyun nodded slightly, and the three of them staggered, with two going in and one going out.

"Teacher." Suddenly, when Li Shiqing was looking forward to the "feast" in the dormitory, Ye Yiyun said.

Subconsciously, she suddenly felt bad.

"What's wrong?" Wang Hongying turned around and asked.

"It's not a big deal. The doctor told Mr. Li not to eat spicy, high-salt, high-purine and high-fat food, so..."

There is no need to continue, Wang Hongying nodded under Li Shiqing's gradually confused gaze, "Okay, I know, I will supervise her."

I know, I'll watch over her.

The 9 words echoed and circulated in Li Shiqing's mind.

She took a deep look at Ye Yiyun's back, and then turned her head. She lowered her head slowly, her face, which Nanny Wang couldn't see, was 'full' of sadness.

Good mushrooms.

Eaten to death.


Five minutes later, Nanny Wang took three boxes of self-healing pots and sternly reminded the other three people in the dormitory not to provide Li Shiqing with similar food before leaving.

The moment the door closed, Deng Xiaoqi, Liang Yunshu, and Wei Xindi, who were standing like quails, let go of the tense faces and hurriedly sat down to catch their breath, as if they had passed through the gate of hell.

Li Shiqing, who had been sitting early, slowly took out the still warm buns from the bag, her gaze was a little dull.

Deng Xiaoqi, who was on the opposite side, leaned down on the table, stretched out her hand to gently tease her, and when Li Shiqing looked over, she raised her eyebrows and said, "How is it today? The feeling of being hugged by a princess... huh? Hee hee~"

Li Shiqing rolled her eyes speechlessly, bit the meat bun fiercely, her teeth were 'savage', as if the bun in her hand was someone else.

"Well~ tell me, tell me." Deng Xiaoqi gently tugged on her cuff, and said coquettishly in a low voice.

That accent, that look in the eyes gave her goosebumps on her arms.

Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi, who were writing papers in the back, heard it, looked at each other, and rolled their eyes at the same time, with indescribable disgust.

"Ask your families one by one." Li Shiqing glanced at her angrily.

Deng Xiaoqi was surprisingly not annoyed, and continued to say meaningfully, "Isn't your family also one by one? Huh?"

Li Shiqing wanted to vomit to express her disgust, but she had just bitten a meat bun in her mouth, so she had to chew hard, then stuffed the rest of the meat bun into her mouth, and chewed hard, feeling the meat slipping down her throat, a pleasant feeling Raised from the bottom of her heart, she was in a much happier mood. Looking at the vegetable buns in the bag, her heart moved, and she looked at Deng Xiaoqi with tentative eyes, "Xiaoqi, huh? Hehe..."

Deng Xiaoqi knew the meaning of this look all too well, but compared to Mammy Wang's focused inspection and warning, she could only feel sorry for her sisters, and pretended that she didn't have the few bags of pork jerky she hid.

She withdrew her hand quickly, got up and picked up the washbasin and other toiletries, and left in a hurry, "I want to wash up."

When Li Shiqing set up her crutches, the door of the dormitory was closed. She stared blankly at the door, with sadness welling up in her heart, "Xiaoqi~"

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(End of this chapter)

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