I am Da Song

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Changing Fate Against the Heavens (Happy Lantern Festival to New and Old Book Friends)

Even if the tense situation is about to break out, Wu Libu is still smiling like a tiger, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The Prime Minister must remember who brought you to the city of Bianjing. The left army attacked a small city of Shouyang three times. No, you lost tens of thousands of people. You made a detour to Pingding and failed, and you lost 3000 people. It was our East Route Army who attacked from the east and helped your Left Route Army reach the city of Bianjing."

Zhao Huan frowned, knowing that the conflict could not continue to intensify. After all, he was still in the Nianhan camp, and the two sides had not broken faces. But may forever lose the opportunity to return to Kaifeng.

So Zhao Huan took the initiative to speak, not to let Nianhan continue to be hostile, and said: "What is the Prime Minister hesitating about? I just want to make an eternal friendship with Dajin, so what can I do to guard against it? At worst, I will return to the camp after I convince all the officials. , I will bid farewell to the country when I have paid enough silver and silk, and when the commander of your army returns to the court."

"If Lord Song never returns..."

Speaking of this, Nianhan laughed dumbly, how could this timid and cowardly person have the courage to leave and never return?After being summoned twice, he timidly came to the big army camp, bowed his knees, begged for mercy, and hoped that Dajin would stop the army and retreat, so that peace and harmony could be repaired.

Wo Li didn't feel the same way, as Lord Song said, the life and death of Zhao's children were all tied to the golden saber.

One hundred thousand gold troops have broken through Bianjing, and they can enter the palace at any time. How dare Song Lord refuse to wait for his call?

All the Jin soldiers had nothing to worry about, and if they let him go back to the city, it would take a day or two at most, and they could call him back to the army camp at any time.

But if he succeeds in fulfilling what he said, the Kingdom of Jin will benefit so much that I can't even imagine it.

Taking a step back, it is also the great fortune of the Jin Kingdom that this kind of waste controls the Song Kingdom.It is impossible for any emperor to be worse than Zhao Huan.

This is a thing that has nothing to lose, but it is possible to gain sky-high wealth.No matter how you look at it, there is no reason to refuse.

Nianhan is still hesitating, but Wuli has already made a decision. Now the situation is more in line with his strategic plan of ruling the Song Dynasty with the Zhao family and serving as the vassal assistant of the Jin Dynasty. Silver silk."

Zhao Huan was very excited, but he pretended to be calm. In order to prevent the second commander from seeing his true intention of returning home, no matter how anxious he was, he pretended not to be in a hurry.Taking retreat as advance, he said: "If it is dark today, I will return to Bianjing tomorrow and urge the court to pay the old coins and silver silk for the army."

Even if things go wrong, at least he can leave with the army that the second prince can't leave.After leaving the Nianhan camp, the room for maneuver increased a lot.

This move successfully dispelled the doubts of the Prime Minister Nianhan. Before that, he had been worried that Zhao Huan was playing tricks and tricks, intending to delay the change until King Qin's army converged in Bianzhou.Therefore, Nianhan urged harshly: "How can important national affairs be delayed by mere weather conditions? Lord Song, please return to Tokyo immediately, persuade all the court officials, and tell the world to cut off the north of the Yangtze River and give me a big gold."

The urging is not because Nianhan is ignorant, nor is it that Nianhan has changed his strategic proposition.But the time travel was not in Nianhan's expectation at all. It has only been a few hours since Zhao Huan entered the Jin army's camp.Who would have thought that Zhao Huan's temperament would change suddenly?Not only Nianhan, but everyone in the Jin army never thought that Zhao Huan would never return.

Nianhan's intention was to let Lord Song seize the time to issue an edict before King Qin's army gathered, ordering the court to cede the north of the Yangtze River to the Kingdom of Jin, and then summon Lord Song back to the Jin army camp after everything was completed.Only in this way can he control Song Lord again, otherwise let Song Lord stay in Wo Libu's hands, and he doesn't know what the two of them will conspire to do that is even more harmful to him.

As the left and right marshals of the Jin army, it is impossible for Nianhan to really fight against the Wuli Buda army.Once this kind of thing happens, it will be of no benefit to anyone if the news is sent back to the Kingdom of Jin.And it's even worse for Nianhan. Nianhan really can't explain why he wants to prevent Song Zhu from persuading all officials to give the north of the Yangtze River to Dajin, even at the same time.

Zhao Huan tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart and the trembling of his body. After dancing on the tip of the knife for so long, he was finally able to get out of trouble.Part of this is the reason why Zhao Huan fought desperately.But the more important reason is that it is still the main consensus of the Jin Dynasty to set up the Song Dynasty as a vassal assistant and be controlled by the Jin Dynasty.Even Nianhan, who has always been hostile to the Song family, admits this.

Historically, until February [-]th, the day before Song Qinzong was deposed, the second crown prince Wolibu still opposed the abolition of Emperor Song, saying: "I have already presented to the court to establish a vassal, how can it be easier halfway?"

Xiao Qing, the most loyal son of the Kingdom of Jin, also strongly remonstrated Nianhan: "Abolish Zhao Huan, the king of Song Dynasty, and Zhao Gou, the king of Kang, must stand on his own, not like Zhao Huanyong, please think again." The facts also proved Xiao Qing's vision, Zhao Huan Brought to the north, Zhao Gou immediately took over the regime and established the Southern Song Dynasty as Song Gaozong.

Even the students of Taixue can see: "The state of Jin is as good as being close to the Song Dynasty. If you are close to the Song Dynasty, the great gold will benefit infinitely. If the emperor (emperor) does not return, the Central Plains will be in chaos from now on. If the chaos leads to the emergence of heroes, it will not be beneficial to the great gold." ?”

As the most talented prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, Nianhan knew this very well. On the day before the abolition of Li, he also personally said to Xiao Qing: "If the Song Dynasty is sincere to me, it should be preserved." So he personally sent Xiao Qing to negotiate with Song Qinzong , as long as Song Qinzong is sincere, he will not be abolished at all.

It's just that the minds of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty were clear and strange. According to historical records: "The princes and ministers of the Song Dynasty will no longer discuss with each other."Only then did the road be completely blocked, and Nianhan made an impulsive decision to abolish the Hui and Qin sects after dawn.As a result, the Southern Song Dynasty was established, and it fought bloody battles with the Kingdom of Jin for decades.If it hadn't been for Wanyan Gou, the number one filial son of the Great Jin, who killed Yue Fei, the Kingdom of Jin and the Sheji would have the mighty might.Therefore, Nianhan can fully see that the Jin Dynasty can obtain the greatest benefit if the Song Lord is not abolished.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Huan plucked up his courage and struggled for a while, which led to a completely different trend from history.

Seeing Zhao Huan staggering away, the generals and soldiers of the Jin army all looked arrogant.No one would have imagined that this thin figure staggering away in the cold wind would open the curtain of the Jagged Song Dynasty in the near future and set off a bloody storm of an era.

But it's not their fault.After all, no one would have thought of such a thing as time travel.

Travelers don't need to panic or worry about their identity being exposed at all. No one will think that the people around them have changed their souls in an instant.The person who put forward this idea is completely more suspicious than the time traveler.

Outside the Jin Army camp, Zhao Huan gathered his subjects.The Song officials who entered the Jin army camp together, except for the king of Yun, Zhao Kai, were still detained, and Feng Xie, Cao Fu, Wu Kai, Mo Yu, Sun Zhi, Tan Shiji, Wang Zao, Guo Zhongxun, Li Ruoshui and others were all released. .Outside the camp, there were 300 guards of honor waiting for the emperor, the Yellow House team, and soldiers of the Imperial Army.

Zhao Huan is not a mother-in-law, let alone chatting with his subordinates in front of the Jin army camp.Without giving Jin Jun any chance to repent, Zhao Huan ordered clearly and resolutely when he saw his subordinates: "Return to Tokyo."

Few of the ministers who followed Zhao Huan had real talents.Even most of them don't even have loyalty, ambition and courage.

They are all redundant officials that Zhao Huan will retire one by one in the future.

Only Li Ruoshui, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, was considered loyal and brave. When Song Qinzong was abolished, Li Ruoshui scolded the Jin army for being unfaithful, and sternly refused the solicitation of the state minister Nianhan.Nianhan had no choice but to order Li Ruoshui's tongue to be cut off. Li Ruoshui couldn't curse, so he glared at him and pointed at him.

The Jin people later said to each other: "In the fall of the Liao Kingdom, dozens of righteous people died, and in the Southern Dynasty there was only one person, Li Shilang."

But don't expect Zhao Huan to have much affection for him. Today, during the day, he urged Song Qinzong to throw himself into the trap again. This is the person who entered the Jin army's camp.

All in all, this is a loyal minister who can be trusted but cannot be reused.You can trust his integrity, but not his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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