I am Da Song

Chapter 422 The frontier of the Song Dynasty is the dividing line of Asia

In the Battle of Kangju, more than [-] Seljuks were directly killed.

This is the number of casualties. Counting the wounded soldiers, the 10 people are almost wiped out.

Many vassals of the Seljuk Empire never thought that this battle would be so tragic. Many of them came to the war because they wanted to deal with it.

For example, the former overlords such as the Ghaznavid army, who controlled Baghdad before, were replaced by the Seljuks in the past few decades. How could they be convinced by the Seljuks?
For example, the Khwarazmians are ambitious, dreaming that they can replace the Seljuks and become the next overlord of the Dashi Empire.

But all the ambitious people, all the vassal states, all the dominance of the emperor, and the manifest destiny, all disappeared with this battle.

Seljuk Sultan Sanjar fled in a panic with only fifteen slaves, and his wife, commander of the left and right wings, and Puritan jurist Bukhari were all captured.

The military power of all the vassal states was lost on the grasslands of the Kangju area.

The military power of the Puritan world suffered a devastating blow, and all participating countries lost the possibility of contending for hegemony.

From the perspective of the Central Plains, this scene may seem unbelievable. Only [-] to [-] troops were lost, so how could they be devastated.

But the fact is that outside of the Central Plains, if someone can annihilate [-] standing troops in one battle, that person can dominate the course of history.

In 732, the Frank Palace defeated [-] Puritan fighters, and his son wrote to the Pope, "Who manages the country and rules the country, who is suitable to be king?"

The pope then hinted that in reply, "the king should be the one who manages the country."Since then, the Carolingian family succeeded in usurping the throne. The hero Pepin and Emperor Charlemagne successively took a ride with the Holy See and established the last universal empire in Western Europe. Eternal legend.

The emperors of the "Holy Roman Empire" of all dynasties, who can raise [-] troops, must go south to Italy to "worship" to enrich the wealth of the empire and establish the rule over the Pope.

In 1237, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa failed to march into Rome, and the [-]-strong army was besieged and wiped out by the Northern Italian Alliance in Cote Nova. Since then, the emperors have stopped the glorious tradition of going to Italy to "play the autumn wind".

In the Battle of Manchikot in 1071, 3 Byzantine imperial troops tracked down 400 Turkic horse archers, and lost [-] after being ambushed. The Byzantine emperor was captured by the Sultan and released in a "humiliating" way. Half of the country ceased to exist, and the capital changed from the hinterland. Into the front line, all the way downhill in [-] years until the subjugation of the country, the commander Arslan became a Turkic national hero.

Saladin led 1177 people to attack Jerusalem in 6000. "Leprosy King" Baldwin IV penetrated the whole army with heavy cavalry. Saladin (and the Mamluks of the personal guard) only escaped. Baldwin became a saint and Baldwin lived for the rest of his life. No more fights.

After Baldwin was killed, Saladin summoned 4 people to make a comeback. In 1187, he wiped out [-] Templars/Hospital Knights in Harding. Jerusalem died in March. The Pope died of fright after hearing the news.

The Lionheart led 1 people to kill 2 Saladin, beheaded [-] and self-injured [-]. All Europe and Saladin praised him as a first-class genius.

The British killed 1415 French troops at Agincourt in [-], and the whole of France feared the British like a tiger.After Joan of Arc killed [-] British troops in Batai, the whole of England feared Joan of Arc like a tiger.

I am used to seeing such small-scale battles in other countries in the world, so that future generations cannot believe the scale of battles in the history of the Central Plains.

It is an exaggeration in history books to think that it is an exaggeration in history books that hundreds of thousands of troops will fight at every turn and expeditions of thousands of miles.

But the record may be faked, but the front line will not.

Take the Western Regions controlled by the Central Plains as an example. From Kashgar to Hami, the straight-line distance is [-] kilometers.

However, there is an interesting statistic: from Berlin to Moscow, the straight-line distance is also [-] kilometers.

Therefore, the Soviet-German War in World War II was fought in full swing, as if it was the largest war in human history, but it was actually a civil war in a province in the Central Plains.

King Kashgar declared war on King Hami, and a big battle broke out between the two sides over whose raisins were more authentic.

So if someone says that the scale of the ancient Zhuxia wars was exaggerated, the actual scale is only one-tenth or one-hundredth.I don't believe that Zhu Xia can fight such a large-scale war at all.

That can only mean that they are short-sighted.

When Zuo Zongtang pacified Xinjiang, Zuo Zongtang started from Shaanxi—less than [-] kilometers—enough to fight two Soviet-German wars.

Li Guangli, a well-known waste in the Central Plains.

However, the straight-line distance of Li Guangli's battle was twice that of the German army in World War II-the Han army set off from Chang'an and ran to Central Asia to fight a tough battle.

The most classic scene in the history of the Central Plains War, the northern army set off from Sichuan and went down the river to take Jinling, which seems easy to say.In fact, there are [-] kilometers from Chengdu to Nanjing.

What breaks the "world war", one war of unification of Zhuxia is almost equivalent to several world wars.

Tens of thousands of troops marched tens of thousands of miles. This is a classic tactic often played in the Central Plains, and it is a basic logistical capability.

To put it more closely, the most typical description of the Anti-Japanese War is that the Central Plains used agricultural countries to fight against the industrial empires of the small days.

But how many troops does this agricultural country maintain?
Two to three million!

This is not an isolated evidence. When the Ming Dynasty was founded, the Weisuo Army also had two to three million soldiers.

Zhu Di's Northern Expedition directly mobilized more than 50 troops.

Therefore, the entire West should be grateful to the long geography and barren land for protecting them, so that the kings of the Central Plains have always been less interested in the West.

If it weren't for the Central Plains, who thought that all the places outside the Great Wall were bitter and cold, they would have no interest in conquering them at all.Given the gap in organizational capabilities between the two sides, the Central Plains army had already passed by.

As King Zhao Huan came to the world, his gaze crossed the barren desert and plateau.

The Song Army's 10,000+ army immediately marched westward thousands of miles away.

From the end of the Battle of Kangju, the Song Army began to expand its territory in all directions.

Armies from all walks of life attacked in all directions, and one country after another was destroyed.

One country after another bowed its head in submission.

For the first time, the Puritan world bowed to the power from the Central Plains, but this power changed its target, from the historical Xiliao to today's Song Dynasty.

Throughout the winter, the Song army marched in all directions, and the front of the soldiers reached the Khwarazimo Sea (Aral Sea).

The Heihan Xiguo, Heihan Dongguo, and Khwarazimo on this vast plain were all directly destroyed and set up as prefectures and counties of the Song Dynasty.

At the same time, the Seljuk Empire did not escape. They ceded the entire Hezhong area to the Central Plains, and at the same time formally submitted a form to pay tribute.

The Song Dynasty set up four new administrative divisions on this newly opened land, including Kangju Road, Qihe Road, Hezhong East Road, and Hezhong West Road.

This division is not exactly south and north, but has a large area that protrudes. For example, the north of Hezhong West Road is adjacent to the Aral Sea, and there is a piece in the southwest that borders the Caspian Sea and has obtained the estuary here.

In an absolute sense, the Song Dynasty has realized that the east and west sides are the borders of Asia.

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