I am Da Song

Chapter 485

After talking about the businessman, Zhang Jun seriously suggested to Zhao Huan: "Officials, these wealthy businessmen are developing very rapidly overseas."

"Such as merchants from Zhejiang and Zhejiang occupy a large number of mountain cities, seaport cities and islands on the Dongying Islands, and control the foreign trade routes of the entire Dongying Islands."

"They recruited warriors, set up military ports, and hoarded supplies, just like a separatist regime."

"If the navy doesn't manage it, they are simply planning to be kings."

"But if the navy manages it, it's also called injustice and disobedience. Martial arts meddling in politics has been a sign of troubled times since ancient times."

At this point, Wu Lin wished he could be an invisible person, for fear of being criticized by these court chiefs.

The navy holds too much power. It can be said that overseas, businessmen may not know who the current prime minister is.

But it is absolutely impossible not to know the Wu Family Daqi of the Navy.

He, Wu Lin, was not so arrogant that he thought he could challenge the authority of the emperor.

But this kind of thing, the most fearful thing is the suspicion of the emperor.

As long as the emperor thinks about it again, Wu Lin will die without a place to bury him.

In this regard, even the Privy Council, the highest body of the Song Dynasty military, remained silent.

Yue Fei, the military god of the Great Song Dynasty, has always believed that soldiers should not interfere in government affairs, and the bounden duty of the army is to obey.Master Wang must unconditionally implement the will of the emperor.

So after Zhang Jun proposed, everyone was silent.

Under the system of the Central Plains, it is true that the army cannot be allowed to manage the administration and taxation of such a large area.

Zhao Huan asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Jun immediately said: "I think the most urgent thing is to set up the governor's mansion in Dongying and Nanyang."

"A large area of ​​cities, islands, business taxes, and trade occupied by merchants on the Dongying Islands will be managed by the governor of Dongying."

"The Governor's Mansion." Zhao Huan pondered, it was not the Governor's Mansion, which meant that this was not a territory directly under the Central Plains.

The most direct definition of Dudu’s Mansion is: “Its leader is the Dudu and the governor, and all of them are hereditary. Although the tributes and books are not listed in the Ministry of Households, the Shengjiao Institute is all led by the Dudu and Duhu of Bianzhou. Yu Lingshi."

That is to say, it is basically similar to the early governors, with supervision power, but no military power.Even the household registration is not counted, only tribute is collected.

This means that Song Dynasty will not deploy troops to these governors, which can save a lot of expenses.

But don't take them lightly for that either.

After all, they represented the local will of the imperial court and were responsible for coordinating and supervising these colonial merchants.

They are all the forces of the Song Dynasty. If there are conflicts, they must be resolved through consultation with the government. They cannot directly use weapons to kill each other on a large scale.

This kind of thing, not to mention the big loss of winning or losing.

Once the news spread, let the government and the navy know, the two merchants dispatched dozens of armed merchant ships, and thousands of troops engaged in large-scale fierce battles at sea or in the territory of the vassal state.

Needless to say what reputation they will leave behind.Almost tantamount to rebellion.

This is simply touching the bottom line of the country.

The Navy is sure to screw both heads off.

And as a government agency, it will definitely tax the local area, similar to the Shibo Department.

The economic gains of the colony could not have been wild and unchecked.

The country has brought such rich conveniences to merchants, allowing them to earn a lot of money in the colonies, so it is natural to collect a certain amount of wealth to give back to the Central Plains and support the navy.

Zhao Huan felt that the governor of the Song Dynasty was somewhat similar to the governor of the western colonies.

A lowly position, mastering local administrative, judicial, taxation and other powers.

Of course it is hereditary, so they should stop thinking about it.

In the Central Plains culture, hereditary has long been crushed to pieces.Even prime ministers and magistrates cannot be hereditary, let alone a group of colonial governors.

Zhang Jun said: "My minister suggests that the envoys who are sent to Dongying this time should be directly transferred to the governor of Dongying after the mission, and form the governor's office of Dongying."

"One is responsible for judicial trials. Even in the land of Dongying, these businessmen must abide by the "Song Xingtong" among themselves, and they must not be allowed to kill the people of the Song Dynasty lawlessly."

At this point, all the ministers nodded in agreement.

How they plundered and accumulated primitively in the colonies, the court didn't care.

But if even the people of the Great Song Dynasty dared to slaughter, they slaughtered another caravan for profit and robbed the merchant ships in the Central Plains.

That is a capital crime.

If they dare to kill businessmen today, will they dare to loot the Central Plains tomorrow?Do you dare to rise up and rebel the day after tomorrow?

"The second is responsible for administrative supervision. The imperial court can allow them to build cities and conduct business and trade. But they are absolutely not allowed to build a complete industrial system locally."

"For example, blast furnace steelmaking technology, steam power workshops, porcelain kilns, brocade textile workshops, artillery smelting plants, and assembly line machinery workshops. Anyone dares to set up advanced workshops overseas under these new trends of thought. Once discovered, they will be killed immediately." No pardon."

Before the others could speak, Zhao Huan clapped his hands first, and said, "Your words are very kind. As the right chancellor, I am very pleased with your proposal."

"Since ancient times, the Central Plains has been guarding, and fine gold and iron, if a piece of iron flows outside the customs, it will be punished."

"Now that I am developing towards industry, I don't care about mere swords and bows, and even muskets are allowed to flow out."

"But it does not mean that I am going to give up defense and let it go."

"On the contrary, what the right minister mentioned is the most important essence of civilization in my dynasty. I think it's a bit monotonous to kill without forgiveness."

"After the establishment of the Dudu Mansion, the first thing to do is to set up a list to encourage people to report. Once a businessman is successfully reported to have these high-end workshops overseas, he will be given half of the property of the person reported."

"Let the court share the benefits with the individual."

Compared with the ancient gold and iron, the biggest advantage of these workshops is that they are easy to report.

Each workshop has a large number of workers, and as long as it is established, it will continue to exist, and the goal is huge.

Basically, one accusation is one accusation.

As long as the imperial court is willing to pay a lot of money, there must be brave men to report under the heavy reward.

In this way, the court and the whistleblowers benefited together.

Whistleblowers gained wealth, and the imperial court prevented the exodus of the industrial system.

A colony can develop its economy and have huge wealth, but it must not have a well-developed industrial system.

The principle of strong stems and weak branches has been true since ancient times.

Especially on the Dongying Islands, it would be a disaster if the industrial system was passed on.

The current two key points, the Dongying Dudufu and the Nanyang Dudufu, are both today's Pan-Confucian cultural circles.

It will be easier to manage by setting up the Dudu Mansion from these two places first, at least there will not be too much cultural conflict, and it will be conducive to the concentrated spread of Wang Hua in the local area.

Zhao Huan said: "Let's implement it according to the right minister's proposal. The specific regulations will be issued by the Political Affairs Hall. Today, the two governors will be finalized."

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