8 - Snickers Bar

First week of school, Thursday, afternoon

The temperature started to drop yesterday and the sun is weaker today, making the temperature comfortable throughout the day.

"How about the above three forms, this exchange form..."

"In order to achieve effective control over the local regime, Qin Shihuang..."

"Independence cold autumn, go north of the Xiangjiang River, at the head of Juzizhou, look at Wanshan..."

When the elite teaching machine officially started to operate, for most freshmen, the intensity of the experimental class was even higher, and a strong sense of suffocation came over them. Physics, history, Chinese, English, teachers' teaching speed was extremely fast, and attention must be highly concentrated. Pay attention, the teacher has already talked about the next point.

"Okay, that's all for this class..."

After the last class, Ye Yiyun put the pen into the pencil case, and Li Shiqing in front turned around and took away his notes.

Since the teachers of each subject officially taught yesterday, Li Shiqing would borrow Ye Yiyun's notes for almost all science classes except the first class.

"Hey, let me copy the poetry too." Deng Xiaoqi who was on the side hurriedly said.

Just at the right time, Jiang Tianhao who was beside Li Shiqing immediately picked up his note, got up and handed it over, smiled quite warmly, and said, "I borrowed from you, who doesn't understand, I will tell you."

Licking the face is unsightly, Zhao Qiu turned his face away uncomfortably, while Wang Wu's eyes were full of gossip, waiting for the follow-up with sparkle.

Deng Xiaoqi's eyes drooped, as if she was in a dilemma, she paused for a while, and said, "Thank you, I'll just go back to the dormitory to borrow poetry."

Jiang Tianhao could only stiffen his face, and returned to his seat with a smirk.

Ye Yiyun really couldn't stand the embarrassment that was everywhere.

Li Shiqing didn't care about this rough nerve at all, and while copying notes, she rushed to the back and asked, "Tomorrow, the recruitment deadline for clubs, Ye Yiyun, have you decided which club to join?"

"No such plan." Ye Yiyun shook his head slightly.

Li Shiqing was stunned, turned around and glanced at him, then turned around and bowed his head, asking in surprise, "Why? Don't you like it?"

Ye Yiyun smiled and said, "Now the college entrance examination has canceled the specialty points, and I have no intention of participating in the independent enrollment of colleges and universities. Therefore, joining any club is meaningless except to occupy my study and rest time."

Ye Yiyun was one of the most handsome masters in school, and many people in the class paid attention to his every move, every word and deed.

Many people had thoughts in their minds about these speeches, or echoed, or were stunned, or opposed.

"Isn't it a bit utilitarian? The club is to cultivate our hobbies, and it can be regarded as a combination of work and rest."

No, someone immediately questioned.

At this time, Qian Sanyi, who was sitting behind Ye Yiyun and hadn't put on the earphones, chuckled lightly, and said, "Compared with utilitarianism, I think it's more pragmatic, and there are not many people who can correctly understand themselves."

Qian Sanyi is the number one student in the high school entrance examination in the district, and he is very talented in science. The words of this kind of top student are often more important than normal students, and their persuasive power is also higher.

The boy who questioned was so ashamed, and wanted to refute the verbal argument, but Qian Sanyi had already put on the earphones, so he could only retreat like a defeated dog.

Ye Yiyun turned his head sideways, and glanced at the person behind him. He didn't understand the meaning of this high-cold, paralyzed schoolmaster's sudden expression of kindness. Did he have plans for him?Or simply looking at the questioning person is not pleasing to the eye?

It's a pity that the facial paralysis focused on his own book and couldn't give him an answer.

"I'm so hungry. I feel like my mental exhaustion is fast catching up with my weight loss." Li Shiqing wailed while writing vigorously.

After three days of getting along with her carefree character, most of the classmates are familiar with her, they just think she is joking, laugh it off, and don't care too much about it.

Ye Yiyun didn't care at all, but suddenly thought of today's noon, compared to the amount of food the day before yesterday, she didn't seem to eat much at noon today.


He hesitated for a short time, and it was too late to cash in on his thoughts. When his cousin Jiang Tianhao said, "Old Zhao is here", he let it go.

"60 minutes of darkness~"

Jiang Tianhao's words made most of the students in the class feel as if they were going to take a concubine exam.

Most people actually expected the self-study class to be occupied, but they just didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Ding Ding~"

The piano piece "School Bell" came out from the speaker on the top of the wall.

"Come on, students, hurry up and get back to your seats."

"Everyone be quiet, we are in math class now, everyone turn to the eighth page of the textbook."

There is no redundant explanation, only straightforward domineering, Lao Zhao's reputation as an elite is well-deserved.

As time went by, Lao Zhao's voice was not pleasant to the ear, but there were a few in the class who were dizzy and their heads seemed to weigh heavily. The hardest hit area was in front of Ye Yiyun, Li Shiqing and Deng Xiaoqi.

Halfway through the class, Ye Yiyun suddenly memorized two lines, when he raised his head, there was a "grunt" sound in front of him.

Mathematics is hard for most people, so when Lao Zhao is in class, there are basically no other sounds except Lao Zhao's voice, the sound of turning pages, and the sound of pen rubbing against paper.

At this time, Lao Zhao was writing on the blackboard, and Li Shiqing's thump could be said to resound through the classroom, stirring his heart.

After a brief surprise, everyone held back their laughter.

Li Shiqing was ashamed.

Old Zhao paused for a moment, but seeing no response behind him, he continued writing on the blackboard.

At this time, Ye Yiyun's previous idea flashed through his mind. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was a coincidence. He quietly took out the Snickers bar from the belly of the table and put it on a paper towel. After writing two words, he wrapped up the remaining half of the piece. While Lao Zhao continued to write on the blackboard and couldn't catch his eyes in time, he handed it to Li Shiqing. The latter was startled, and he quickly made a booing gesture.

Li Shiqing grinned at him, a row of white teeth, clean and tidy, she turned her head, and happily broke off a small piece, according to what Ye Yiyun wrote on the paper, she only held it in her mouth and did not chew it.

It may be that she lost her face in front of her classmates, or she ate a Snickers bar to replenish her energy. Li Shiqing's concentration in the second half of the self-study class was still okay, and she kept taking notes until the bell rang for the end of class.

"Ye Yiyun, thank you!"

Lao Zhao was confused in the classroom, and Ye Yiyun was getting up, ready to go to the cafeteria with Jiang Tianhao and the other three, when there was another bluff in front.

"Student Li, do you know that excessive fright can induce heart disease?" He frowned speechlessly.

The smile on Li Shiqing's face faded quickly, and she said embarrassedly, "Ah? Is that so, I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay, I know what you mean, it's a little effort, you're welcome, we're a little hungry, let's take a step first, see you tomorrow." Ye Yiyun answered all Li Shiqing's words in a series of words, looked at Wang Wu and Zhao Qiu, and strode Go outside the classroom.

Jiang Tianhao and Ye Yiyun couldn't explain it, and today they entangled Deng Xiaoqi again, so Team 202 temporarily eliminated him.

"Did I...do something wrong?" Li Shiqing asked Jiang Tianhao with a look of frustration.

Jiang Tianhao smiled, and comforted, "It's okay, he is naturally quiet, he has always been gentle, and he doesn't care about you or anything."

Turning around, he looked at Deng Xiaoqi, put on a bright smile, and asked, "Xiaoqi, what do you want to eat, I invite you."

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(End of this chapter)

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