Chapter 63
After finishing speaking, she turned around angrily.

Ye Yiyun didn't want to understand, what was the reason for this sudden anger?Is it to expose the little Jiujiu in your heart, and become angry from embarrassment?still…

Somewhat inexplicable, he was not sure for a while.

Especially, when the cause of the fault is obvious, and the two of them are very familiar with each other, he feels powerless to do anything.

However, I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs run away.

Now that you are angry, let's not provoke him for the time being, just take it easy, take it easy.

But slowly and slowly, the injury can't be delayed, he glanced at the time, there were 5 minutes left in the big break, and he went to the school doctor's office...

Maybe not enough.

Over there, Jiang Tianhao thought that his cousin would not continue digging down, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Before he had time to take a second breath of fresh oxygen, he was horrified to find that his cousin got up and went out.

"Hey, it's not..." He stretched out his hand, wanting to make a conversation, but Ye Yiyun had already reached the door of the classroom with such a little effort.

Over there, Zhao Qiu chuckled, and handed him the note from Wang Wu, "Don't worry, Brother Hao."

Jiang Tianhao thought that Zhao Qiu agreed to his proposal, and took it with a smile, but Zhao Qiu's next words made him change his face for a second.

"There will be a storm."

Zhao Qiu gave him a meaningful smile.

Jiang Tianhao only felt his scalp go numb, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Here, Deng Xiaoqi watched Ye Yiyun leave the classroom, gave a thumbs up to Li Shiqing, who was peeking at Ye Yiyun's disappearing back, and praised in a low voice, "Yes, Li Shiqing, can treat Ye Dashen like this, the whole school It's only yours, you see, people are going away because of you."

Li Shiqing understood the pun, but she just pretended she didn't understand the hidden meaning. She raised her chin indifferently, "Come on, how do I know what he's going to do with me? It's okay again."

Mouth stubborn.

Deng Xiaoqi gave her a definition in her mind, she looked away with a smile, and started to play with her small makeup mirror.

Without the restraint of Deng Xiaoqi's attention, Li Shiqing kept looking at the door of the classroom, secretly biting her back molars.

What did you do?class starts soon...

As the laughter and noise in the corridor outside became weaker and weaker, her eyes showed anxiety unknowingly.

When a familiar sound of footsteps sounded, everyone in the classroom silenced their voices, stopped playing around, and returned to their seats honestly.

I saw Lao Zhao, who was wearing a thick shirt and suit pants, strode in cheerfully and took a small stride when he was about to get on the podium.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood.

His gaze slowly swept across the entire classroom, inspecting his own territory, and when he landed on Ye Yiyun's empty seat, his expression changed, and his smile faded, "Where's classmate Ye Yiyun?"

Li Shiqing's heart tightened when she heard this, and she immediately shrank her neck and curled up her body, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

These small actions are really 300 taels of silver here.

What kind of temperament is Lao Zhao?
He is famous for ordering anyone who is unusual, and those two are the only ones who dare to listen with their heads down the whole time in his class.

"Li Shiqing, do you know?"

No, as soon as he saw that she was wrong, Lao Zhao immediately ordered her.

Li Shiqing raised her head slowly, squeezed a not-so-good-looking smile, her eyes flickered slightly, "I, I don't know."

"Huh?" As she stammered, Old Zhao immediately tightened his eyes, and then her eyes flickered even more.

Deng Xiaoqi around was secretly worried about him, and Jiang Tianhao's face was not very good-looking. If this matter really had to be revealed, he would not be able to please him, especially if he told Lao Zhao that he might call his parents if it was serious, but those who knew Lao Zhao's character He sat up straight, pretending to be calm.

"Jiang Tianhao, do you know?"

But the eagle-eyed old Zhao still named him.

His face stiffened immediately, but Jiang Tianhao was well prepared and said without thinking, "Oh, he went to the toilet just now."

Old Zhao stared into Jiang Tianhao's eyes for a few seconds, and nodded without seeing anything special. He didn't care too much, at least the class bell hadn't rung, and he lowered his head to flip through the monthly math paper in his hand.

After a while, there was a rush of running sounds from far to near, and quickly approached. It was obvious that the sound of running shoes was not leather shoes.


Ye Yiyun stood upright at the door of the classroom, except that the hair on his forehead was a little messy due to his rapid running, his face was not red and he was not out of breath.

Lao Zhao glanced at him carefully, nodded and looked back at the moment, he noticed what he was holding in his hand, his eyes changed immediately, and he asked nervously, "Ye Yiyun, are you injured?"

After speaking, Lao Zhao got off the podium and began to look at him carefully.

The sitting students also stretched their necks to look over, wanting to find out, Jiang Tianhao, who happened to be covered by the door frame, got up sneakily and looked over to his cousin, thinking that his cousin was injured in something.

It was more convenient for Li Shiqing and Deng Xiaoqi. They were located diagonally opposite the front door, and it was clear at a glance what Ye Yiyun was holding.

"No, teacher." Ye Yiyun explained.

"That..." Lao Zhao was puzzled, and glanced at the Yunnan Baiyao aerosol in his hand.

At this moment, Ye Yiyun was a little hesitant, and if he didn't explain clearly, Lao Zhao would be suspicious. Although it was a small suspicion, he suspected that this thing would accumulate;
He thought for a while, maybe the conventional method won't work, so he can change his mind.

He glanced at someone, looked at Old Zhao, and said frankly, "Because of me, classmate Li Shiqing knocked her hand on the desk, so I bought this to express my apology and make up for my mistakes."

As soon as he said this, there was some commotion in the class, and many eyes focused on Li Shiqing.

As the party involved in the incident, Li Shiqing was stunned for a moment, feeling so many eyes, inexplicably and a little ashamed, she slowly lowered her head.

Deng Xiaoqi bent down softly, and at an angle that Lao Zhao didn't notice much, she gave her a thumbs up, teasing in a low voice, "Ah, ladies."

"Go." Li Shiqing frowned, suppressed her voice, snorted softly, reached out to push her hand away, and complained to Ye Yiyun in her heart.

This person has a lot of "bad water" in his stomach, and he feels like he will never think of his next move.

Old Zhao nodded appreciatively, but then he thought again, his face was a little ugly, and he looked back at someone who looked a little flustered, "Jiang Tianhao, huh? Going to the toilet? Huh?"

A cry is better than a cry, it is Lao Zhao's anger at being deceived.

"No, teacher, I, I..." Immediately, Jiang Tianhao's expression became more flustered, his mouth opened and closed, but he didn't say another word.


Everyone in the classroom roared with laughter.

Old Zhao immediately glared at those key commotions sternly, and when the classroom calmed down, he glared at Jiang Tianhao, restrained his anger, stretched his palms and pointed at Ye Yiyun, and said passionately, "Look, what is excellence? Students , worth learning."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and wanted to pat Ye Yiyun's shoulder, but halfway he found that he couldn't reach it, so he patted his arm instead, smiling eagerly, "Okay, go back to your seat."

"Thank you teacher." Ye Yiyun nodded slightly, and went to his seat. When he passed by Li Shiqing's seat, he put the Yunnan Baiyao aerosol in his hand on her desk. Under the gaze of all the students, he said in a warm voice aboveboard, "Student Li, use it in time, the effect will be better."

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(End of this chapter)

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