Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 89 Hold on tight, hold on tight?

Chapter 89 Hold on tight, hold on tight? (seeking subscription)

Originally speaking to anyone else, Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing would not have any emotional waves, but this face...

It's really top.

Ye Yiyun subconsciously squeezed the brakes, and when he realized that the car had stopped, he felt a little speechless.

Stopping suddenly, Li Shiqing almost threw her arms full on his back. It was her chin that hit him, but fortunately she turned her face in time so that her face touched his back.

"Brother, calm down, okay?" She rubbed her cheeks speechlessly.

Ye Yiyun was a little strange, he didn't feel anything, he turned his head, looked carefully, and asked, "Did you hit it?"

"Can you still talk after knocking?" Li Shiqing was somewhat unreasonable, and his tone was slightly unfriendly.

But soon, when she felt at least four eyes watching from the car on the side, and realized that the posture of the two was easily misunderstood, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she quickly supported his back with both hands, and sat upright again. He glanced timidly at the face that was so familiar to the side.

In fact, this person has nothing to do with her at all, and nothing happened between her and Ye Yiyun, but there was a vague feeling in her heart that she was being caught.

The air was silent for three seconds, and under the smiling eyes of the four people in the car, she said weakly, "You have mistaken me, I am not Zhao Xiaomai."

In an instant, the air fell into silence again.

Both Yan Feiyan and Jessica had smiles in their eyes.

Say no, but the voice is exactly the same, isn't it?
Yan Feiyan and Zhao Maimai also live broadcasted the goods together.

"Sister, can I borrow your mobile phone to see what Zhao Xiaomai is like?" Ye Yiyun, who had been observing for a while, finally spoke, and asked the youngest Jessica with a smile.

Jessica is a bit of a face-controller. Seeing the handsome guy like this, she nodded in agreement, and at the same time looked back at the boss in surprise. While taking out her spare phone, she muttered, "It's really not wheat?"

After finishing the sentence, she handed the spare phone out of the car window.

Yan Feiyan also felt that the boy's tone was not right, so she focused her gaze on Li Shiqing and observed it carefully.

When her eyes fell on the middle of Li Shiqing, she found a small detail, and she was a little surprised, "It's really not."

At this moment, Ye Yiyun took over the phone, clicked on a certain encyclopedia, and the information about Zhao Xiaomai was clearly introduced.

Zhao Xiaomai is the top idol in this world and this year. His main job is a singer, his side job is an actor, and he also works as a part-time host. Not impressed at all.

He clicked on a few pictures, took a closer look, glanced briefly at Li Shiqing behind him, and then returned to Jessica, "Thank you, sister."

"No~" Ye Yiyun's 'clever and shy' smile made Jessica's face full of obsession.

"Okay, let's go." Seeing this, Yan Feiyan hurriedly told Wei Peng to leave.

Like a robot, Wei Peng immediately released the brake and stepped on the accelerator.

"Not an acquaintance? Senior sister." After starting, he asked curiously.

Yan Feiyan turned her head, looked at Li Shiqing again through the glass, and finally could only look back in puzzlement.

"How did you leave?" Li Shiqing was still immersed in the surprise of Zhao Xiaomai, but the car drove away suddenly like a supernatural event, without even saying hello.

"I'm sure you're not that Zhao Xiaomai, so I'm leaving. Don't worry about it. If you pass the level once, it's fine. But if you cycle again, I'll buy you a mask to prevent similar things from happening again." Ye Yiyun said, and started Accelerate, just now he keenly observed that the bearded man sitting in the co-pilot was holding a big blue vase in his hand and was tied with a red belt. On the red belt it was clearly written: Shaligou Central School...

It shows that the person in this car is also participating in the 40th anniversary celebration of Shaligou Primary School. He can't leave too much behind. Missing key details will cause the whole idea to go wrong.

"Hold on tight." The sound of the wind pierced his voice, elongating and breaking it.

Li Shiqing, who was thinking about something, froze for a moment, hold her tighter?
She hesitated a little, okay?

hold tight, hold...

It's not impossible for everyone to wear autumn clothes. Ye Yiyun also hugged her in the previous summer.


She frowned, and pinched Ye Yiyun's hands on both sides of the waist involuntarily, and her joints protruded.

In a short period of time, she thought a lot, and in the end she slowly opened her hands, crossed them in front of Ye Yiyun's lower abdomen, and then slowly stuck them to his abdomen.

Ye Yiyun, who was driving well, gave this "sneak attack", his pupils shrank suddenly, even through a not thin sweater, he could feel the softness of her palm, and the muscles in her abdomen tensed instantly , the whole spine was frozen like ice, and he didn't even move it.

Only Realization moved down slowly, and glanced at the arms that strangled his waist and abdomen.

Seemingly feeling Ye Yiyun's anomaly, Li Shiqing didn't choose to stick it to his back, but pressed his forehead on his back cleverly, so that the distance between the two of them was not zero.

After a long while, the initial throbbing returned to calm. Although Ye Yiyun's back remained motionless, his mentality returned to normal.

After driving forward for about a quarter of an hour, a man in a sweaty, drenched suit was walking slowly on the side of the road ahead, and his fatigue could be felt from his hunched back.

Taking a closer look, this person is exactly the person on the co-driver of the previous WEY VV6.

He and Li Shiqing noticed the man, and the man also noticed them.

"Handsome guy, where are you going? Can you give me a ride?" Qiao Shulin trotted over with a bright smile on his face.

Out of vigilance, both Ye Yiyun and Li Shiqing resisted the strangers in the circle.

"Wait, wait, don't get too close." Ye Yiyun repeatedly warned.

Qiao Shulin was anxious, and instead of stopping, he continued to approach.

Ye Yiyun could only turn the speed control handle, bypass Qiao Shulin, and gallop away.

"Would it be too impersonal?" Li Shiqing couldn't bear to continue to look at the disappointment on the face of the person behind, and looked away.

Through the rearview mirror, Ye Yiyun also noticed the man's expression. There was a trace of pity in his heart, but he was more responsible for his own life and Li Shiqing's life, "No matter what, our own safety comes first, at least until now. So far, we don't know what happens if a life is lost in the loop."

Li Shiqing nodded thoughtfully.

But soon, the two regretted their previous decision.

"This is who I want to be, Qiao Shulin from Shaligou!"

The little boy's speech and the content of the PPT on the podium made Li Shiqing teary-eyed and sobbing.

Qiao Shulin, suffering from acute typhus at the age of 1 and a half, was adopted by Grandma Gao, the old headmaster of Shaligou. After Grandma Gao passed away, he has been following Grandma Gao’s wish and paid his own money to lead the villagers to reclaim wasteland, control sand, and study desertification. Earth Apple, failed again and again, almost went bankrupt, but never gave up...

Just like the little boy said, 'everyone will be changed by others, but few people can really influence others', Qiao Shulin is a great person among the bottom masses, giving silently.

Gently patting Li Shiqing's back to comfort her, he looked at the old photo of the man on the screen, recalling the man's deeds in his mind, feeling like his soul had been purified.

At the same time, with the information collected here, he had the first opening to break the situation.

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(End of this chapter)

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