I am Da Song

Chapter 420

On the plain outside the city of Samudan, which is the Kangju Governor's Mansion of the Tang Dynasty, more than [-] armies from the eastern and western empires collided head-on.

The moment he saw the Song Army from afar, there was a commotion inside the Dashi Allied Forces.

The Puritans held green flags and gathered together in great numbers. They always thought that the army in the world should be like this, densely packed and black.

However, the Song army coming from the east seemed like a scorching red sun had landed on the world, and the entire army array reflected the sun, vermilion crimson into the sky.

Ordinary Puritans couldn't even understand for a while why the military formation on the opposite side had such a look.

It wasn't until the two sides approached that the Puritans could see clearly that everyone in the Song army was dressed in neat uniforms and lined up in a strict military formation.

This stunning military appearance shocked countless Puritans. It turns out that the army in the world can be so well-organized!
But the Sultan Sanjar of the Seljuks is still full of confidence, thinking that the Song army is nothing special, and this neat military appearance is only due to the prosperous wealth of the Silk Kingdom.

The Silk Kingdom is just a large number of people, and its combat power is definitely not as good as the brave Puritans!

As the king of the eastern and western worlds, the Seljuk Empire's army must be able to defeat the army of the Silk Kingdom and recast the empire's dominance in the center of the world.

We can’t blame him for his arrogance. After all, at this time, the Seljuks dominated Dashi and brought the country a period of prosperity. They were all defeated by the Seljuks and captured on the battlefield.The Seljuk Empire thus occupied Asia Minor of the Byzantine Empire.

That's Byzantium!

Invincible Byzantium, a superpower with a long history like the Eastern Silk Kingdom.

As long as the Seljuks can defeat Byzantium, they can also defeat the silk country in the east!
So Sanjar confidently divided the troops into three groups, the left, the middle, and the middle. He personally led the central army. After his guards and logistics were overwhelmed, the king of Sigistan commanded the left wing of the coalition army, and the right wing of the coalition army was commanded by Emir Kumaj.

The tactics of the Seljuk Empire used cavalry archers to conduct a tentative attack, and then dispatched elite cavalry to charge.

Taking up this important role in the central army is the Gulam slave army of Sanjar.

Although the name is called slaves, this is by no means a mob, but a professional military organization with a great reputation that has passed down several dynasties throughout the Dashi Empire.

They are composed of Turkic slaves who have received professional military education since childhood and even served as the Sudan's bodyguards.Its positioning is almost exactly the same as that of the Mamluk Cavalry Legion.

In terms of military capabilities, they are good at shooting and are the most elite armored Turkic archers.

At the same time, they also have the most powerful armored heavy cavalry, which can launch a devastating charge and crush all enemy troops they encounter.

Therefore, after seeing that the Song Army's phalanx was dominated by infantry, Sanjar directly ordered: "Cavalry archers step forward, shoot at the enemy, and open a gap!"

At the same time, Zhang Xian, the chief general of the Song Army, also issued a military order: "Let the Mongolian cavalry and Khitan cavalry come forward, show the enemy's weakness, and lure the entire enemy army to attack."

Zhang Xian's plan is to temporarily hide the absolute front of the Song army, attract the main force of the cannibal, and then attack with all his strength, firing all the guns, completely destroying its elite.One blow completely decides the outcome of the war.

But the war went awry from the very beginning.

The armies of the two sides stretched on the grassland more than 30 miles wide, and the cavalrymen cruised and fought on the battlefield between the two armies, but it almost turned into a one-sided massacre.

How big is the gap between the two sides?
The Gulam Effort Corps encountered Mongolian iron cavalry and almost collapsed at the touch of a finger.

The gap in combat power between the Turks and the Mongols has reached an irreparable level that is visible to the naked eye.

Xiliao is just a fugitive who failed in the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains. When they come to Central Asia, they can hammer all the Turkic countries.

Yelu Dashi, the commander of the Western Liao Dynasty, personally participated in the battle for hegemony among the four tribes in the Central Plains, Song, Liao, Jin, and Mongolia. For those who experienced it personally in an absolute sense, the difference in combat power did not change much.

The Khitan iron cavalry was slung with a hammer by the Jin Guo cavalry in the hegemony, and it was a sling hammer in the unparalleled way.A few thousand golden cavalry can fight tens of thousands of Khitan troops of 10,000+.

And the golden cavalry was defeated by the Mongols.Every battlefield was completely wiped out by the Mongols.

Some people in later generations often speculate, who has the stronger fighting power during the peak period of the Jurchen army or the peak period of the Mongolian army?
In fact, there is a case for this. A few years ago, the elite Jurchen army under the command of Jin Wushu went to encircle and suppress the Mongolian coalition forces, but they were defeated by Hebul Khan.

The Jurchens who had just founded the country could not defeat the Mongolian iron cavalry, let alone the Turkic people today.

This is the loser who has long been defeated and kicked out in the Central Plains hegemony.

When their ancestors were at their most prosperous, they still had to cede territory to the Tang Dynasty, let alone their descendants who became slaves.

Zhang Xian stood on a high slope, surrounded by banners and armor behind him.

He raised his binoculars and looked around the battlefield, frowning, the development of the battle has far exceeded his expectations.

Let the vassal Hu Qi continue to fight, and the cannibal cavalry will be wiped out!

At that time, these Puritans may be scattered.

The generals of the Song army around him looked at the situation on the battlefield visible to the naked eye, and they were also anxious, and asked: "Minister, should we just stand still like this? Then this military achievement is not all due to Hu Qi?"

"Yes, the envoy. The current situation is in turmoil, and the cannibal cavalry is completely invincible. If the fight continues, it will not be long before they are completely defeated!"

This situation can be seen clearly without a telescope.

After all, the green flags of the Great Food Army fell one by one, and the black waves continued to rush towards the direction of the Great Food Army.

The generals of the Song Army had to look at each other in blank dismay, and the imperial court mobilized the crowd to come. If they didn't shoot a single shot, they would win.How should this battle report be written?
Will the imperial court feel that the [-] troops are useless, and even think further about whether the Holy Dynasty really needs to use hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain a million troops?
If this really happened, the group of people would simply be the sinners of the entire military force.

Zhang Xian said calmly: "Steady your mind! Even if the enemy army is defeated, our army still has tens of thousands of elite cavalry to hunt down and kill. I believe that the big cannibal will never be reconciled to this defeat, and will definitely try to recover."

Although it is said that in any army, it is always to gnaw the bones, fight and consume miscellaneous cards first, chase and kill the enemy army, obtain military merits and replace them with direct descendants.

But in the current situation, it was too deliberate and obvious for Hu Qi to withdraw them as soon as he opened up his advantage and was about to gain results.

What the generals of the Song Army didn't know was that the Song Army's tactics were a great success in the command of the Dashi Allied Forces.

Sancar was already furious, and the battle in front of him was still within the scope of his cognition, and the Silk Kingdom's army only gained the upper hand by riding and shooting.

The big cannibals didn't realize that there was a huge gap in combat power between the two armies.

They all believe that as long as they invest in the direct line of heavy cavalry, they will be able to recover their disadvantages.

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