I am Da Song

Chapter 453 The Attitude of the Zijun Knights

The Knights Hospitaller, the Knights Templar, and the Teutonic Knights are the three most famous knights of the Crusaders.

The knights that have been established today include the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar.

Among them, the Knights Templar was stationed on the ruins of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, and the entire Knights got its name from it.

It can be said that if the Puritan jihad wants to recover the Holy City, it must fight the Knights Templar, which is unavoidable.

King Fulk of Jerusalem directly acquiesced that the Knights Templar would participate in the war. What really concerned the Kingdom of Jerusalem was whether the Knights Hospitaller would participate in the war.

The full name of the Knights Hospitaller is the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem.They have not yet withdrawn to Rhode Island and Malta Island. At this time, they have 7 large fortresses and more than 140 other buildings in the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

At the beginning, the Knights were only a charity organization, performing charitable acts such as medical treatment and rescue.

Until today's grand master, that is, the third grand master of the Knights Hospitaller, Puy came to power, and since 1120, it has been transformed into a military organization.

Therefore, whether the Knights participate in the exhibition has a significant impact on the situation in the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

In the royal palace in Jerusalem, Fulk V had already sat in the royal chair for half a day, and the atmosphere in the room was very heavy.

From the news of the defeat of the Antioch Army in the Battle of Aleppo, Fulk lost weight quickly. Now his face has loose skin, prominent cheekbones, and deep-set eyes. Dried the essence of the walking dead.

If someone put forward this view in person, Fulk would absolutely agree. This throne is like the throne of thorns, which hurt him all over.

The throne was not originally his, but was inherited by his wife, Melisande, from her father, Baldwin II.

Melisande was a good politician. Under her governance, the economic and cultural development of the Kingdom of Jerusalem reached its peak.

But she was not an outstanding conspirator, and soon the military power was usurped by her husband Fulk.

Until now, Fulk didn't know if the woman was really stupid, or because of love, she willingly acquiesced to her husband's usurpation of power.

But in short, Fulk took the throne by despicable means.Until today, he did not understand why the proverb says that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight first.

Now the heavy pressure almost crushed him, watching the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Robert I de Krahn, paced back and forth in the room with a sad face, and glanced at the silent palace outside the window from time to time.

Robert was full of irritability, and this matter could not be calmed down by anyone. Last year, the founder of the Knights Templar and the first Grand Master, Hugh de Paisen, had just passed away. Ordered to guard the passage from Cilicia into Antioch.

But the passage is still there, but Antioch is almost destroyed!

This is like, the knight guarding the castle is still there, but the castle is about to be captured when he turns around.

If this spread, what do people think of him, the new head of the German Knights?

Fulk looked sad, and said cautiously: "How about we ask Red Tide for peace?"

"What did you say!" Robert turned angrily.

Fulk huddled in the shadow of the throne, full of fear: "It is said that the Puritan world has surrendered to the Red Tide. Those pagans have been frightened, so they paid tribute and cede land for peace."

"We've been fighting those heretics for so many years. When did you ever see them bow down to us?"

"We have already seen the fighting power of Red Tide. There is no need to fight head-on with them. What's more, we have met for the first time, and there is no endless hatred."

"There is no endless hatred?" Robert roared angrily: "They chopped up nearly ten thousand holy crusaders of the Principality of Antioch!"

"The Puritan world is afraid of being beaten, so your knees are also weak?"

Fulk said brazenly: "The people who died were from the Principality of Antioch, not the Templars. They really don't have any hatred for you. We are negotiating peace now, and we can negotiate calmly."

"Don't you want to anger these Easterners for the so-called negotiations? Attila's whip of God should not happen again in Europe."

When it comes to God's Whip, Robert restrained his fury. After all, the Huns, like the Red Tide, were killed from the far east.

Moreover, according to the classics of the church, even the Huns, who are known as the whip of God, are not as terrible as the fighting power of this red tide.

Their speed was so fast and their attacks were so violent that the Templars couldn't believe it.

In particular, I can't understand how they managed to chop up almost all the Crusaders of the Principality of Antioch in World War I, and there were very few survivors.

Seeing that Robert was moved by the talk, Fulk immediately went on to explain: "We should sign a treaty with them. As long as they don't invade the holy city, we can give them a sum of gold."

"You acted like a coward! It's a blasphemy against God!" A violent voice came, and then a middle-aged knight like a lion pushed the door open.

He was tall, with a hard beard and rough skin, but his eyes were as fierce and cold as a lion's.

Fulk swallowed his saliva: "Pu...Puy Grand Commander."

The person who came was Pui, the grand master of the Knights Hospitaller who single-handedly turned the Knights Hospitaller from a charity medical institution into a war machine.

Although the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar are both Knights of the Crusaders, they are completely different in terms of behavioral philosophy and pure belief.

The Hospitaller Knights are more pure, and all his actions are in accordance with the teachings advocated by the Bible.

The Knights Templar, on the other hand, openly violated the teachings of the church.

The most typical of these is making loans. In Catholicism, charging interest on loans is condemned by the church.

But the Knights Templar just went on quietly.They have been engaged in the loan business, and their business objects range from the kings of various countries-they were once the biggest creditors of the King of France, down to ordinary pilgrims, and they even lent to the Saracens, the enemies of the Christians.

These financial activities are the main activities of the Knights Templar outside of military activities. It is said that there are more IOUs and account books piled up in the Knights Templar than religious books.

This point is very similar to the style of the Song Dynasty, where money is used to engage in usury.

So Fulk said that it was easy for Roberta to accept money to bribe the Song army. After all, Europeans have done too many things like bribing the Huns, bribing the Germans, and bribing the Vikings in history.

As long as you can't win, you think about using money to bribe the other party, or even hire the other party.

But the Knights of the Hospitaller firmly opposed it.

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