I am Da Song

Chapter 406 Entering the Aral Sea

The Sixteen Kingdoms in Hezhong were included in the territory of the Central Plains as early as the period of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty.

The course of the battle is very simple, that is, the famous Tang Dynasty general Su Dingfang led his army to defeat the main force of the coalition forces in one fell swoop, so the Hezhong area surrendered in anticipation.

This kind of thing has happened too many times in Central Asia.In 1140 AD, that is, not long after four years, Yelu Dashi also defeated the local [-] coalition forces through World War I, thus confirming the status of the suzerain of Xiliao.Although all this has not happened yet, in terms of military strength, it is clear that Xiliao already has an advantage.

The battle is not difficult for Song Dynasty, as long as Xiliao and Dongliao are driven westward, it is enough.

The nomadic iron cavalry rolling past ran over the face of the local country, and then the main force of the Song army followed up to occupy the land.

The benefits of nomadic thugs are fully reflected.

As long as the empire needs them, they can move at any time and follow the borders of the empire to nomad.

If it is a farming nation, it is really not so convenient, just leave as soon as you say.

The Song Dynasty occupies the Hezhong area, and the caravans of the Song Dynasty will completely monopolize the silk trade to the West.

Among the sixteen kingdoms in Hezhong, there was a Sogdian family who were good at doing business. This is a figure that has been active on the Silk Road since the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Like the Arabs, they are located on the main line of the Silk Road in the west of Central Asia. They are a nation with commercial characteristics. They frequently traveled between Central Asia and China through the long Silk Road, and became the bearer of the trade between the East and the West in the Middle Ages. By.

Bringing these people into the control of the Song Dynasty means that more than half of the caravans active on the Silk Road are the caravans of the Song Dynasty.The wealth obtained from the trade will directly stay in the territory of Song Dynasty without loss.

Being directly bordered by the Dafa, the unique business talents of the Arabs will be significantly reduced.

At that time, it will no longer be a transaction across a long country, but a short-distance trade similar to the Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, and Xixia Dynasty.

In this regard, Da Song is very experienced in how to restrict the enemy's caravan, attack the enemy's economy, and win the economic war.After all, Da Song has fought this kind of trade war for hundreds of years.

Zhao Huan looked at Prime Minister Zhang Jun and asked, "Does the Right Prime Minister think that the court should follow the weather and punish the people?"

Zhang Jun said resolutely: "I believe that the sages are the most benevolent, and they are in the criminal code. In the previous records, Gan Ye swore to be a master, and Xia Kai inherited Dayu's career. Shangjiao questioned crimes, and Zhou made the ambition of King Wen."

"Guangdong, my Great Song Dynasty, was born with a spiritual life, built up the pole with three talents, and made a family with one Liuhe. Master Wang, should be punished by heaven and teach the teachings of saints."

This resolute tone represented Zhang Jun's firmest attitude.

It is impossible for Zhang Jun to disapprove of this kind of thing. The recovery of the sixteen kingdoms in the river means that the Song Dynasty has once again entered the peak and prosperity of expanding its territory.

He, Zhang Jun, will become a famous minister who assisted the empire to expand its territory, comparable to the famous minister Zhang Jiuling who assisted Tang Xuanzong in creating the prosperous Kaiyuan in his family genealogy.

Which Zhuxia Miao descendant can resist this temptation, this is the glory of the ancestors.

Later generations can pat their chests and introduce to others when they go out. I am a descendant of Zhang Jun, the prime minister of the prosperous dynasty.

This majesty is like the son of the Zhang family of the big man patting his chest and saying, I am waiting for Zhang Liang's descendants, that demeanor is directly full.

"If that's the case, let's give the order. Send troops out to rebuild Huoxun Prefecture, Anxi Prefecture, Kunxu Prefecture and Tiaozhi Prefecture."

Huoxun Prefecture is the prefecture and county set up by Datang in Khwarezmo. The border is in the Aral Sea. It is super rich and prosperous, with abundant agricultural production and prosperous regional economy. It is the most suitable area for farming.

And this prosperity has lasted for nearly a thousand years. In Maoxiong's era, 95% of Maoxiong's domestic cotton, 40% of rice, 25% of vegetables and fruits, and 32% of grapes were produced here.The bumper harvest of agricultural production has promoted the economic development of the region, and the population has grown rapidly to more than 3600 million people.

The rulers of the East and the West attached great importance to this place. The reason why the Tang Dynasty sent troops here was because of the suitable climate and fertile land.

Therefore, when other areas were still under the indirect jurisdiction of the Dudufu, Khwarazmo directly set up prefectures and counties, which were directly controlled by the imperial court.

Song Cheng Tang Feng, in fact, the distance to the Western Regions is really very close.

The Aral Sea and Khwarezm seem to be far away from the Central Plains, but in fact the distance required for expedition is very short.

The Qihe area and the Hezhong area were originally a piece of land in the shape of a square and a circle, and the diameter was not large.

The Great Song Dynasty had already destroyed the Gaochang Uighurs, and re-established the old places of the Han family such as Yizhou, Xizhou, Tingzhou, and Gumozhou, and one step further west to Suiye Town, the old town of the Tang Dynasty in the territory of the Black Han Kingdom.

Suiye Town is the core area of ​​the Tang Dynasty's strongest rule in the Western Regions, and it is said that the poet Li Bai was born.

The Song army regained the clearest and most reliable military map for reference. It can be said that the old horse knows the way, and Li Guang will never get lost.

After passing here, to the west is the Black Khanate. This country is divided into two, namely the Eastern Black Khanate and the Western Black Khanate. They are both very weak countries, and the Khan calls Zhao Huan his uncle.

After the West Black Khanate is Khwarazm, they are active near the Aral Sea.

It stands to reason that this dispatch of troops only passed through the territory of the two vassal states, and then entered the territory of the target country.

The march distance is not far, but there is a problem.

That is, the Turks usurped the national dominance of Dashi, and they are the suzerain of the countries in the entire Central Asian region.

The Great Food Empire, or Rome, Byzantium, etc., are not like the unified dynasty ruled by the vertical structure of the Central Plains!
They are more like the Anxi Protectorate in the Central Plains.

The Anxi Jiedushi is the supreme commander of the country, and there are a large number of Dudufu below, which together constitute this regime.

The various forces below have their own independent administrative and military structures.

It is also a bit like the elector system of the Holy Roman Empire. Whichever elector controls the throne will establish a dynasty.

Although the Central Plains has always called them Dashi, they have actually experienced different periods when multiple forces came to power.

Now it is a Turkic Seljuk who invaded Baghdad and took control of the entire dynasty.

So although people in the Central Plains still call them Dashi, this former Arab empire is no longer ruled by Arabs, but by Turkic people, often called the Seljuk Empire.

After another century or two, Khwarazmo is strong, invades Baghdad, and gains control of the empire, then the empire will be renamed Khwarazmo again.

Come and go, although it has changed many names, it is still the big food of the country composed of tribal federations.

Now the arrival of the Turks has changed the ruling power of this decadent country, but indirectly caused the Arab Empire to rejuvenate for a time.

All the small countries in Central Asia belonged to the slave states of the Seljuk Empire.

So the current problem is that when the Song army marches into the Aral Sea, it is very likely that they will face more than just Khwarazmo.

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