Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 73 Puppy Love Is Wrong

Chapter 73 Puppy Love Is Wrong
At the same time, at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the teaching building

In summer, it is shady and windy here, and people often gather. Now...

The cool wind brushed across the cheeks, chilling people.

"What did you say?" Ye Yiyun looked at the resolute cousin in front of him in disbelief, his scalp tingling slightly.

He doubted his ears a little bit. In order to invite Deng Xiaoqi to dinner tomorrow, his cousin decided to invite Qian Sanyi himself.

This kind of behavior can't be licked...

I really want to add this word to my cousin, but my cousin's behavior...

He didn't know how to deal with it, so I can only forgive him for his inexperience, even in the original world, he has never experienced this.

There is an old saying: If the spring breeze does not enter the ears of a donkey, a fool will not listen to advice.

If you want to talk, he will not say anything more; if you persuade him, he still has to leave a sentence.

Adjusting his expression slightly, Ye Yiyun said seriously, "Cousin, you initiated the dinner party, what do you want to do, as a cousin, I will try my best to support it, but you must have expectations in your heart, don't hope for the result. Too big, bigger disappointment."

Hearing Ye Yiyun's words, Jiang Tianhao's already dignified face darkened a bit, not because he was angry with his cousin and waved cold water ahead of time.

His eyes changed several times, he hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and said, "I do have something to trouble you."

Seeing that his cousin didn't dare to look directly at him, Ye Yiyun understood in his heart, nodded and said, "Okay, I will try my best."

He wasn't sure.

Even so, Jiang Tianhao still looked at him gratefully, "Thank you."

"Nothing." Ye Yiyun shook his head, thought for a while, and said along the way, "Cousin, there is a saying, don't please the indifference, don't disappoint the enthusiasm."

"... "


Ever since she found out about her ugly appearance during class break from Deng Xiaoqi, Li Shiqing didn't dare to turn around once in the afternoon. No matter where Ye Yiyun was, she had to keep the back of her head facing Ye Yiyun's face. In other words, she didn't dare to face Ye Yiyun. Ye Yiyun.

In the afternoon, geography, English, and English. After three classes, there was a weekly class meeting. After the class meeting, everyone packed up their things and went back to their respective homes. Most of them were somewhat excited.

Just after the monthly exam, after careful consideration by Lao Zhao, the protagonist of the class meeting is still Ye Yiyun. Say something commonplace.

It happened that Lao Zhao was going to talk to Lao Xie, and the students below were half listening and half not listening.

Li Shiqing was the most powerful, she lay sideways on the desk with her face facing back, those chatterers would pay polite attention to Ye Yiyun from time to time, but she even gave Ye Yiyun a stingy look.

Deng Xiaoqi bent down, leaned in front of her, and teased in a low voice, "Why are you ashamed? He didn't see you like this when he hugged you."

She rolled her eyes greatly, her face didn't move, but her eyes turned towards Deng Xiaoqi's direction, and she threatened, "Don't trick me, be careful that I will kill someone to silence you."

Deng Xiaoqi smiled faintly, "Is that so? Then I can only reluctantly be a loudspeaker once."

big la...

"Hey, don't..."

She kept trying to keep her face to the back, and reached out to Deng Xiaoqi, but unfortunately she didn't even touch a corner of her clothes.

Deng Xiaoqi, who was sitting upright, crossed her hands in front of her chest, with a calm attitude, and glanced at it obliquely, as if she was sure of winning.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Li Shiqing clasped her hands together, rubbing her hands like a fly.

Deng Xiaoqi turned her face to the other side and snorted softly, "Not sincere enough."

"I..." Li Shiqing moved her head, almost breaking her persistence all afternoon, quickly moved her face back to its original position, and asked in a low voice, "Why am I not sincere enough?"

Deng Xiaoqi said deliberately, "You don't even want to face me directly."

"You..." Li Shiqing could hear her careful thoughts, she was anxious and helpless, she gritted her teeth and said, "Enough is enough, Deng Xiaoqi, you can point me to match you up."

"Ah? Really? It's been so long, where have you been?" Deng Xiaoqi asked in a controlled tone.

"I...I'll work hard, okay?" Li Shiqing really didn't have any strong cards in his hand, so Li Shiqing could only 'beg for it'.

Fortunately, not long after, the class meeting ended. After Lao Zhao announced the end, she quickly packed her schoolbag and wanted to leave the classroom quickly.

"Li Shiqing." Just as she was finishing cleaning up, Ye Yiyun's voice suddenly sounded behind her. She was excited, and without half a second of hesitation, she got up and ran out of the classroom. The whole class was the first to leave the classroom.

This reaction really made Ye Yiyun a little speechless, he didn't even say the second sentence.

Glancing at Deng Xiaoqi, after thinking about it, he still decided to invite through Li Shiqing. Besides, Li Shiqing was very strange today. He thought there must be some special reason behind it. As the end of the term is approaching, don't take the Waterloo exam for the last time. ,Um.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, I took a hot shower comfortably, wearing cartoon pajamas, Li Shiqing hugged her mobile phone, bid farewell to the hard bed in the dormitory, lay on the comfortable and soft bed, flipped through the chat records in the class group boringly, and couldn't stop thinking Recalling what happened last night and this morning during the big class break, and even more thinking of that person, a strange emotion was growing in my troubled heart.


Moaning irritably, she scratched her short and medium-length hair that had just been blown dry, and shook her head vigorously, as if trying to get those thoughts out of her brain.

"Beep beep."

At this time, Koukou's unique message sound came to mind.

Li Shiqing turned on the phone and saw a message from Ye Yiyun with the note: Did you sleep?
She picked up her phone and typed the word 'sleeping'. This response was quite in line with a girl's temper, but it was a bit rare for her.

Just as she was about to send it, after thinking about it, she deleted and retracted it, turned the phone over and threw it aside.

"Beep beep."

But in less than two seconds, the beep sounded again.

She frowned, showing impatience, but she still turned over the phone, and it was still a message from Ye Yiyun: Regarding the person in your lower berth, please reply online quickly.

Since it was business, Li Shiqing couldn't follow her temper. She picked up the phone, changed the notification tone to vibrate, turned over, held up the phone, and tapped the screen with her thumbs: What's the matter?

Buzz, new information comes: So what are you running after school?
Li Shiqing rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This guy, usually outnumbered in front of others, treats her badly.


'You lied to me? ', adding a row of angry red face expressions, she gritted her teeth and muttered, and the thumb pressing the send button was quite heavy.

'Where did you lie to me? ', Ye Yiyun returned the message quickly.


"Don't you have any points in your heart?" Li Shiqing muttered, and then typed to expose his 'real purpose', but halfway through typing, looking back at the content, she felt a little ashamed. After thinking about it, she carefully considered,' Send a sentence carefully: Ye Yiyun, puppy love is not good.

She originally intended to remind Ye Yiyun indirectly, but after posting, she suddenly felt that the vague meaning of these words was not the same as the previous content?

In an instant, shyness filled her heart, red quickly climbed up her cheeks, and when the phone fell, she buried her entire upper body under the quilt, leaving only half of her body outside.

But as soon as she buried herself in the quilt, she suddenly remembered an important thing. Koukou updated version 5.9 not long ago, and a new function is that the message can be withdrawn within 2 minutes.

He hurriedly lifted the quilt, and anxiously reached out to fumble for the phone, the moment his fingers touched the phone.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, investment

(End of this chapter)

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