I am Da Song

Chapter 471

Chapter 471
After Tang Yi finished reading the letter, Zhao Huan took the initiative to speak and said, "Tang Siqing, I am not facing the Persian Capital Protectorate. But a group of soldiers are fighting bloody battles with the Byzantines and Thais on the front line, shining on the sun and the moon, majestic and majestic."

"How is your Honglu Temple dragging behind like this? I just want to know what your Honglu Temple is planning. Do you want the Persian Protectorate to withdraw from the front line? Transfer the elite troops from the coast of the West Dashi Sea to the river, Clean up the mess for you? Clean up these barbarians from the Caucasus?"

A thin layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Tang Yi's forehead, and he quickly explained: "Guanjia, this... this barbarian came too suddenly. The river is long and narrow from east to west, and has almost no depth from north to south, so..."

"So! I don't want to hear your reasons, so!" Zhao Huan interrupted without hesitation: "The barbarians have already gone south from the Caucasus, threatening the right wing of the Protectorate. Now you tell me the reason, it's all because of that." It doesn't help."

This can't be blamed on Zhao Huan's lack of affection, it's because Honglu Temple's efficiency is too low.

After the Great Song Dynasty won the battle of Kangju, it cut off a large area of ​​territory from the territory of Dashi. From the four towns of Anxi in the Tang Dynasty, it directly delineated the Qihe and Hezhong areas to the west. In fact, this area is easy to distinguish, namely the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea. line.

This made the territory of the Song Dynasty span the entire Asian continent.

But the Asian continent is an extremely vast land, and the north and the south are not a straight line, but span nearly ten thousand miles.The area is more than 400 million square kilometers.

Even in today's Great Song Dynasty, the territory directly under its jurisdiction is only a little more than a quarter.

The remaining three quarters were occupied by barbarians and Hulu.

Therefore, the work of Honglu Temple must be the top priority. It is necessary to clarify the entire situation of the barbarians, use diplomacy to build the empire's vassal system, and use the subordinate tribes as the country to build barriers to resist foreign captives.

However, the empire has already reached the middle of the river, but there are still a large number of barbarians and barbarians in the north of the river who have not surrendered.

This made the southward movement of the barbarians in the Caucasus region appear extremely abrupt, and the soldiers even threatened the core areas of the prefectures and counties of the Song Dynasty.

The Caucasus area was a stormy area during World War II.

Germany tried its best to lobby Turkey here to send millions of troops to attack the Soviet Union from the Caucasus.

It has been the forefront of the confrontation between Puritanism and Orthodox Church since ancient times.

The handsome Byzantine emperor John II just conquered Armenia in the Caucasus region this year and captured King Leon I of Armenia, so the power of the Orthodox Church directly expanded here.

In the north of Byzantium, there is also a piece of territory of the Rus. It was the Byzantines who supported the Rus and dispersed the Turkic people in this area, so that the Rus had no foreign aggression from strong enemies.

Generally speaking, the Ross people are known as a fighting nation. It's not that they can fight, but that they have been accompanied by wars.

Their combat prowess stands out when they have allies to back them up logistically, as this ensures their bottom gray cattle are well-supplied.

Therefore, the Puritan vassal state here, Azerbaijan was directly defeated by the Rus.

Coming down from the Caucasus, the Rus directly controlled the Caspian Sea and directly bordered the core area of ​​the Great Song Dynasty.

Zhao Huan leaned on the soft couch and said to Tang Yi: "Isn't it worth Honglu Temple to take a closer look at the vast ice field to the north of the empire's borders? I don't want future generations to comment on my dynasty, saying that I have a thousand years in the sky The foundation didn't conquer the northern ice sheets either. And the Ross people, a group of barbarians, conquered the entire world in a hundred years."

Tang Yi immediately said: "I dare not argue any more. The Honglu Temple already has an absolutely efficient solution to the invasion of the Ross people. Only relying on the orders of the Honglu Temple can solve this matter. It does not consume national strength. .”

Zhao Huan asked: "Since you have this ability, why did you go so early?"

Tang Yi looked serious and correct, and said: "About what the officials said, the imperial court doesn't pay attention to the ice field, and I think this is caused by ideas."

"The empire has a broad direction to explore. After the army fell into the river, the energy of the empire was divided into two directions."

"Master Wang is attacking to the west to subdue the Dashi and resist the Taixi people. This is an absolutely correct strategic choice. Regardless of population, wealth, commerce, and even culture, military, and civilization, etc., the Dashi area will become my saint." North Korea's territory is of great significance. It is far incomparable to the northward conquest."

Zhao Huan nodded, basically the strategy of the Central Plains Dynasty is this model.

After the Central Plains was stabilized, it expanded westward.There is a more developed civilization, a more prosperous economy, and a larger population in the west.

For example, the Arabs, this is definitely the best trading partner of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Not to mention how much wealth they brought to the Central Plains, just in terms of population, they sent a large number of orchids to the Central Plains, as well as a large number of Kunlun slaves.

Similarly, a large number of black Kunlun slaves were imported. Why did the fall of Midi and the spread of black Kunlun slaves make the country degenerate and chaotic, while the continuous import of Kunlun slaves from the Central Plains has almost no effect?

You must know that as long as you are born in a prosperous age, the emperors in the Puritan area can easily capture a large number of Kunlun slaves from Africa and send them to the Central Plains every year.

Calculated based on time and quantity, the problem of Kunlun slaves in the Central Plains should be far more difficult and severe than Midi.

But in fact, apparently this did not happen.

This has to thank the Arabs, the good friends of the Central Plains.

The Kunlun slaves they captured will all be castrated and sent to the Central Plains.

Therefore, in the Central Plains, it is almost impossible for a black Kunlun slave to marry a lady and give birth to a black descendant.

With such excellent partners, such a developed civilization and a prosperous economy, the Central Plains Dynasty was naturally willing to expand westward.

If it is said that by conquering Persia, the wealth gained in the Central Plains is one hundred, then the most gained by fighting north is one.

Therefore, the Central Plains has no interest in conquering the ice sheets in the north by nature, and has no motivation.

One reality that must be admitted is that for 5000 years, none of the princes and generals of the Central Plains chose to go north, so it must not be that so many heroes have shallow knowledge.What future generations can think of, they must also see, but under the circumstances at that time, the conquest to the north was completely outweighed by the gains.

In other words, the Central Plains has been in existence for 5000 years, and even if a strange thing emerges, there will be some people who will conquer the north according to the probability.But after everyone tried, they all chose to give up.It shows that the attractiveness and return of that piece of land to the Central Plains is far less than that of the West.

After talking about the west, Tang Yi continued: "In addition to expanding westward, the king's division is still heading south. Jiaozhi, Champa and other places have just been destroyed. The army sent the king back to Tokyo for trial, but the army still stayed there to stabilize the situation. , to suppress the rebellion."

"Whether going west or south, its priority is far higher than going north. The route chosen by my pilgrimage is roughly similar to that of previous dynasties. The scope of the instance must always be radiated from the Central Plains."

"But this is just the similarities between my dynasty and previous dynasties, and there are differences in Honglu Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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