Movies and TV: Starting with Boys Pi

Chapter 98 Wine... Ambulance!

Chapter 98 Wine... Ambulance! (seeking subscription)
He definitely couldn't say that sometimes he was thinking about Li Shiqing's weight and figure, and sometimes it was because before and after Li Shiqing's relatives came, he could only laugh at himself because he had no tickets.

Li Shiqing naturally understood the truth of his words, her face was buried, her cheeks blushed slightly, and she didn't say anything.

Wang Shengnan and Li Dawei gave Ye Yiyun this wave of explanations, feeling comfortable and happy.

Can speak.

Wang Shengnan smiled and looked away from Ye Yiyun's side face. When he met Li Shiqing's eyes, he stared secretly. The latter immediately lowered his head, pretending not to see it.

Li Dawei sipped his glass of beer with a smile, suddenly thought of something, got up and went to the kitchen to get a clean glass.

Both Wang Shengnan and Ye Yiyun guessed what he meant.

"Stop coming, Xiaoye is only 16 years old." Wang Shengnan immediately stopped her.

As a teacher, she is very strict about some things and aspects.

Li Dawei showed a nonchalant expression, "Boy, I'm 17, it's fine to drink some beer."

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Yiyun and asked, "Xiaoye, can I drink?"

This question really asked Ye Yiyun, in the original world, he still had a bit of alcohol tolerance; but in this world, almost half a year, with this body, he is very sure that he has never touched even a little alcoholic beverages.

As for drinking...

Thinking that all his indicators are far superior to those of his peers, he hesitated a little, but nodded, "Have a glass, uncle, I've never touched alcohol before."

"What a good boy." Hearing this, Wang Shengnan blurted out his praise immediately, and immediately gave Li Dawei a cold look.

Seeing that he agreed, Li Dawei didn't care about his wife Wang Shengnan's eyes, and smiled. It's rare that in this house, someone can drink with him, and it's simply impossible to put it aside.

"It's okay. Drinking is a matter of practice. Drink less and take your time."

His subordinates were careful, saying it was half a glass, even the hop foam was added up to be half a glass, but in reality it was half a glass.

Ye Yiyun picked up the glass and brought it to his nose...

The taste in the memory is awakened.

Nodding his head slightly, with that expression, he said he was trying. Li Dawei always felt that this kid had drunk.

"Come on, Xiaoye, uncle respects you, thank you for helping Shiqing so much." Li Dawei held the glass.

"No, Uncle, it was agreed before that classmate Li can achieve this result because of her own hard work." Ye Yiyun hurriedly leaned the cup over, keeping the rim of the cup shorter than Li Dawei's.

"Damn, don't always talk about classmate Li, classmate Li, you call her Shiqing... Xiaoqing is fine." Li Dawei leaned his cup forward, and when there was a clear sound, he put the glass to his mouth, Said.

Ye Yiyun nodded, and turned his smiling eyes to Li Shiqing, who also raised his head, his eyes met each other, and the smile in his eyes was even wider, "Okay, Xiao Li."

Li Shiqing's face sank, she took a bite of the sauce bone stick, turned her head to look at Li Dawei, "Dad, I'll just call him a dog."

After she finished speaking, Wang Shengnan stretched out his hand and patted her on the arm lightly. He was dressed thickly. This was purely for display, and the actual damage was 0.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Calling you Xiao Li, you are at a disadvantage." After yelling at him, Wang Shengnan turned his head to apologize to Ye Yiyun.

But Li Shiqing said with an aggrieved face, "Of course I suffer, he is obviously younger than me, and he is almost called Sister Li."

"Eh? Really?" Wang Shengnan's unformed smile turned into surprise.

Ye Yiyun didn't nod, didn't shake his head, just said, "My birthday is September, classmate Li..."

"Oh, then you are indeed younger than Shiqing by a few months, but it's nothing. Between men and women, age is calculated by year, how can it be calculated by month?" Wang Shengnan nodded, and at the same time denied Li Shiqing's statement.

"Why? I'm just older than him." Li Shiqing was even more aggrieved, she glanced at her mother speechlessly, then turned to ask her father Li Dawei for help, "Dad, please judge."

Li Dawei is drinking right now, how dare he refute his wife's words on such an ambiguous topic.

If you love your daughter, you love your daughter, and you have to have your own little hobby.

Especially when Wang Shengnan's eyes followed, his hand holding the cup subconsciously trembled.

Seeing this situation, Ye Yiyun hurriedly said, "Slip of mouth, slip of tongue."

First smooth things over, then looked at Li Shiqing, smiled and said, "Sister Li, I understand, it's my slip of the tongue."

The current homophonic stalks are not bad, and such quick wit can only be appreciated.

Seeing his parents defecting one after another, Li Shiqing bowed her head angrily, wiped the sad 'tears' from the corners of her mouth, and continued to 'fight'.

"Come." After Li Dawei filled a glass, he touched Ye Yiyun again.

Ye Yiyun hadn't even drunk the beer he touched before, so he quickly drank most of the beer that was less than half the glass.

"Well, not bad." Li Dawei gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

Next, with a drinking partner to accompany him, Li Dawei opened up the topic, talking nonsense with Ye Yiyun.

Ye Yiyun can catch it, he can talk about everything superficially, and he can also talk about the core, his knowledge, knowledge, and conversation are all at a high level.

But just eating, chatting, and drinking, he felt a little itchy on the back of his neck, and his throat seemed to be getting more and more congested.

Li Dawei and Wang Shengnan noticed that he was always raising his hands and scratching his back, which seemed strange.

Li Shiqing, who was buried in cooking, didn't pay much attention.

"Xiaoye, are you okay?" Seeing Ye Yiyun clutching his throat, Wang Shengnan immediately asked if he sensed something was wrong.

Hearing this, Li Shiqing subconsciously looked up at Ye Yiyun.

I saw him tearing open the collar of his knitted sweater, and even though he couldn't see the whole thing, he could vaguely see a red spot on the skin under his neck.

"How do you..."


Before she finished asking, Ye Yiyun leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, pulled his neck back, and his voice became strange.

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(End of this chapter)

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