I am Da Song

Chapter 51 Sir, times have changed!

Chapter 51 Sir, times have changed!
After repelling the first round of tentative attacks by the Jin people, the morale of the Song army was high, and countless soldiers cheered enthusiastically, as if they wanted to roar out countless joys in their chests.

Liu Fan also breathed a sigh of relief in the battle. Song Jun's performance was finally worthy of his strict rewards and punishments for many days, rectifying military discipline, and motivating the soldiers.

The soldiers of the imperial army are not heartless people, they can eat hot meals every meal, except for the soldiers guarding the city wall who have to face the severe cold, other unworthy soldiers can barely keep warm in the camp, and the morale of the whole army is still low. It's high.

"Taiwei, the Jin army has sent people to fight again! It's a woman!"

Following the trembling voices of the soldiers, all the Song soldiers who were guarding in formation looked into the distance, and saw dozens of ragged Song women being driven by the Jin army with swords, walking barefoot in front of the Jin army.

And behind this chaotic flow of people, the golden army re-arranged. In addition to shields, these people also pushed donkey carts, wooden doors, cabinets and other things collected from the city together.

Yelu Huaiyi stood behind the whole army on horseback to oversee the battle, and encouraged him loudly: "The southern barbarians only have the strength of a bow and crossbow. If you get close to them, they will surely kill them and break the army."

"Taiwei, what should I do?" Song Jun asked nervously.The Jin people used the people of the Great Song Dynasty as human shields, just to make the Song army avoid the use of arrows, so that they could not take advantage of the arrow array.

"Keep shooting!" Someone yelled, "If we take care of these women and let the Jin army approach, we will lose our lives."

"You can't shoot arrows! Those are the citizens of the Great Song Dynasty, the people of Tokyo, and our loyal soldiers who need to protect their hometown." Someone immediately shouted: "Could it be that our army is going to be reduced to slaughtering people like thieves and captives? "

"Yes! You can't shoot arrows! Countless people in Tokyo are looking at this place, looking at our army. Wouldn't it be chilling to kill an unarmed woman? Don't we, the soldiers, have the courage to fight the golden man hand-to-hand?"

Liu Fan raised his hand, stopped the quarrel, and said, "Su Jing, since I dared to take you out of the city to fight, I already expected it. The formation remains the same, no arrows are allowed."

Then Liu Fan walked to the front of the formation and yelled at the women who were driven away by the Jin army: "Run here! The official family is king over all the people, and the virtue is the old and the weak. They will never let the imperial army shoot arrows and slaughter the people of the Great Song Dynasty."

A group of women whose bodies were stiff and bruised from the cold gradually became brighter after hearing this, and some of them wept with joy and ran forward desperately.

Seeing that the Song army did not shoot arrows, the Jin army was equally delighted and fanatical. The centurion in charge of the front line shouted: "The southern barbarians are as benevolent as women, and bound their hands and feet. Leave behind all kinds of shields and follow these women. After people, hide and kill them!"

The Jin army thought that they could engage in hand-to-hand combat, their morale was greatly boosted, and countless people rushed forward with their guns and shields yelling.

At this moment, the women fleeing for their lives seemed to be racing against the god of death. If they could rush to the front of the Song army, they could avoid the fate of being slaughtered by the Jin army.

A large number of women tried their best to run with their skirts up, regardless of the stiffness of their feet and the severe cold of the ground.

The soldiers of the Song Army clenched their fists tightly, and someone shouted anxiously, "Run! Come here!"

Under the tense attention of both the enemy and us, a girl with only cardamom years blushed, and was the first to run into the Song army formation, and even ran into the arms of a young soldier excitedly, weeping with joy.

The young soldier was equally excited and at a loss, he didn't know whether to help the girl, or to tell him whether male and female professors can't stand each other.

But at this moment, a firm belief was born in the young soldier's heart that the golden dog should not be allowed to humiliate the Tokyo woman again.I must kill all the golden men.

Yue Fei's "Aspiration to eat the meat of the barbarians hungry, laughing and talking about thirsting for the blood of the Huns" is by no means an isolated example, but the sublimation of the common aspirations of thousands of soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty after witnessing the tragic situation.

After a large number of women rushed into the Song army's position, the Jin man let out an ecstatic roar: "Sure enough, the Nanmanzi didn't shoot their arrows, and the formation was shattered by the impact. Rush over! Rush over and kill them all!"

Standing in front of the entire army, Liu Fan looked at the rushing golden men like a tide, with the huge fire reflected in his eyes, and said bitterly: "Barbarians, times have changed! Throw!"

Following Liu Fan's last loud yell, the Song army's formation roared loudly, and then ten burly and physically strong men went into battle shirtless, ran wildly in the formation to help them, ran to the front of the formation, and then suddenly rushed to the front of the formation. Throw the burning cylinder in your hand.

The next moment, in the Jin army's position that was charging intensively, the flames exploded, and the broken arms flew horizontally.

The huge explosion, the iron pieces flying around, the blood splattered and countless wailings caused the gold army that was charging to collapse directly.

Countless people didn't even know what happened, and the Jin army suffered heavy losses. The dense formation caused at least 30 people in the Jin army to die in the explosion, more than 50 people were injured by splashed porcelain, and hundreds of people lost their ears.

The firearms unit of the Song Dynasty that only existed in the capital became a blockbuster in this battle.

The Jin army thought it was a hand-to-hand combat, but the Song army took out a bunch of "fragment grenades" very unscrupulously.

What Song Jun used was the thunderbolt fireball produced by "Gunpowder Kiln". "Wu Jing Zong Yao" stipulates its shape: "Use thirty pieces of thin porcelain such as iron coins, and three or four catties of gunpowder, wrapped in bamboo as a ball. Leave an inch of bamboo at both ends, and add medicine to the ball."

At this time, the outside of the fireball is not wrapped in metal, but the gunpowder is stored in the three-section bamboo "one and a half inches in diameter without cracks in the pot".

Three or four catties of gunpowder and thirty fragments of projectiles are stored in this bamboo tube.Its principle is no different from that of later generations of fragmentation grenades.

Da Song’s self-proclaimed that "the military equipment is so advanced that it has never been seen in ancient times" is by no means a false statement. His technological innovation and determination to forge ahead have amazed even Zhao Huan, a later generation.

Therefore, when the Jin army faced this kind of attack for the first time, its morale was instantly in turmoil.

The only regret is that the gunpowder of the Song Dynasty had not been improved at this time, otherwise thirty or forty catties of gunpowder and hundreds of fragments would explode in the dense army formation, and the golden army that would surely explode would be flying with blood and limbs everywhere.

The deplorable state of the Jin army attracted countless Tokyo heroes who were paying attention to this place in the dark and cheered.

The outer city, which was supposed to be quiet and cold, burst into cheers following the disastrous defeat of the Jin army, as if the entire city of Tokyo was full of rejoicing subjects.

The huge sound wave resounded through the sky and reached the forbidden area, even waking up Zhao Huan who was sleeping soundly.

"Kill the golden dog!"

"Shoot, shoot 'em!"

In the alleys and roofs on both sides of West Street, densely packed heroes once again appeared.

These people either threw a rope around the neck of the struggling Jin Jun and dragged him into a dark alley.Or stand on the window or the roof and shoot cold arrows at the golden man.

Jin Jun was dragged into a brutal street fight again.

Even if Yelu Huaiyi knew something was wrong, he had no choice but to send troops into the houses on both sides to wipe out the fiercely resisting Tokyo soldiers and civilians.

If they were allowed to stand aside all the time, the morale of the Khitan people would collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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