I am Da Song

Chapter 458 The Spread of Civilization

Chapter 458 The Spread of Civilization
Gaza City is on the east bank of the West Sea of ​​Food. Huge merchant ships cruise on the blue Sea of ​​Food. White sails float in the sun, showing the prosperity along the coast.

But on this bustling traffic road, countless ethnic groups are fighting fiercely because of two beliefs and two illusory gods.

Blood stained the coast, corpses piled up the city walls, broken flags cracked armor, and broken spear swords piled up on the battlefield.

Gaza City, this bustling city has been under siege for more than half a month.

Under the leadership of their grand master, the knights of the Knights Hospitaller defended this place, vowing to deal a head-on blow to the besieged Puritans.

A total of 7000 members of the Hospitaller Knights defended the city, and the resistance was very tenacious.

The Puritan jihadist army suffered heavy losses after previous arduous siege battles, leaving only more than [-] people, and continued to besiege the city.

The 5000 Song Army did not participate in this tragic siege.

It can be said that the purpose of initiating this war, the Song Army was not to win or defeat, but to promote talks through fighting.

It is impossible for the Song army to sustain this holy war indefinitely.

Gaza is the end point chosen by the Song army.

This can even be called the conspiracy of the Song army.

This battle was won, and the prestige of the Protectorate increased greatly. It was under the leadership of the Song Army that the Puritans defeated the Crusaders and regained their lost ground.

The rule of the Protectorate will be more prestigious and prestige in various places.

It doesn't matter if they are defeated, the Puritan jihadists suffered heavy casualties, and the crusaders' prestige is growing day by day.

The Puritans must rely more on the Protectorate if they want to fight against the Crusaders.

For the war thousands of miles away in the west, as long as Da Song is not deeply involved in it, he naturally hopes that the two sides will fight as hard as possible.

Ordinary people talk about their positions, and the country only looks at interests.

Siege warfare is not easy to fight in both East and West.

In particular, the Knights of the Hospital led a full 7000 people to defend a city. Even if the Puritans in the holy war were close to ten to one, they still couldn't attack it.

The Duhufu's evaluation of this battle is that it will take about half a year to decide the winner.

But the war lasted for half a month, and the Protectorate was forced to adjust its assessment.

New estimates suggest that the Saints could take the city, which was heavily defended by the Crusaders, in four months.

After the war lasted for a month, even the Knights Hospitaller in the city realized the reality in a desperate situation, and they might not be able to defeat the Puritans.It may even be impossible to persist for another three months, waiting for reinforcements from Europe.

Everyone underestimated the speed of the spread of civilization.

The combat effectiveness of the Puritans and the Crusaders was about the same, and even strictly speaking, the Puritans might be stronger.

The main strength lies in their organizational ability. Puritan jihads can draw up to 20 troops, and ordinary wars can also draw tens of thousands of troops.

Their biggest shortcoming is that their actions are slow and slow, they don't have the temperament of vigorous and decisive, and their hips are stretched in the battles they are in.

But with the arrival of the Song Army, their appearance has changed significantly.

These Puritans under Gaza City are the elite of all countries, professional soldiers and professionally trained slaves.

As long as the top management is willing to change, the training method will be quickly changed to the entire army.

It was the people of the Zanji Dynasty who were the first to abandon the old tradition and train according to the Song Army drill code.

Their monarch asked the army to imitate every detail of the Song Army, even copying the Song Army's passwords.

Song Jun's "Wu Jing Zong Yao" is not a secret that is not passed on, and even among the people, there are a large number of military books existing in major martial arts colleges.

The Zanji people also spent a lot of money to ask the generals and soldiers of the Song Army for their drill experience.

There is no way to prevent this kind of thing. The inherent diffusion of civilization makes it possible for a country to follow the gourd as long as it wants to learn.

But you must know that what they are studying is the most capable fighter in the world today!
Even if it is like a tiger and a cat, it has some elegance.

All other countries are curious to observe how much Zenji's army will change. Will it improve the combat effectiveness of the Puritans by learning to array, learn to stand in a military posture, and line up according to the Song army?
It took only one month for Zenji's army to form a consensus for both inside and outside the city.

That is advanced organization and queue training, which can really improve combat effectiveness.

Especially infantry!
The infantry of the Puritans before that was very hip.

Not only is the combat power weak, but also the action is slow, and it will be defeated with one blow.

So the Puritan Gorum slave army was full of horse archers and archers.Rely on bow and arrow to shoot and kill opponents.

Sanjar's intimidation to Song Dynasty was based on the fact that the sharp arrows of Puritan warriors could cut the hair of pagans.

However, after Zenji's infantry adopted the Song Army's training drills, both the formation speed and the formation of the lineup were greatly improved.

They can now gather quickly under the command of the military order, and firmly carry out some tasks that test their willpower.

After gradual tempering, they have a tendency to rely on heavy infantry, spears and axes to win the war.

This is very fatal to the Crusaders.

Because the Crusaders are a typical medieval army, their infantry front is relatively weak.

Only those heavy infantry and professional mercenaries from the citizens of the city can form a tough front.

The feudal fief troops from various feudal territories are cannon fodder composed of a group of feudal serfs, which are serfs and militias.

Western European knights are the core of the crusaders' fighting power.The charge of heavy cavalry is the key to victory on the battlefield.

However, during the siege of Gaza, the Knights of the Hospitaller had to wear armor and participated in the defense of the city as foot knights, strangling together with the Puritan heavy infantry.

It was a fair fight, but an unfair drain.

The Puritans could form a large number of heavy infantry, especially after Zanji's army performed outstandingly, other countries followed suit and quoted the Song Army's drill code.

He even asked the Song Army for advice on advanced siege equipment and siege tactics. With each month's advance, the balance of victory in the war was shifting towards the Puritans.

Under such circumstances, Niu Gao had even started to write a victory report to the emperor, and the war would be over when the Puritans captured Gaza City with blood and sacrifices.

He has already negotiated a very considerable agreement with the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar. He believes that as long as this agreement is passed back to the Central Plains, the emperor will definitely appreciate the achievements of the Persian Protectorate.

He, Niu Gao, might even be promoted to Jiedushi of the two towns with this meritorious service.

This is the prominent position of the Song Dynasty military only weaker than Yue Xiang and Han Xiang.

Among the millions of troops in the Great Song Dynasty, only Yue Fei was the envoy of the four towns, and Han Shizhong was the envoy of the three towns.

Although the Jiedushi had no real power in the Song Dynasty, he was still the pinnacle of honor for all warriors.

But he had already written the good news, and a piece of news from the north made him fly into a rage and tore up all the agreements and papers with his own hands.

The crusader country, treacherous, has surrendered to the "beautiful man" John II!
(End of this chapter)

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