Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 76 I cherish you very much...

Chapter 76 I cherish you very much...

9:[-] in the morning, Jiangjia Kitchen

Although it's called Jiang's Kitchen, the size of the store is no worse than any big hotel in this area.

Jiangjia Kitchen is famous for its fresh ingredients and authentic taste. The layout of the whole store is not extravagant and expensive. It is more down-to-earth and partial to Chinese style.

His son's grades have been good recently, and it was a rare treat for him. Jiang Qilong specially chose a quiet and nice private room for him, and ordered the back kitchen to order ample portions; as for extra drinks, fruits, and snacks, he didn't need to say anything. Arranged clearly.

There are quite a few students here today, Zhao Qiu and Wang Wu came early, and they are 'greeting guests' at the door with Jiang Tianhao.

"Isn't this too inferior? Brother Hao, why don't we go into the private room?" Zhao Qiu was completely speechless, watching the people coming and going, half covering his face, and complained in a low voice.

Wang Wu was also a little stage frightened, and nodded aggrievedly in agreement.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tianhao had one arm around each other, and neither of them could escape.

After a while, monitor Hu Wenying, basketball player Liu Qing and 3 people arrived one after another.

Jiang Tianhao released Wang Wu and asked him to take the four of them into the private room.

"Is it necessary? Brother Hao." Zhao Qiu had already figured out Jiang Tianhao's thoughts.

Jiang Tianhao didn't hide it, and smiled at him.

Zhao Qiu rolled his eyes angrily, and when his eyes turned to the side of the road ahead, he quickly shook Jiang Tianhao's arm and trotted to meet him.

Ye Yiyun didn't go for a haircut this month. Her short, shattered hair grew a little longer. She simply washed and blown it. The hair was smoothed to lightly cover her eyebrows. Her warm white skin complemented her black sweater suit even more. It was inexplicable Added a bit of milk flavor.

"Why don't you go in?" He glanced at Zhao Qiu, who was leaning over, and took out his mobile phone to pay the taxi driver.

Zhao Qiu glanced at Qian Sanyi who was coming around from the opposite side, nodded slightly as a greeting, and said to Ye Yiyun jokingly, "Brother Hao arranged to pick you up."

It's not hard to hear the little resentment in his words.

"Thank you, Master." Wanting to break his cousin's mind for a moment, Ye Yiyun patted Zhao Qiu's arm lightly with a smile, and looked back at Qian Sanyi, "Okay, let's go then."

Compared with his casual and comfortable clothes, Qian Sanyi's dress is much more formal.

Black thin mid-length down jacket, dark gray sweater, and a plaid shirt inside, black pants, and black shoes. Overall, it shows lines quite well. Qian Sanyi’s appearance is not bad, and her figure is also the type preferred by little girls. It's just that his face was a little paralyzed. Even with this shortcoming, Jiang Tianhao still smiled a little unnaturally.

"Almost done." Asking Zhao Qiu to lead Qian Sanyi into the private room, Ye Yiyun turned around and explained.

"This man can't tell the difference between big and small kings." Jiang Tianhao muttered dissatisfied.

Ye Yiyun could understand what my cousin said, the guest shouldn't overshadow the host.

But there is something to say here, is the status of the guest and the host equal?Who does this dinner revolve around?What is the purpose of the dinner?
In general, things like social dinners may not be explained clearly for a long time. In a word, four words: sophistication of the world.

After about 5 minutes, Jiang Tianhao's stinky face suddenly disappeared, and the person he was thinking of finally arrived.

More or less dog-legged, she walked over quickly, her gaze barely moving away from the well-dressed Deng Xiaoqi.

Ye Yiyun just glanced lightly, and his eyes fell on Li Shiqing who came out from the co-pilot.

Compared with the mostly neutral outfits before, Li Shiqing's outfit today really shines.

Flannel black, white and gray plaid jacket, a row of large buttons unfastened, light blue raw-edged jeans, sapphire blue hooded sweater with the hem slightly tucked into the jeans, no belts, jeans with a slightly water-polished design, and a hat on his head. Wearing a Klein blue baseball cap, neck-length short hair scattered behind the head, the overall look is casual, and it looks very comfortable at first glance. The highlight is still the strong girlish feeling.

The only downside is the big black frame.


He quickly glanced at somewhere across the road, and with a thought, he slowly walked up to the three of them.

"Student Ye~"

Deng Xiaoqi waved her hand with a smile on her face, just like meeting Ye Yiyun for the first time, but from the teasing eyes she flew towards Li Shiqing, it could be seen that this greeting was obviously deliberate.

Li Shiqing's face was a little unnatural, she smiled at him, and looked away.

It can be seen that what happened last night still left a small lump in her heart.


Ye Yiyun sighed secretly, he had to clean up the disaster he caused.

He showed a standard smile and said to Deng Xiaoqi, "They are all in the private room, you go in and chat first, Li Shiqing and I will go buy some drinks."

Jiang Tianhao almost doubted his own ears. His Jiang's Kitchen is a well-known restaurant after all. As for taking out drinks?

In the past, I really thought my cousin was a good baby, but looking at it now, he is still relatively simple, he is flustered, his eyes are not blinking, his face is not red, and he is natural and smooth.

Li Shiqing also widened her eyes, "What, what, buy, what..."

"Okay, then I'll go in first." Before she could ask clearly, Deng Xiaoqi nodded and started to go in with a smile.

When she started, Jiang Tianhao naturally put away the wonder in his heart, and hurriedly chased to Deng Xiaoqi's side.

Waiting for Li Shiqing to react, the two had disappeared through the gate.

She blinked, her eyes moved from the hotel gate to Ye Yiyun's face in front of her, and then slowly drooped, her head also lowered, looking a little helpless.

After thinking about it, she said sullenly, "Okay, I have to pick the ingredients."

After she finished speaking, she took a step forward. Unfortunately, Ye Yiyun, whose legs were obviously longer than hers, was blocked in front of her with one step.

"You..." Li Shiqing stared over, her eyes were not as lethal as before.

The 'farce' last night could also be called a misunderstanding, which caused her to feel embarrassed when she saw Ye Yiyun now, and she had an urge to escape.

"It's only 9:43, we go back and forth very quickly, there is enough time, don't worry." Ye Yiyun explained in a gentle voice.

"Then can't you buy it alone?" Li Shiqing lowered her head again and asked softly.

This tone is very strange, she is not like this style, but the meaning in the words is obvious, it is still a rejection.

Ye Yiyun frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said sincerely, "Some things, I think I need to make it clear. About the chocolate, I have more than half of the responsibility for your misunderstanding. I want to say sorry to you."

As he spoke, he bent slightly.

Li Shiqing stretched out her hand a little awkwardly to stop him, but withdrew her finger the moment it touched his sweater, shaking her head a little at a loss and said, "No, no."

Ye Yiyun smiled at her, and continued, "Before, I was afraid that you would misunderstand me, so I didn't send it away. I don't have many friends, um... I cherish you very much... this friend, I hope this matter will not go away." It's going to be the gap between us, okay?"

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(End of this chapter)

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