I am Da Song

Chapter 493 Pope, how many divisions does he have?

Chapter 493 Pope, how many divisions does he have?

Airships are the romance of the steampunk world.

This kind of air carrier has many disadvantages, such as unstable control, slow sailing speed, small load capacity, severe weather influence on sailing, etc., but its safety is not included.

After all, the Zeppelin airship can withstand the bombing of fighter jets, and the Allied aircraft are completely helpless against it.

The huge size of the airship is doomed. Even if it is hit by dense bullets, it will not disintegrate. It will only slowly leak air, which is enough for the airship to sail for a long distance and land smoothly.

For airships, the biggest disaster hazard is fire instead. For example, the famous Hindenburg incident was an accident caused by fire.

But basically, when flying in clear sky, and not flying too high, it is not prone to fire.After all, his principle is not much different from that of a hot air balloon.

So under Frederick's surprised eyes, Zhao Huan took the lead in calmly boarding the airship that landed on the huge square of the palace.

Frederick didn't want to be looked down upon by the Song people, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Zhao Huan onto the airship.

Few people boarded the airship, only the emperor, an interpreter and a bodyguard.

But Frederick had no delusions. He had heard the horrors of this guard.

It is said that those burly soldiers in the Song Guojun who were more than 1.9 meters high, and hundreds of people confronted him, could not stop him from rushing left and right, and were directly knocked into the air.

Frederick really couldn't imagine what kind of natural supernatural power this was, a giant-like soldier could be knocked out with a single punch.But he knew that if he dared to have any unruly thoughts, the guard would be able to smash himself into the wall of the airship with one hand.

After all, Frederick is just a young man now, his body has not yet grown, and he feels that it is wishful thinking to fight against this kind of warrior who is in his prime.

So he quietly followed behind the emperor, and slowly lifted off with the airship, looking at the city like the skyline in the distance.

This is a brand-new perspective that he has never seen before. The endless city surpasses the city wall, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance in the distance. The huge city lies across the plain, showing unprecedented prosperity in the world.

Lively crowds, countless caravans, and busy pedestrians filled the entire city.

And all of this, at this moment, was trampled underfoot like ants.

Looking down at the clouds, stepping on the void, looking down from the transparent window, under the fear of heights, Frederick felt a little unstable, his whole chest was unprecedentedly tense, and his chest was beating violently.

Just when his heart was beating like a twitch, the voice of the Emperor Song came from his ears: "How do you feel at this moment? Do you feel like a god, standing on the cloud, looking down on all living beings?"

Frederick quickly looked away, not daring to continue standing by the window, and asked, "Is this the perspective of the gods?"

Zhao Huan looked at Frederick with a faint smile, and said, "I don't know what the perspective of the gods is. But I am sure, if there are gods, then you must be closer to the gods than the Pope at this moment."

Frederick's heart was beating violently and his chest was a little depressed. For a moment, he really couldn't tell the meaning behind the words of Emperor Song.

Zhao Huan didn't continue talking, but turned around and said, "I heard that in Italy, some priests led peasants to start an uprising, claiming to abolish the Pope's territory and let the Pope live the life of ordinary people?"

Frederick felt that the words of the Orientals were really going around and around, very indirect.

There was a hidden meaning behind every sentence they said, but he really couldn't figure out what the emperor meant by this sentence.

He could only ask: "Does Your Majesty think they can succeed?"

Zhao Huan directly made a conclusion and said, "Impossible."

"Why? Because the Holy See is the executor of the will of the gods in the world?"

Zhao Huan asked with a smile: "Do you believe it? If he is the executor of the will of the gods, why would someone start an uprising against him?"

"This... I don't know either. If it wasn't for this, what reason does His Majesty think the uprising couldn't succeed?"

Zhao Huan looked at Frederick and said solemnly: "Because there is a king who will lead troops to help him strangle the rebels."

"Didn't you find out? Without the help of many kings in the West, the Pope would not even be able to deal with the peasant uprising in Rome."

"But...but..." Frederick's long-standing values ​​were severely impacted at this moment, and he stumblingly retorted: "But, he is the holy seat. He is the spokesperson of the will of the gods. Many kings want to maintain their rule. , even to kiss his shoes."

Zhao Huan smiled calmly, not entangled with him on this issue, and asked, "Do you know why we Easterners don't believe in Christ, let alone fear the Pope?"

Frederick thought very carefully for a long time, and said seriously: "It's because you are too far away from Rome to feel the majesty of the Holy See."

"No, it's because, when you told us that Easterners want to kiss the Pope's shoes, we Easterners will definitely ask, Pope, how many conductors does he have?"

"Or translated into your Western discourse, Pope, how many divisions does he have?"

How many conductors does the Pope have?

This sentence directly shows the spiritual characteristics of oriental pragmatism.

After all, before the establishment of the Great Song Dynasty, it had just gone through the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the common custom among the people was-the Son of Heaven, and those with strong soldiers and horses would do it.

Even the emperor is not in the eyes, you can imagine the attitude of the people towards the pope.

As for the question of how many teachers the Pope has, Frederick thought about it seriously. It was difficult to answer in the past, but today, this question is very certain.

The pope's army has almost been wiped out before the red tide!
The Pope actually has his own army. He has two identities, one is the spiritual leader of the church, and the other is the secular monarch of the Papal State.

As for the two most famous knight orders in the crusading world, the object of filial piety is the Pope.

The Knights have no vassal relationship with any country, they are all the armed forces of the church.

However, the Knights Hospitallers killed more than 7000 people in the first battle in Gaza. Later, their troops guarding the fort and the castle gathered together, and together with the Knights Templar, they gathered 1 people to guard the holy city of Jerusalem, which was broken by the red tide again.

The tragic defeat of these two decisive battles caused all members of the Knights Hospitalier to be wiped out and completely destroyed.

The Knights Templar is a little bit better. They still have a group of people staying in the Cilicia Corridor. Although the main force is also destroyed in Jerusalem, they still have at least dozens of knights and more than 2000 soldiers left behind. seed.

After the destruction of the Knights, the Pope no longer has any direct lineages to arm him, so it is obvious how many divisions he has in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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